For better or worse, no MMO is complete without chat. For some, it's a way to discuss aspects of the game with other players. For others, it's simply a way to shoot the shit. For others still, it's an opportunity to be as annoying as you possibly can.
In a career spanning three and a half seasons of Pangya, I've pretty much seen it all, and saved select bits of it for posterity...
(NOTE: None of these chat logs are edited or censored in any way, shape, or form, nor are the usernames of the guilty parties removed. This means that there may be breaks in comment flow due to respective players' typing speed, as well as chat related not to what's going on but to the actual gameplay at the time. I have included all of the original chat emoticons from the actual game. My editorial commentary on the chat logs is in [brackets].)
Pangya's Chat Filter From Hell
Other Non-English Speakers
Gender Confusion
Players From Hell
Pangya USA/Global is notorious for having the most anal-retentive chat filter in history. Here's an example of just how ridiculous this chat filter is:
MythrilMoth : The ***le of this episode is "The Wounded".
MythrilMoth : .............................
MythrilMoth : *ahem* I'll ignore that and continue...
MythrilMoth : I prefer to think of this episode as...
[I knew the chat filter was going to attack the next thing I was going to say, so I tried to come up with a way around it...]
MythrilMoth : "Captain Crazy and the Card*....**ians."
MythrilMoth : ....................................
MythrilMoth : *just cracks up laughing*
MythrilMoth : Like Picard, sometimes you just have to
MythrilMoth : bow to the absurd...
MythrilMoth : I've seen some anal-retentive chat filters
[I'm AMAZED it didn't censor THAT. ]
MythrilMoth : before, but this one takes the crown,
MythrilMoth : the cake, the taco, AND the biscuit.
Shachihoko : You forgot the throne.
MythrilMoth : Where do you think it goes after the
MythrilMoth : cake, the taco, and the biscuit?
After Brazil lost its Pangya server, the Brazilian players began migrating to other servers around the world; the majority of the servers they fled to banned all Brazilian IPs within a few months. Their last bastion of hope was the A18/Pangya USA/Pangya Global server.
We didn't want them either, but the server owners were too lazy to bother doing anything about them.
Brazilian Pangya players are, as a unified whole, the most annoying, rude, obnoxious bunch of ASSHOLES to ever infest a family-friendly MMO. They refuse to abide by the server rules, expect everyone else to speak Portugese and won't even bother TRYING to speak the language of the server they're on, they beg for cash gifts from other players, they spam obnoxiously huge chat macros, and they are rude and insulting for no other reason than they CAN be.
Here are just some of the obnoxious, infuriating Brazilians I've encountered since I started playing Pangya.
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Tom_califa : bom jogo
MythrilMoth : English please?
Tom_califa : goog naight
Tom_califa : no
Tom_califa : me da a katia
Tom_califa : my of the kati
Tom_califa : my name is?
Tom_califa : my of the katia?
Tom_califa : my of the katia
Tom_califa : you the kookies
["Cookies" were the term for microtransaction cash on the A18 server; this player was begging me to give him free money.]
MythrilMoth : Hello, and good luck!
maykonx : q pais
MythrilMoth : Speak English, please?
maykonx : q lindo
MythrilMoth : Abatross18=English
maykonx : eu sou nub
[Brazilians have a habit of calling everyone "noob" with little or no provocation.]
MythrilMoth : Albatross18 = E N G L I S H
maykonx : jijgidg
maykonx : vc e homem ou mulher
maykonx : boa
maykonx : tu americana
MythrilMoth : Yes, I am American.
maykonx : tu ter msn
maykonx : boa
maykonx : ok
maykonx : tu boa jogadora
maykonx : tu e boy
BADBULL : venho logo o batalhao
MythrilMoth : Could you please speak English?
MythrilMoth : And good luck all.
[And here we have our first example of a Brazilian chat macro. Not one of the more creative ones, either.]
BADBULL : que droga
BADBULL : po falando alguma coisa
BADBULL : so eu que vai falar aqui
BADBULL : nuus
BADBULL : to mundo olhando meu calculo ne
BADBULL : aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
BADBULL : ta errado hauhauahyua
[That 'hauhauhau' mess is a variant on the famously annoying Brazilian MMO laugh ('huahuahuahua'). Expect to see a lot of that.]
