Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Make time for the loved ones of the people closest to you today. You're important to them even if you don't realize it.


Everybody is left to their own devices for breakfast this morning, as the girls are all in a mad scramble to get ready for their trips. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were the first to leave; Applejack's brother picked them up almost before anybody else was awake.

Twilight and I load all our bags into the SUV, then return to the lounge to wait for Cadance. Rarity is sitting there, reading a magazine. "Shouldn't you be getting ready to leave?" I ask.

"Hm?" Rarity turns a page idly. " parents live right here in Canterlot," she says.

Twilight and I exchange a surprised glance. "Your family...lives in Canterlot?" I ask. "Then...why...?"

"Independence, darling," Rarity says. "Simply put, I needed my own space, and...well..." She grimaces. "I do truly love my dear little sister, but...actually living in the same house with her? It's...simply impossible."

Wow. I knew Rarity could be a stuck-up drama queen,

Pinkie Pie trudges downstairs. Her hair isn't quite as puffy as usual, and her eyes are a bit dull. She has one suitcase and one overnight bag. "Well...goodbye," she says.

"Uhh...see you Sunday?" Twilight offers.

"Huh? Oh...yeah...Sunday," Pinkie says. The way she says it makes it sound like it's decades away instead of just four days.

"So...where exactly does your family live?" I ask.

"Salt Lick City," she says. "It's two hours away by bus. Well...seeya." She trudges to the door, takes one last, sad-eyed look back at us, and leaves.

"Wow. That was...depressing," I say.

"Yeah..." Twilight's eyes are wide. "Does she really hate her family that much?"


Cadance walks in. "We're ready," she says.

We say goodbye to Rarity, then head out to the SUV.

On the drive to the train station, I ask, "So where are we going exactly?"

"Baltimare," Twilight says.

Baltimare...that's about four hours from Canterlot by bullet train...

Once we're on the train, we talk about inconsequential things while playing cards to pass the time. Twilight has absolutely no poker's hilarious.

All during the ride, Shining Armor is giving me this odd look...


The train pulls into the station at Baltimare. After we've disembarked and collected our things, we find Twilight's parents, who are waiting for us with their own SUV. We load our luggage into the SUV and pile in; with six of us plus luggage for four, it's pretty cramped.

"It's good to see you again, Flash," Twilight Velvet says. "Twiley gushes about you constantly."

"Really?" I ask, glancing at Twilight. She blushes.

"Oh, yes," Velvet says. "When she isn't talking about her studies or books she's read, she's talking about you..."

"Moooooom," Twilight whines.

"So how's school going for you, Flash?" Night Light asks.

"It's going alright," I say. "Classes are fine, my grades aren't bad...homework's easy enough. I'm on the tennis team, I'm in the Music Club..."

"Hey, you didn't bring your guitar with you!" Twilight suddenly says. "I just realized..."

I shrug. "I didn't want to deal with it," I say.

After a half hour, we pull up to a rather large house in a quiet, suburban neighborhood. "Cadance, you'll be with Shiny in his old room," Velvet says. "Don't worry, I cleaned it, deodorized the bed, put fresh sheets on it, and hosed the whole room down to get rid of that teenage boy smell."

"MOM!" Shining Armor yelps. Twilight snickers.

Cadance giggles. "I kinda like teenage boy smell," she says.

We all give her an "okay, that was really creepy" look.

Velvet coughs. "Right, well...Twiley, you're in your room, of course...I've kept it just like you like it. Flash, I've got the guest room ready for you, Twiley can show you where it is."

The guest room is tasteful if plain, with a comfortable bed, an armoire, and a bedside table with a clock and a lamp. It doesn't take me long to get unpacked and settled in. Twilight shows me around the house. It's an old but comfortable house, well-worn and lived in, but cared for.

Not long after we've arrived, Velvet calls us all down for a late lunch. We sit around the kitchen table, eating sandwiches and potato chips.

"I'll have something more...home-cooked for dinner," Velvet says. "It still won't be much, though. I'm...a little busy with tomorrow's cooking..."

"Why don't I make dinner tonight?" Cadance offers.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Velvet says, relief evident in her voice.

Cadance heads into the study and comes back with a legal pad and a pencil. "Shiny, can you run to the store for me and get a few things? After we're finished eating."

"Sure," Shining Armor says. He looks at me. "You'll come along and help, right?"

"Uhh...of course."

"I'll come too," Twilight offers.

"No, dear, let the boys handle this," Velvet says. "It'll give us girls some time to catch up."

Night Light frowns. "And what about me?"

"Take a nap," Velvet suggests firmly.

"Can do!" He hands Shining Armor the keys to his SUV.

After we finish eating, Cadance hands Shining Armor her list, and the two of us head out.

Once we're on the road, Shining Armor says, "Hey Flash...I wanna ask you something. And be honest with me."


"And I promise I won't kill you or punch you out again. I just...something's been bothering me for a while now."

I don't think I like where this is going...

"Are you and know..." I can see his jaw working, as though he's having difficulty saying what he wants to say. We reach a stop light. "Are you having sex with my sister?"

"No," I say. After a moment, I admit, "We've...gone a little farther than holding hands and kissing, but we haven't...that."

He frowns. "I see," he says. He sighs. "I know, it's none of my business, Twiley can make her own decisions. I just...worry." He remains silent for a long moment. We reach the next stop light, and he looks at me. "That dress she had on at the Fall Formal...I've never seen Twilight wear anything like that. It kinda freaked me out. And...I knew she was dressed like that for you."

I blush. That night...

"She's growing up," Shining Armor says. "And I keep telling myself that's normal, and this is just what happens...hell, I remember Cadance at that age..." Now he's blushing. "But..."

"Yeah, I understand," I say. " her, alright? And trust me. If...we do start...that...we'll be careful."

"Be sure you do," Shining Armor says. I'm amazed there was only the slight hint of a twitch in his cheek at the suggestion that I might actually have sex with his sister at some point...

Rank UP! Emperor Rank 6

The Overprotective Brother Social Link of the Emperor Arcana has reached rank 6!

Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!

We arrive at the store. Dividing the shopping between us, we finish our chore quickly and return to the house.


After dinner, Twilight, Shining Armor, Night Light, and I sit around in the living room watching television. Cadance joins us after helping Velvet with something for tomorrow. Velvet goes to bed early because she has to get up at four in the morning to put the turkey on.

A little after ten, I'm getting tired, so I say goodnight to everyone and head to the guest room. Behind me, the others are starting to head off to bed as well.

I can't believe I was so nervous about this. Twilight's parents are awesome, and they're making me feel very welcome. As I turn off the bedside lamp, it occurs to me that this might actually be the best Thanksgiving I've ever had...