Saturday, August 1, 2015


Sunset Shimmer finished unwrapping the last of her presents with a satisfied smile. "It'll do," she said. She glanced across the lavishly-furnished living room at two boys who comprised a full two thirds of her guest list. "Snips. Snails. Party's over. Go home."

"Uhh, party's over?" Snails asked stupidly. "But, it''s like, only two-thirty in the afternoon, eh?"

Sunset stood up, slamming her palms on the oak coffee table. "When I say the party's over, the party's over!" she snapped.

"Got it!" Snips said, standing up quickly, finishing the last two bites of his slice of cake, and scampering for the door. Snails followed behind him, tripping on the expensive imported antique rug.

Once they were out the door, Sunset massaged the bridge of her nose. "Idiots," she said.

The final guest crossed her arms and scowled. "You don't have to be such a bitch all the time," she said.

Sunset glared at her. "What was that?" she asked dangerously.

"Those two are freshmen. They don't even really know you yet. I'm just saying, maybe you could be a little nicer to them?"

Sunset threw back her head and laughed. "Nice to those drooling buffoons? As if! They do what I say because they can't stop staring at my chest. Or yours, for that matter."

The other girl crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. "I noticed," she said.

"They're two dimwitted little trolls who are so elated a girl as hot as me is even talking to them they'll do whatever I say without question," Sunset said, waving a hand dismissively. "They don't even need any...persuasion, like some people." She smirked haughtily, flipping her hair. "By the way, did you do that thing I asked?"

"Of course."

"Good." Sunset stood and stretched. "Now that those two little idiots are gone, the real party can begin."

"Whatever your idea of a real party is, I don't think I want to see it," the other girl said, standing up and putting down her plate. "I'll just be going now."

"Oh, no you won't," Sunset said. "You have one last birthday present to give me."

The other girl groaned. "What now?" she complained. "You've been running me ragged this past week!"

"I'd watch that tone if I were you," Sunset said. "Don't want me to slip up and mention certain teachers to certain principals, do we?"

A resigned sigh was her answer. "Of course not."

"Good." Sunset smirked. "Now, follow me," she said. "I'm moving the party to my bedroom..."

Fluttershy frowned and followed Sunset out of the living room, down the hall, and upstairs.

Sunset's bedroom was spacious, with rich leather wall coverings, a deep, plush velvet carpet, a queen-sized mahogany bed with fire orange satin sheets, low lighting from a series of wall sconces, a walk-in closet, and a Neighponese style ricepaper screen, lacquered black, that divided the main part of the room from the dressing area. Fluttershy had only been in Sunset's bedroom twice before, and had to admit that it had a certain...swankiness. Just inside the door, she removed her boots and set them on the straw mat next to the closet, then padded cautiously into the room as Sunset breezed past, plucking a magenta silk robe from a hook inside her closet door and walking behind the dressing screen.

"What is it you want?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just a minute," Sunset replied. Fluttershy heard cloth rustling; a minute later, Sunset emerged from behind the screen wearing the silk robe. She sat down on the bed, picked up a remote, and adjusted the lights. "Come on over here."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, that's not happening."

Sunset smirked. "Fine, stay over there, then. For now."

"What's your game today, Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset sat forward. "You much as you hate me, and as small and insignificant as I find you, there is one thing that, galling as it is to admit, we have in common. One thing that makes this an ideal partnership."

"And what's that?" Fluttershy asked.

"We know each other," Sunset said. "You're the one and only person in the world who knows exactly what I am, and I'm the only person in the world—well, the only living person anyway—who knows just how sick and twisted a little bitch you really are."

"Your point being...?"

"In a strange, ironic sort of way...I can trust you," Sunset said. "I can confide things in you because I know where I stand with you."

"Is that a fact," Fluttershy said dryly.

"It is," Sunset said. "And that being the case..." She sat forward and smiled. "I have a little secret."

Fluttershy folded her arms and tilted her head.

"I've always wanted to be dominated sexually. Brutally, mercilessly dominated."

Fluttershy nearly fell over. Her face turned red and green at the same time. "That's...good to know?" she hazarded. "Actually, that's way more than I ever wanted to know about your sick fetishes." She frowned. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because," Sunset said, standing up and giving Fluttershy a sharklike smile. "I'm about to give you the honor of being the one who grants my wish."

Fluttershy's jaw dropped. "WHAT?" she cried.

Sunset stalked toward her like a panther. "Go look in the closet, on the left hand side," she said. "Behind the silk blazer, next to the navy slacks."

With a confused frown, Fluttershy walked into the closet, turned on the light, and searched where indicated. After a minute, she screamed, "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"Ah, you found it," Sunset said.