[The day the following happened, I was already in a bad mood and had spent three days dealing with assholes like this. That's no excuse for my own behavior here, but I'm only human.]
MythrilMoth : Nice!
nuloj : infia o nice na mae fdp
MythrilMoth : ....English please?
nuloj : no
MythrilMoth : ....
MythrilMoth : No need to be a jerk. :/
nuloj : hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahha
nuloj : u have 7 hio
nuloj : i have 250
[This was fairly early in my Pangya career. I'm no longer certain how many HIOs I have, because old records are lost between various server resets, but it's now somewhere in the vicinity of 300. Which I admit is low for my present rank, but I never claimed to actually be good at this game. And I don't calc.
MythrilMoth : That's nice.
nuloj : u is noob
MythrilMoth : At least I got mine honestly.
MythrilMoth : All Brazil=cheat.
MythrilMoth : Everyone knows it.
[In all fairness, so do the Koreans, and they CREATED this game.]
MythrilMoth : So your 250HIOs are meaningless.
nuloj : no have other game in brazil pangya brazil
nuloj : i have other acc in pangya brazil
[In the first place, WTF does that have to do with anything, and in the second place, PangyaBR didn't exist anymore by this point.]
MythrilMoth : Everyone knows about PangyaBR.
MythrilMoth : And how it was shut down due to the
MythrilMoth : massive amount of cheating.
MythrilMoth : :P
[Actually, the shutdown of PangyaBR had to do with massive amounts of hacking and some serious financial problems for the company running it, but anyway.]
MythrilMoth : See, we're kind of trying to get your
MythrilMoth : entire country banned from A18 because
MythrilMoth : of players exactly like you.
MythrilMoth : Rude, arrogant cheaters who act like
MythrilMoth : jerks.
nuloj : sorry a don't speak english
nuloj : nao entendo
MythrilMoth : You spoke it well enough a second ago. :P
[You'd be surprised how often Brazilian players forget how to speak English when they're losing an argument.]
MythrilMoth : Let me put it more plainly:
MythrilMoth : BRASIL=
["BRASIL=" was my personal slogan for a LOOOOOOOOONG time.]
nuloj : aff
[Brazilian players say this every time they flub a shot. Remember that, because it's an important tool for identifying a BR pretending to be from someplace else. And yes, they actually do that.]
MythrilMoth : hahah.
nuloj : u record is
nuloj : my record e -25 west wiz
nuloj : u is -16
MythrilMoth : So what? I play for fun, not for records.
nuloj : kkkk
nuloj : u is noob i pro
MythrilMoth : And a record earned by cheating is invalid
MythrilMoth : anyway.
MythrilMoth : That's nice. I'm happy for you. Really.
MythrilMoth : I'm sure there's not much else in your life
MythrilMoth : you can take pride in than your online
MythrilMoth : golf record.
MythrilMoth : Obtained by cheating.
[Yeah, I handled that pretty badly. I should've just put the asshole on block.]
nuloj : noob
MythrilMoth : Yeah, you said that already.
MythrilMoth : Give it a rest.
MythrilMoth : At least come up with something original.
MythrilMoth : All Brazil players call USA players noob.
MythrilMoth : It gets really old.
MythrilMoth : At least make a crack about my mother, fo
MythrilMoth : r variety's sake.
MythrilMoth : Not intelligent enough to think of one?
MythrilMoth : It's okay, I understand.
nuloj : u is noob
MythrilMoth : Yes, yes, quite.
nuloj : missed pangya aff
MythrilMoth : Hah. Now who's the noob?
nuloj : va pro quinto dos inferno gringo noob
nuloj : vai se fude
nuloj : i noob hudsuhsdahuasdhuhasd
Notice: nuloj has left the game.
[And good fucking riddance.]
renatobr : gl all
SilverShape : GoOd LuCk FroM BrAsiL!!!!
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
renatobr : lol
SilverShape : lol
SilverShape : que saudade do meu controle...
renatobr : lol
renatobr : eu ja voltei com q eu tinha no br
SilverShape : eu jah tinha passado
SilverShape : fui ban aqui
MythrilMoth : I'm sorry, but could either or both of you
MythrilMoth : speak English?
SilverShape : yes
renatobr : ok sorry man
MythrilMoth : Thank you.
SilverShape : u dont speak portuguese?
MythrilMoth : No, I don't.
MythrilMoth : I'm not Brazilian.
