Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): A friend's fortunes may make a turn for the better today.

After School

Once everybody has arrived at the practice courts, our coach blows her whistle. "Alright, everyone, listen up! You probably already heard, but Polomare resigned as captain and quit the team on Sunday."

A massive cheer goes up from most of the team. Suri doesn't have many supporters...

"Alright, alright...settle down," Coach says. "Two things. First, we're going to need a member to replace Polomare before the girls' season."

"I'll try to talk Pinkie into rejoining the team," I say. "She can probably afford to drop two shifts now." In fact, Pinkie's been taking a lot of shifts off lately...

The coach nods. "It'll be good to have Pie back," she says. "Okay, we'll table that for now. Now, the other thing is, we need a new team captain. I'm putting it up to a vote. I'm personally nominating Pommel as team captain. If anybody else wants to nominate a captain?"

Two juniors nominate a senior—one of the few friends Suri seemed to have. A couple of seniors nominate me. Another junior nominates herself, and is seconded by a sophomore.

"Alright, so we have four candidates," Coach says. "I'll set up a vote on the team's Canterbook page and lock the voting to team members only. After practice, I want you all to vote for your new captain. I'll announce the results on Friday."


When Pinkie comes home from work, I pull her aside. "Hey," I say.

"Hey Flash!" she says cheerfully.

"Pinkie...we need you to come back to the tennis team." I explain what happened between Coco and Suri, and that we're down a member on the girls' side.

Pinkie frowns thoughtfully. "Well...if I can get someone to cover for me on those two days...oh, plus Saturdays once matches start..." She shrugs. "Tell Coach I'll think about it, but I won't be able to commit until after Thanksgiving."

I nod. "Got it. It'd be great to have you back on the team."

"Well, I don't need the money as badly anymore...mostly because of you..." She smiles bashfully, then gives me a peck on the cheek.

Speaking of's next week. With everything that's been going on, I'd almost forgotten. I won't be spending it with my parents this year...not that we ever really did much about it.

At dinner, Celestia broaches the topic. "So, what's everyone here doing for Thanksgiving?"

"Spendin' it with mah family," Applejack says. "We always put out a big spread, git all our cousins an' what-not together...yes ma'am, it's a big affair out at Sweet Apple Acres."

"I'm going back home too," Pinkie says. "I wouldn't even go if it weren't for Maud, though. This'll be my last chance to spend time with her for a really long time."

"Going home," Fluttershy says quietly, but doesn't elaborate.

"Same here," Twilight says. "Cadance, Shining Armor, and I are going up to my parents' place for Thanksgiving."

"Likewise," Rarity says. "Though I expect we'll be buying a pre-made Thanksgiving dinner. My dear mother, bless her heart, can liquefy toast."

"Yikes," Rainbow says. "Eh, I guess I'll kick around the dorm. Dad's stuck overseas, won't be back until Christmas."

"I don't have any plans either," I say. "My parents...aren't coming home until next year."

"Not even for Christmas?" Pinkie gasps.


Twilight leans over and wraps an arm around me. "You're coming home with me for Thanksgiving," she says. "I won't take no for an answer."

"An' Rainbow's more than welcome t' come out t' mah place," Applejack says. "Heck, we've got plenty'a room an' plenty'a food."

"Thanks!" Rainbow says, grinning.

After that, conversation turns to the subject of Rainbow's birthday. Rainbow lets us know in no uncertain terms that she wants barbecue.

Nobody has a problem with that. I certainly don't. Celestia mentions that she has a personal favorite barbecue restaurant that caters, and offers to take care of the catering arrangements for us, so long as she's invited to the party.

Nobody has a problem with that either.

After dinner, I head up to my room to finish my homework and watch a little television before bed.

Tennis, a birthday party, and fighting for our lives against supernatural monsters...Saturday's gonna be busy.