Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Popularity is hard work. Not everybody is suited for it.

After School

Music Club is uneventful today. After an hour of jamming with my friends there, I head back to the dorm.


Twilight is waiting for me when I get back. She's shuffling her feet awkwardly.

"Umm...hey, Flash," she says.

"What's up?"

Twilight's cheeks are red. "Umm...so I just found out...I have to make a video..."

"A video?"

"All the candidates for Fall Formal Princess have to make a video and post it on Canterbook. To, umm...why everyone should vote for them..."

"Oh." I shrug. "I'll help you."

"Thanks," Twilight says. "I...I'm nervous about this..."

"Don't be!" I say. "Just be yourself. Show everyone how smart and cute you are. Your natural charm is all you need!"

"In other words, go naked," Rainbow says as she walks past.

Twilight's cheeks turn very red. "Hold that thought," she says. She walks up behind Rainbow...and kicks her right in the butt.

"Ow! Hey!" Rainbow skips a bit in place, then turns and gives Twilight the finger.

I laugh. "You had that one coming, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow gives me the evil eye...then laughs. "Yeah. I guess I did. Good one, egghead." She heads upstairs.

"Tell you what," I say. "After dinner, pick out a nice outfit, then meet me in the lounge and we'll see what we can come up with."

Twilight smiles. "Thanks."

It takes a while to convince everyone to vacate the lounge after dinner, a bit longer for Twilight to decide on an outfit (she opts for the one she wore on our first date), longer still to decide on exactly what she's going to say as we shoot the video, and even longer to keep random residents of the dorm from popping up and screwing us up. By the time we finally have a workable video, it's past ten and Twilight's cranky.

"You go ahead and get some sleep," I tell her. "I'll edit this and give it to you in the morning before school."

"Thanks," Twilight says. She heads upstairs.

I browse through the footage I recorded and sigh. This is gonna take all night...