MythrilMoth : I'm American
MythrilMoth : And I have no desire to learn Portugese.
SilverShape : u need to learn is verty funny
MythrilMoth : No, I don't need to learn Portugese.
[You do NOT go onto another country's game server, where the expected language is different from what you speak, and expect players that actually belong there to learn and speak your language.]
[The Brazilian player in the following chat log was going around asking people to job to him so he could level up faster. Just no.]
SilverShape : experience for Senior C
SilverShape : help me please
SilverShape : Level Senior C
SilverShape : me win
MythrilMoth : Um...I'm not going to throw the game so
MythrilMoth : you can get more experience.
MythrilMoth : Sorry, I don't play that way.
MythrilMoth : Especially because you're Brasilian.
MythrilMoth : And I kind of don't like Brasilians.
[Gee, I wonder why.]
SilverShape : omg
SilverShape :
[This next one is not only rude and insulting, he's also a retard.]
___oO___ : from ?
MythrilMoth : Uranus.
___oO___ : AFEW
___oO___ : aFF
___oO___ : sera ??
___oO___ : LOL
___oO___ : SPIN + ?
MythrilMoth : I don't talk to Brasilians, sorry.
___oO___ : ThX
MythrilMoth : Brasil=
___oO___ : noob
___oO___ : 21 hio
[They tend to be somewhat obsessed with HIO count. ]
___oO___ : skaPOSKAposkpaoKSa
___oO___ :
___oO___ : uranus=NoOb
MythrilMoth : LOL you can't even figure out a simple
MythrilMoth :'re the noob.
___oO___ : KISS MY EGGS ?
[Kiss what now? ]
___oO___ : LOL
[This next one is one of my all-time favorites.]
: whats is yor name..
: ?
MythrilMoth : Um...that's not really any of your business.
MythrilMoth : If I wanted people to know my name, I'd
MythrilMoth : have made it my username
: whats name..
[The ones that are obsessed with learning your name usually assume you're of the opposite sex; this most commonly happens to male players (like me) using female characters. In any case, after this it was time to get right to the point:]
MythrilMoth : Are you Brasilian?
: No japaNN,
[This pitiful little turd had the misfortune of running smack into one of the 10% or so of players on the A18 server who could call bullshit on this.]
MythrilMoth : Wow. Rare to meet a rude Japanese play-
MythrilMoth : er on A18.
MythrilMoth : Rare enough to meet a Japanese player
MythrilMoth : here to begin with, but a rude one?
: yes..
MythrilMoth : Okashii na...
MythrilMoth : Kimi ga...chotto hen desu.
["You're...a little strange."]
: i do not speak very inglish..
[Up until this point, I was willing to consider the possibility that he WAS, in fact, a very rude Japanese player. But the above line outed him as what he really is: a Brazilian who just got caught in a lie.]
: ok.
MythrilMoth : Daijoubu desu. Boku no Nihongo...
["It's alright. My Japanese..."]
MythrilMoth :
MythrilMoth : (Worse than your English, to be sure)
: You are very bad..
[You know, I never will understand why Brazilian players feel the need to insult and belittle players from other countries. It just doesn't make sense.]
MythrilMoth : That is not a nice thing to say.
MythrilMoth : Ore ga...warui kedo?
["I am...perhaps bad?"]
: You are very bad..
MythrilMoth : Urusai.
["Shut up. "]
: creed
: you play badly
MythrilMoth : Omae ga Nihonjin ja nai.
["You are NOT Japanese."]
MythrilMoth : Nihonjin are not this openly rude.
MythrilMoth : You are not Japanese.
: You are very bad..
MythrilMoth : N - I - S - E - M - O - N - O
["F - R - A - U - D"]
: go bad..
: bad..
: win..
[BTW, I beat him. ]
PoWeR-GuIlDo : u from?
MythrilMoth : Uranus
[The reason I answer with this so often is because I can spot a Brazilian player a mile away, and if I say 'USA', I guarantee it'll start up the "noob" crap. Besides, it's none of their business.]
PoWeR-GuIlDo : AFF
MythrilMoth : Brasil=
[I actually had that set as a chat macro for long time.]
PoWeR-GuIlDo : E
MythrilMoth : God you're retarded.