Fluttershy stalked out of the closet, face red with rage and embarrassment. "WHAT. The FUCK. Was THAT?!"

"You know exactly what it was," Sunset said. Licking her lips, she said, "Go put it on."

"No way in HELL," Fluttershy snarled.

"Oh really?" Sunset said, raising an eyebrow. She reached over onto the bedside table and picked up her phone threateningly.

Fluttershy stared at her. "'re serious about this," she said.

Sunset nodded.

"You really expect me put that thing on."


"And..." Fluttershy swallowed. "And...and do...THAT. To YOU."

"Yes indeed," Sunset said.

Fluttershy stood rooted to the spot, wracked with alarm, indecision, confusion, trepidation, and disgust. After a moment, she narrowed her eyes. "If I do this," she said, "I am going to hurt you. I am going to make this as painful as I possibly can."

"Oooh," Sunset purred.

"I mean it, Shimmer. You won't be able to sit down for a week—no, a MONTH—when I'm through with you."

"That's exactly what I want!" Sunset said happily.

Fluttershy gave her a half-lidded glare. "You are sick," she said.

"I know," Sunset replied with a smug smile.

Fluttershy sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine," she spat. "Let's...let's get this over with."

Sunset walked over to the bed and sat, waiting, as Fluttershy headed back into the closet. She watched the top of Fluttershy's head move behind the lacquered screen, then listened to the sound of cloth hitting the floor, followed by Fluttershy's embarrassed and angry muttering. It took far too long for her liking, but eventually Fluttershy emerged from behind the screen wearing black leather thigh-high boots, a black leather corset, and a black leather thong which sported a massive, slightly curved nylon dildo. "Do I even want to know how you got my sizes?" Fluttershy asked.

"Probably not," Sunset said. She smiled. "Mmm...that's a good look for you."

"Fuck you," Fluttershy said.

"Yes please!"

Fluttershy facepalmed. "Oh, for..." She shook her head. "Just...let's get this over with."

"No," Sunset said slowly. "We're not just going to do this quickly. I want you to take your time, really make me your bitch." She smiled. "Hurt me, abuse me, force me down. Anything that doesn't leave a mark on my face."

Fluttershy tilted her head. "You know, I never pegged you as a lesbo."

"I'm not," Sunset said. "But given the choice between this and waiting around in an alley for some random asshole to rape me, I'll take the safer option."

"Why ME, though?" Fluttershy asked. "You've got those two little troglodytes wrapped around your little finger, you could do any deviant thing you wanted with—"


Fluttershy recoiled slightly. "Okay, okay, shit. Calm down." She shrugged. "Fair point, most hookers would put out the off duty sign if they saw those two retards coming."

"In any case, I can control you," Sunset said. "What do you think the odds are of me being able to suppress something like this getting out if I let any boy from CHS do this?"

Fluttershy sighed. "Yeah yeah, dirty little secrets kill," she said resignedly. "Just...don't expect me to get off on this, alright? I'm not a queer."

"Oh, I'm fully aware of how uncomfortable this is making you," Sunset said. "In fact, that' added perk."

Fluttershy glared at her. "Bitch," she spat.

"Are you going to stand there all day, or are you going to wreck me?" Sunset asked impatiently.

Fluttershy responded by walking up to Sunset, grabbing her by the hair, forcing her to her knees, and shoving the dildo into her mouth violently. Sunset let out a strangled cry of surprise as Fluttershy pounded against the back of her throat over and over again, before pulling out and pushing Sunset roughly onto the floor. She felt a shudder run through her own body as the fittings on the back of the dildo pressed into her own sex, rubbing against her clit.

"Looks like I found one way to shut you up, huh bitch?" Fluttershy asked softly. She drew back her foot and kicked Sunset sharply in the ass, then knelt down beside her and roughly seized and squeezed her left breast. "Is this what you want, you sick little slut? Is it?" With her other hand, she gave Sunset's ass a sharp slap. "Is it?"

Sunset cried out as Fluttershy slapped her ass over and over again while roughly squeezing her breast and twisting her nipple. By the time Fluttershy let up, Sunset's cheeks were glowing an angry red. Fluttershy rolled Sunset over onto her back and straddled her, positioning the length of her strap-on directly between Sunset's breasts.

Sunset raised an eyebrow even as she blinked back tears. "Seriously?"

"Shut up!" Fluttershy said, blushing. "I find a lot of weird shit in peoples' Internet histories, alright?" With an angry grunt, she mashed Sunset's breasts against either side of the dildo and furiously fucked her tits, fighting not to moan as the pressure against her own sex built up. She could already feel herself getting wet...

Panting, Sunset gasped out, "Put me..."

