Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Don't charge recklessly into the future. You need to plan ahead.
Even though we still need to prepare for Saturday, and I still need to buy Rainbow Dash a birthday present, I don't really feel like going out and doing anything today, so I decide to spend a lazy Sunday in. Maybe later I'll get up and head out, but right now, I just want to lie in bed and watch TV.
Twilight peeks in. "Hey," she calls.
"Hey," I say.
"I'm headed out with Cadance and Shining Armor for a little while," she says. "Kinda some family bonding time."
"Have fun," I say.
"You could come along, if you want..."
I shake my head. "I'm pretty tired," I say. "Besides, I kinda planned to just stay in today."
"Oh. Okay."
"You need to spend time with your family without me hanging around anyway," I say.
Twilight smiles. "See you later, then!"
She leaves. I pull up the program guide on the TV to see if anything good's on. There's a couple of weak movies, some cartoons...a lot of church stuff...some political talking heads stuff...
I pick a badly dubbed kung fu movie and settle in.
Two cheesy martial arts movies interspersed with naps of varying length later, I finally get up and head downstairs to get some lunch.
As I'm heading to the lounge with another leftover meatloaf sandwich and some potato chips, the front door to the dorm opens. I look around, wondering if Twilight is back early, or if it's one of the others.
To my surprise, it's Coco Pommel.
"Hey Coco," I say. "Surprised to see you here."
"Oh, umm...i-is it okay for me to be here?"
I shrug. "No rule against it. Come on in."
"'re eating lunch. I could come back—"
"Nah, it's cool." I sit down on the sofa, then motion her to one of the various chairs. I notice she has her tennis racket slung over her shoulder.
Crap...the match!
"Oh crap, I forgot about your match with Suri this morning!" I say. "I meant to come out and support you..."
"It's okay," Coco says, smiling. "I know you must've been tired from yesterday. Rainbow Falls is a long way away, and I hear it was really hot there."
"So how'd it go?" I ask.
Coco looks down at her lap, cheeks red. "I...I won," she says. "Suri tried to back out of our bet, but...the coach told her since she agreed to the challenge, she had to abide by it." She looks up at me. "Suri's no longer our team captain."
Whoa. "Way to go, Coco!" I take a bite of my sandwich, then chase it down with some iced tea. "So, uhh...what happens now?"
"Umm...about that," Coco says, squirming nervously. "Coach...wants me to replace her. I don't know if I can handle that, but..."
"Of course you can!" I say. "You're the best player on the team!"
"W-well, that may be," Coco says, "but it takes more than just being the best to be a team captain." She swallows nervously. "I...umm..."
"You didn't say no," I say.
"I...talked Coach into putting it to a vote on Wednesday. She agreed, so...she's going to pick a couple of others who might be good replacements for Suri, then...let everybody vote."
"You know you've got my vote," I say.
Coco smiles. "Thank you." She swallows. "Thank you...for everything. If it wasn't for you, I...I'd still be getting bossed around by Suri, and...I wouldn't be playing on the team at all..."
The Tennis Team Social Link of the Hermit Arcana has reached rank 9!
Your power to create Personas of the Hermit Arcana has grown!
"Just promise me you'll always do your best," I say.
"I will," she says. She stands up. "I've gotta get home...I just wanted to stop by and let you know how it went."
After Coco leaves, I finish eating my lunch, then do my laundry. By the time I'm done, most everyone has returned, and it's almost dinnertime. I decide to practice my guitar in the lounge for a little while before dinner.
After dinner, I meet up with Twilight, Cadance, and Pinkie in the secret base.
"We should probably try to go to Zodiac one more time before Saturday," Cadance says. "We can't let what happened the other day scare us off. We need to be ready."
"How about tomorrow, after we finish shopping for birthday presents for Rainbow Dash?" Twilight suggests.
"Oh crap, I haven't gotten her anything yet!" Pinkie gasps.
"You're not planning any kind of silly revenge for the dildo, are you?" Twilight asks nervously.
Pinkie laughs. "Of course not!" she says. "Though I might hire Bulk Biceps to jump out of a cake..."
"OH GOD DON'T," Cadance and Twilight scream in unison. They look absolutely horrified. I can't honestly blame them. That dude is butt ugly.
"I could always get Trixie to jump out of a cake," Pinkie says.
"I don't think Trixie jumps out of cakes," I say.
"Flash? What about you? Would you jump out of a cake?"
"How about nobody jumping out of cakes? Or anything else?" Twilight suggests.
"Awww," Pinkie whines.
"Okay, so we'll go to Zodiac tomorrow after school," Cadance says. "Why don't we go in from the school this time? Less chance of running into those Shadows that nearly killed you."
"Hey yeah! We could probably even go in before we go shopping," Pinkie says. "I mean, instead of heading back to the school after we wear ourselves out shopping, let's just get it over with and then take our time and relax?"
"Sounds good to me," I say.
"I guess that makes sense," Twilight agrees.
Cadance nods. "Okay. Meet me in the nurse's office after school tomorrow. We'll go directly to Zodiac from there."
With that, we all head to our own rooms. I turn down the bed and lay down, tossing fitfully for a little while before I doze off...
"Welcome to the Velvet Room."
Zecora sits alone at the table; Igor is nowhere to be found.
"Long time no see, as the saying goes. There is something we must discuss, young chaser of Shadows. So far you've done well against difficult foes, but the road you tread now leads to sorrow and woe.
"Your Personas are not ready for what lies in store. Why have you fused Personas only once before?
"Tomorrow, my master will return, so you as well should you, to set your soul free.
"If you persist in your struggles without planning won't be the only one Sagittarius strikes dead."