MythrilMoth : LOL, Brasil retard
PoWeR-GuIlDo : I
PoWeR-GuIlDo : LOL
PoWeR-GuIlDo : >
PoWeR-GuIlDo : AFF
[Yes. Yes you are.]
[This one PROVES it's not just me.]
sorrento : Good luck and Have fun from Mexico
MythrilMoth : Good luck :)
sorrento : buen tiro
kaique_21 : q isso
kaique_21 : meuy
MythrilMoth : Ingles por favor? No habla espanol.
sorrento : ok
MythrilMoth : Thanks
[Now see? SEE? I ask a Mexican politely to speak English instead of Spanish, and he does exactly that. But THIS asshole...]
kaique_21 : ca iu furaaaaaa rsrsrsrsr
[...keeps doing THIS. -_-# So I started private-messaging the other guy...]
MythrilMoth>sorrento : '....he's Brazilian, isn't he. -_-'
kaique_21 : q isso
kaique_21 : vc dinovo errou
kaique_21 : so eu
MythrilMoth>kaique_21 : 'Brasil?'
kaique_21 : a
kaique_21 : a
kaique_21 : a
MythrilMoth>sorrento : 'Bet he quits if he misses HIO'
MythrilMoth>sorrento : 'Quit rate 78% and Brasilian'
MythrilMoth>sorrento : 'Bad combo '
sorrento>MythrilMoth : 'yes i hate'
sorrento>MythrilMoth : 'that players'
MythrilMoth>sorrento : 'This server should be for North Americans'
MythrilMoth>sorrento : 'only. -_-'
kaique_21 : vai vai
kaique_21 : mo bosta
MythrilMoth : kaique: We're speaking English here.
MythrilMoth : Because we have one Brasilian, one
MythrilMoth : American, and one Mexican.
MythrilMoth : Speak English or we will block your chat
MythrilMoth : and ignore you.
kaique_21 : vou sair
Notice:kaique_21 has left.
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Pro_DoDo : TahhHHh LAhHh
Pro_DoDo : Gl FrOm Brasill..!
Pro_DoDo : Gl From??
MythrilMoth : Sorry, I don't talk to Brazil players.
Pro_DoDo : |_quik_|
Pro_DoDo : Af..!
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo : what gift pang
["Pang" is the in-game currency of Pangya, earned simply by playing the game. You have to be IN-CREDIBLY lame to have to ask for a pang gift.]
Pro_DoDo : Aff
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo : noOoOoOoOoO
MythrilMoth : Now you can calc an HIO and catch up
MythrilMoth : That's all BR players can do well
MythrilMoth : That and beg for stuff
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo : what gif..?
[And he's STILL convinced I'm going to give him something! IN-CREDIBLE!]
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo : Aff
Pro_DoDo : (OO_)
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo :
Pro_DoDo : AstrOs..??
[This was after A18's owners had changed the microtransaction currency from cookies to Astros.]
MythrilMoth : I think I just proved my point.
Pro_DoDo : AstrOs..??
Pro_DoDo : Noob
[Now that he realizes I'm not going to waste money or even fake money on him, he reverts to standard Brazilian behavior: call everyone a noob.]
MythrilMoth : Congratulations. You have now officially
MythrilMoth : proven EVERY stereotype about Brazilian
MythrilMoth : players.
MythrilMoth :
Pro_DoDo : Affffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Pro_DoDo : kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Pro_DoDo : kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[They do THIS when they're pissed.]
MythrilMoth : See? All Brazilians can do is calc
Pro_DoDo : nO
Pro_DoDo : PrO
Pro_DoDo : kkkkkkkkkkkk
Pro_DoDo : Noob
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
gagafla : brasileiro
gagafla : from br
gagafla : from brasil?
gagafla : twin fiht gift
gagafla : yes ou no?
MythrilMoth : No, I'm not. And I don't speak Portugese.
MythrilMoth : Or talk to Brazilians.
gagafla : twin fiht gift
gagafla : yes ou no?
gagafla : twin fiht gift
gagafla : please
Notice: gagafla has left.
[Common Brazilian tactic: Enter a game, demand a gift from the other player. If they refuse, immediately quit to find someone else to pester. In this case, he wanted me to buy him the Twin Feathers club set, which costs real money.]
RocKeirO : aiai
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
XDeyvidX : thanks
RocKeirO : agora vc aprende a jogar cara
RocKeirO : Good Luck for All!!
