Sunday, November 1, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): People are talking about you behind your back.


My bladder wakes me up at around seven. I realize I'm still in my costume from last night, so I take a few minutes to strip down to my boxers, then head to the bathroom to take a leak.

I'm on my way back to my room when Rarity comes walking down the hall. "Oh good, you're awake," she says. "I wanted to collect your costume. I'm going to take all the costumes out to be cleaned and stored as soon as everyone's up."

I nod and head back to my room, gathering up my costume. Rarity checks the pockets, finding my phone and my wallet, which she hands to me. "Don't want to lose those," she says.

"Thanks." Rarity leaves. I go back to my room, intent on grabbing a pop tart and maybe some juice, then flopping back into bed. Before that, though, I notice I have a new message.

New Message From: Pinkie Pie

Hey big boy! See anything you like? ^_-

Oh my God, what the HELL?

Why would Pinkie be sending me a picture like that?!


I decide to worry about confronting Pinkie later. I spend the rest of the morning jacking off to the picture.

It's late in the morning before everybody is up and around...except for Pinkie, apparently, who went to work before anybody else woke up. The only one who has any real energy today is Rarity, who's preoccupied with gathering up everybody's costumes. After taking a shower, I head back to my room and watch television in bed.

A little while later, Twilight walks in, wearing a tank top and shorts, and flops down next to me. "I'm so tired," she says.

"Me too."

She snuggles up to me and falls asleep...


Twilight wakes me up. Her stomach is growling like an angry monster. "Dinner," she says.

We head downstairs; someone ordered pizza for the whole dorm. We seem to be doing a lot of that lately...

"Well, there's lots of pics and video from last night on Canterbook," Rainbow says. "Including pics of Pinkie making out with like, three different guys."

"What's gotten into that gal lately?" Applejack wonders.

"She just...wants a boyfriend," I say. "And you know Pinkie, she throws herself into everything she does..."

I decide it's probably not a good idea to tell anybody about the photo Pinkie sent me.

Pinkie comes back from work a little while later, looking exhausted. She eats a few slices of mostly cold pizza, then goes upstairs without really saying a word to anybody, although she does give me a smile, a wink, and a little wave. I decide right now isn't the time to deal with what happened this morning. Twilight and I decide to watch a couple of movies before going to our own separate rooms this time.