"Beg me," Fluttershy grunted.

"P-please," Sunset said. "Please...I need it..."

"You call—ngh—that—ah—begging?"

"FUCK ME OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Sunset screeched.

"Close enough," Fluttershy said. Moving off Sunset, she grabbed her by the hair, hauled her to her feet, and threw her at the bed. Sunset collided with the edge of the bed collarbone-first and slid back onto the floor. With a frustrated groan, Fluttershy hauled her up by the arm, wrestled her against the side of the bed, forced her into an awkward bent-knee position, raised her ass into the air, and rubbed the tip of the dildo against Sunset's flushed, glistening sex. Blushing furiously and feeling a nervous thrill of tension and arousal flood through her own body, Fluttershy spread Sunset's pussy lips with her thumbs and...


"AHH!" Sunset cried, hissing sharply.

"Does it hurt?" Fluttershy asked.

"Y-yes," Sunset said.

"Good," Fluttershy said. With a grim set to her jaw, she grabbed firmly onto Sunset's hips and drove the dildo in hard.

Sunset cried out in agony. Fluttershy drew back, then pushed it in again, eliciting a deep, strangled hiss-moan.

The back of the dildo mashed against her own sex, and she gasped sharply, sucking air between her teeth. Shaking her head to clear it, she pulled out, then pounded in again. Once again, Sunset cried out; once again, the dildo rubbed against Fluttershy's clit, sending electric tingles through her body. "Oh god," she moaned.

For the next several minutes, Fluttershy worked Sunset over, pounding into her repeatedly, alternating between fast, furious pumps and slow, even strokes, experimenting with the different feedback from the dildo as it rubbed against her own sex. She could feel her pussy juices moistening the inside of the thong, could smell her own arousal. Sunset moaned, gasped, grunted, and cried out as Fluttershy fucked her.

She wasn't sure who came first—herself or Sunset. She definitely knew she came; she felt her legs go out from under her, and she wobbled away from Sunset, sinking to her knees on the floor. She watched the glistening fluids that coated the length of the strap-on dribble onto the carpet. She stared at Sunset's flushed, gaping sex as Sunset collapsed against the bed.

Finding the strength to stand, Fluttershy stripped off the strap-on and the corset, then stalked over to the bed. She grabbed Sunset, pulled her up, and threw her onto the bed on her back. "We're not done yet," she said.

Sunset stared up at her with glassy eyes, her breathing ragged. "You...took it off," she said.

"That's right," Fluttershy said. "Because now, you're gonna eat my pussy."

Sunset blinked at her, frowning. "I'm what?"

"It's your fault I'm all worked up, and it's your fault I had to do something this sick and disgusting, so now you have to do what I say," Fluttershy said. She straddled Sunset's head, locking her in place with her thighs, and ground her pussy against Sunset's lips.

She gasped sharply as she felt Sunset's tongue probe her inner folds. "Ooooh..." She cupped her own breasts, kneading them, and arched her neck, losing herself in the waves of pleasure that flooded through her. The warm, thick wet muscle of Sunset's tongue lapped against her lips, her clit, and her G-spot. Fluttershy felt herself getting wet all over again and let it happen, let her juices pour out into the mouth of the one person she hated above all others.

She felt Sunset's hands on her thighs, on her hips, stroking and caressing and fondling as she hungrily ate the nectar of Fluttershy's flower.

Finally, with one great, strained cry, Fluttershy came again. Panting and gasping, she flopped over, landing in an awkward heap perpendicular to Sunset. Her chest heaved as she sucked in lungful after lungful of air; beside her, Sunset rolled onto her side and coughed violently, expelling Fluttershy's juices onto the sheets. After a long minute, Sunset pushed herself up into a sitting position, shaking her head and groaning.

"You little bitch, you tried to drown me," Sunset muttered hoarsely.

"It's your own fault, so shut the fuck up about it," Fluttershy said, voice ragged.

They looked at each other, their eyes holding for a long moment.

Then, they both laughed.

"God, I hate you," Sunset said.

"I hope you die so I can piss on your grave," Fluttershy said.

Sunset chuckled. "Go take a shower and get out of here," she said.

"No thank you? No 'hey, sorry for putting you through that?'"

"You just came all over my face," Sunset said. "I'll be tasting it for a week."

"Then it's the best birthday present you're ever going to get," Fluttershy said as she gingerly stood up and started gathering up her clothes.

Sunset watched her leave. She shook her head and flopped down onto the bed, still naked and sticky.

*I just lost my virginity to a girl who wants me dead,* she mused to herself. *Something about that is very, very wrong...*

With a shrug and a sigh, she turned on the TV and watched until she fell asleep.