Title: | Dragonball: Other Roads ~ The Left Fork ~ | |
Series: | Dragonball | |
Genre: | Drama, Slice Of Life, Alternate Universe | |
Content Rating: | 14+ (Some objectionable content) | |
Updated: | December 30, 2012 | |
Status: | Hiatus | |
10% | When the road forks, the path you didn't take may lead someplace you never could have imagined... | |
Title: | Dragonball Theta | |
Series: | Dragonball | |
Genre: | Action | |
Content Rating: | 14+ (Some objectionable content) | |
Updated: | October 2, 2012 | |
Status: | Hiatus | |
CHAPTER 6 | A continuation of the Dragonball saga, following DBZ and ignoring DBGT. | |
Title: | Look Behind You | |
Series: | Dragonball | |
Genre: | Drama | |
Content Rating: | All Ages | |
Updated: | December 17, 2012 | |
Status: | Complete | |
COMPLETE | In the afterlife, Son Gokuu meets someone he never expected to meet... | |
Title: | Strays | |
Series: | Dragonball Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon | |
Genre: | Crossover | |
Content Rating: | 14+ (Some objectionable content) | |
Updated: | October 9, 2012 | |
Status: | Hiatus | |
CHAPTER 1 | When Freeza returns once more to finish the job the Jinzouningen started, Mirai no Trunks and the only two other survivors of his world escape to another universe... | |
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