RocKeirO : kkkk
MythrilMoth : Let's keep it in English, please.
XDeyvidX : eu quero comprar intens
RocKeirO : yes man
RocKeirO : dpois vc compra cara
XDeyvidX : we are brazilians
XDeyvidX : ok
RocKeirO :
[No SHIT, I thought you were Dutch Indians.]
MythrilMoth : This is an English-language server.
MythrilMoth : You are guests here.
MythrilMoth : Please remember this.
RocKeirO : yes
MythrilMoth : And respect your hosts by complying with
MythrilMoth : their request to speak English.
RocKeirO : acertei!!
RocKeirO : suashuhsausha
OsKraLhoO : brazil
ClaaShow : eu tambem
ClaaShow : boa
MythrilMoth : This is the English language Pangya server.
MythrilMoth : Please respect your hosts and speak
MythrilMoth : English when you are not in private rooms.
OsKraLhoO : i speak english noob
MythrilMoth : .....that was uncalled for. -_-
OsKraLhoO : mythrimoth noob
OsKraLhoO : noob or biba
MythrilMoth : You had probably better stop that.
OsKraLhoO : don't noob
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Menor : po me passa alguma coisa roupas
MythrilMoth : I'm sorry, I only speak English.
Menor : roupa
Menor : boneco
MythrilMoth : I do not speak your language.
MythrilMoth : However, what Google tells me is you
MythrilMoth : might have been asking for a ?
Menor : sim
MythrilMoth : Is that what you were asking?
Menor : sm
MythrilMoth : You are making absolutely no sense.
Menor : sim
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Hilton : brasileiro
Hilton : boa sorte
MythrilMoth : Sorry, I'm not Brazilian.
MythrilMoth : If you speak Portugese, I will ignore you.
MythrilMoth : We speak English on this server.
Hilton : no
MythrilMoth : Um..yes.
MythrilMoth : This is PangyaUSA, not PangyaBR.
MythrilMoth : I'm sorry to break it to you, but that's the
MythrilMoth : way it is. English or silence.
Hilton : faliu br
Hilton :
MythrilMoth : BR=
[I was more tired of Brazilians than usual the day this next one happened.]
Kafajeste : br?
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
MythrilMoth : No, USA.
Kafajeste : ^^
MythrilMoth : USA = belongs on this server
MythrilMoth : BR = Ntreev ran out of roach spray
Kafajeste : I am trash hauaha
MythrilMoth : I won't argue that.
[Incidentally, all of these chat logs were before Pangya Global, when PangyaUSA was ostensibly English-only by rule.]
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
cmrolla : GL from Uruguay
NaNdO :
NaNdO : BR?
cmrolla : Uruguay me
NaNdO :
Myluca : im brasilian
cmrolla : Nice shot!
MythrilMoth : Thanks.
MythrilMoth : *sigh* I'm the only person in this game
MythrilMoth : who's even from the same CONTINENT
MythrilMoth : the server is on -_-
MythrilMoth : I am getting incredibly tired of that.
NaNdO : -.-'
cmrolla : mean that pangyabr should have closed?
cmrolla : i mean
MythrilMoth : I mean I wish PangyaBR had not closed
cmrolla : shouldnt
MythrilMoth : or that someone would reopen it.
cmrolla : yeah
MythrilMoth : Because I'm sorry, but PangyaUSA is NOT
MythrilMoth : meant for Brazilians. -_-
MythrilMoth : There are entirely too many of you here
MythrilMoth : and I'm getting really sick of it
NaNdO : gogogogogogogohgogogogogogo
NaNdO : gogogogogogogogggogogogogogogo
[This is ANOTHER especially annoying and uniquely Brazilian habit.]
cmrolla : that behaviour
MythrilMoth : And one of you just proved WHY :P
cmrolla : lol
cmrolla : yeah
cmrolla : its annoying
[See? The guy from Uruguay gets it...]
MythrilMoth : Typical example of the social skills of a
MythrilMoth : Brazilian MMO player:
MythrilMoth : br? BR? BR? BR?!?!?!?!
MythrilMoth : SERA?
cmrolla : afff
Myluca : sou sim
MythrilMoth : noob LOL affffs
cmrolla : lol
Myluca : de sp e vc?
NaNdO : alguem e br?
