Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): If you don't have your health, you don't have anything.

Early Morning

I was up until one in the morning editing Twilight's video. Waking up at seven and not having a lot of time to get ready for school is bullshit.'s for Twilight...

When I head downstairs for breakfast, Twilight hugs me. "Thanks," she says. "I love what you did with this."

"You're welcome," I say. "Can I have coffee now?"

Twilight looks at me with concern. "Oh, Flash..." She frowns. "How late were you up?"

"Late," I say. "Coffee?"

"Here you go, cup of joe!" Pinkie says, shoving a coffee cup in my hand. I drink it, not even paying attention.

Hooooooooly fuck what was in that.

I think I'm vibrating.

"Better?" Pinkie asks.

"I think I see the air," I say.

"Yeah, that'll wear off in a few minutes." Pinkie wanders off to tend to breakfast.

"Flash? Are you okay?" Twilight asks.

"Are you in ultra HD? Your pores are like...whoa..."

"Pinkie, what the hell was IN that coffee?"

"Uh-oh...I miiiiiight've put a little too much Party Dip in there..."

"PARTY DIP?! Pinkie, that's stuff's ille—"


A bell ringing jerks me to my senses. I look up. I'm in homeroom. How did I get here?

Wasn't I just about to have breakfast with Twilight?

My head feels broken.

"You okay, Flash?" the guy who sits next to me (what's his name?) asks. "You didn't look so good when your girlfriend brought you in, and then you just like, crashed..."

The fog in my head is slowly beginning to clear. "Bubble," I say. Why did I say bubble?

The intercom buzzes. "Good morning, students. At lunch, the promotional videos for the four students competing for the coveted Fall Formal crown will be available for viewing on Canterbook. Remember, voting begins at lunch today and runs through to the day of the Fall Formal. Each student can only vote once!"

Fall Formal...videos...

I remember now...I was up all night editing Twilight's video...

I still can't remember anything that happened at breakfast this morning, or how I got to school.

Mr. Turner is ready to start the lesson. I'll worry about it later...


At lunch, the videos for the four Fall Formal Princess candidates are posted to Canterbook.

Fall Formal Princess Candidate #1: Twilight Sparkle

"Umm, name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm running for Princess of the Fall Formal. I'm not in any clubs, and...I guess I'm not all that popular, really...but I love studying and I...well, from what I've read, these things are popularity contests and you vote for the pretty girl with the cool boyfriend, and...well...I have a cool boyfriend, and he tells me I'm pretty, so...yeah...

"I don't really expect to win, but...if you want to vote for me, that'd be great. I'd kind of like to win, it'd be nice to win a popularity contest and...

"Umm...thank you for your time."

"Wow. That...was pretty lame," Rainbow Dash says.

"It was supposed to be," Twilight says. She gets a sneaky smile. "See, we...we worked it out..." She blushes. "Flash says my main appeal point is my...what was that word you used?"


"Right, that...he says when I'm being awkward and dorky, I'm at my cutest. So we just...played to my strengths." She blushes. "That, or we just made me look like the biggest dork in school..."

Fall Formal Princess Candidate #2: Rarity

Rarity's video features her singing a catchy number about becoming popular, along with about twenty wardrobe changes.

"Wow. How much did you spend on that?"

"Oh, that? It's been sitting around on my computer for months, darling. I, ah, made it during the summer, when I was bored..."

Fall Formal Princess Candidate #3: Sunset Shimmer

"I'm Sunset Shimmer, and I am your Fall Formal Princess."

"Confident, isn't she?"

There's one more candidate...

Fall Formal Princess Candidate #4: Derpy




"...needs more cowbell."

We all pull out our phones and vote, then turn our attentions to our lunches.

After School

Tennis practice is exhausting, as usual. We have a particularly tough match coming up this weekend. By the time the coach is finished working us, I'm so exhausted I can barely walk home.


I'm tired...

Between staying up too late last night, the crash from this morning, and tennis practice, I'm not feeling well...

Homework can wait until in the morning. I'm too tired for my guitar. I'm too tired to eat dinner. I feel like crap.

As soon as I make it to my room, I strip to my boxers and crawl into bed.