Monday, November 23, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Server Error — Try Again Later


On my way to homeroom, I run into Juan. He pulls me aside into a dark hallway where the lights are going out.

"Shouldn't you be changing these lights?" I ask, looking up at the flickering tubes.

"I happen to think this particular corridor is nicely dramatic," Juan says. "But that's beside the point." He smiles. "I hear things have been interesting for you lately."

"What do you mean by that?"

He shrugs. "Tennis, birthday parties, your girlfriend being crowned Fall Formal Princess...that sort of thing." He gives me a crooked smile. "Why, it's almost as if you're being pulled in...oh...seventeen directions at once." He laughs. "Oh, to be young again..."

"Uhh...look, the bell's about to ring, so..."

"Oh, yes, of course. School, classes...rather boring if you ask me. Life's real lessons aren't found in a classroom...any fool knows that." He gives me a measuring stare. "Then again, only a fool would assume everyone around him is exactly what they appear to be." He shrugs. "Well, I've got gum to clean out from under bleachers...have a good Thanksgiving!"

Rank UP! Devil Rank 4

The Odd Janitor Social Link of the Devil Arcana has reached rank 4!

Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

That guy's creepy...

After School

After I drive Vinyl back to her house, we sit and talk for a minute. I'm not going straight back to the dorm today, because I have some shopping to do.

"So...I thought about what you said," Vinyl says. "About...y'know...goin' for it with Octavia."


Vinyl takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes. "I...I wanna talk to her...but I think I need moral support." She looks at me. Her eyes look terrible. "Can you be my wingman?"

"Of course," I say. "When do you wanna talk to her?"

"That's just it...I'm not really sure..."

"Hmm..." I think about this while Vinyl puts her glasses back on. "The Music Club's having a little party tomorrow. If I can get Lyra to invite Octavia, and you drop by..."

"Hmm." Vinyl thinks about that for a minute. "Right before a holiday? I dunno, but..." She shrugs. "Heck, why not."

I pull out my phone and compose a text to Lyra.

New Message To: Lyra Heartstrings

Will you invite Octavia to the party tomorrow? Asking for a friend.

A minute later, I get a reply.

New Message From: Lyra Heartstrings

Don't have to, she's already coming. What's up?

"She's already coming to the party," I say.

"," Vinyl says. "That'll...make it easier."

New Message To: Lyra Heartstrings

Playing matchmaker.

New Message From: Lyra Heartstrings

Ooh. Good luck! Who?

New Message To: Lyra Heartstrings

You'll see.

I put my phone away. "Well, I've got some shopping to do."

Vinyl nods. "Cool. See you tomorrow."

Rank UP! Sun Rank 5

The Disc Jockey Social Link of the Sun Arcana has reached rank 5!

Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

I leave Vinyl's house and head into town to buy the things I still need for my trip.


Because there are only two days of school this week, there's no homework, and Vice-Principal Luna isn't at the dorm. I spend longer than usual on guitar practice, then head downstairs for dinner. Everyone's busy getting ready to leave for the holiday...

After dinner, I finish up my packing, then watch television for a couple of hours before bed.