MythrilMoth : That's what this game has degenerated
MythrilMoth : into. -_-
cmrolla : totally right
NaNdO : Myluca
MythrilMoth : Oh my god look at them they don't even
MythrilMoth : realize they're being insulted.
cmrolla : dont understimete them
NaNdO : meu deus
NaNdO : Boa Tacada!!!
cmrolla : or whatever the right word is
Myluca : primeira vez que jogo isso
MythrilMoth : Yeah, I've learned that their ability to under
MythrilMoth : stand English mysteriously fails when
MythrilMoth : they realize you're not going to give them
MythrilMoth : free gifts.
cmrolla : lol
cmrolla : at least some will be banned
cmrolla : for not using English
cmrolla : in lobby
MythrilMoth : Yeah, but they'll be back.
MythrilMoth : Or ten more just like them.
MythrilMoth : They're like roaches.
NaNdO : you are my best PANGYA player MythrilMo
NaNdO : th
cmrolla :
NaNdO : MythMoth?
MythrilMoth : It's talking to me. Why is it talking to me?
MythrilMoth : Am I the roach whisperer or something?
[Good god they drove me so crazy I turned into Kreacher.]
cmrolla : u called him a roach
cmrolla : he want revenge now
cmrolla : lol
cmrolla : wants*
MythrilMoth :
cmrolla : vc ja disse... lol
Myluca : noob vc
NaNdO : eu tmbm nao
Myluca : eu s perco kkkkkkkk
NaNdO :
NaNdO : aaaaaad
Myluca : uhhhhhhhhhh
NaNdO : aaaaaaaaaf
NaNdO : q merda
cmrolla : there shoul be a
cmrolla : br-free S4 soon
MythrilMoth : S4, yes. BR-free, sadly, no.
cmrolla : sadly
NaNdO : ae
Myluca : boa
NaNdO : nossa
NaNdO : perdendo feio
Myluca : eu sou ruim
Myluca : vou parar de jogar
NaNdO : ruim
NaNdO : vc eh terrivel
Myluca : como sai?
NaNdO : saindo
cmrolla : esc
MythrilMoth : The GMs are gonna love this log
Myluca : eu vou ficar s pra irritar vcs
cmrolla : ESC e logo Forfeit
cmrolla : lol
Myluca : vou fazer em 100 jogadas
cmrolla : o max e 10
NaNdO : nao da
Myluca : ah ?
NaNdO : eh
cmrolla : vc pode ficar
NaNdO : eh vc nao eh rum
NaNdO : ehs terrible
cmrolla : lol... so tem q jugar mais
cmrolla : jogar*
cmrolla : lol
NaNdO : eh
NaNdO : da vc fica ruim
NaNdO : depois
NaNdO : + -
NaNdO : dai
Myluca : tem sala mais facil?
NaNdO : s
cmrolla : in fact she'll suck 4 bout a month
cmrolla : lol
NaNdO : merda
Myluca : estou melhor nessa?
cmrolla : tem mais facies mas esta e random
NaNdO : nao tah
Myluca : como vcs jogam bola com poder?
cmrolla : alt
NaNdO : jogando
MythrilMoth : I wonder if it's that they don't KNOW
MythrilMoth : the server is English-only...
MythrilMoth : ...or if they just don't CARE.
NaNdO : alt ou item
cmrolla : in fact idk if it continues to be english only
cmrolla : at least in albb 18
[Incidentally, this was BEFORE Ntreev gave up and gave the BRs their own goddamn server so they'd stop bothering everyone else. (Which they didn't.) At this time, English-only in any public area of the game was mandatory, and reported offenses were penalized.]
MythrilMoth : the notice about it on the pangya
MythrilMoth : website.
NaNdO : seus nooooooooobs
MythrilMoth : It's English-only everywhere EXCEPT
MythrilMoth : private rooms.
cmrolla : doesnt tat refer to
MythrilMoth : It refers to everything except private
MythrilMoth : rooms.
cmrolla : language in lobby and chat rooms only?
MythrilMoth : Everywhere except private roooms.
cmrolla : oh
MythrilMoth : They have said this on the website notice
MythrilMoth : and on the forums and in the lobby.
Notice: NaNdO has left.
MythrilMoth : They have said it everywhere anyone
MythrilMoth : might conceivably look.
Notice: Myluca has left.
cmrolla : bye roaches
MythrilMoth : LOL
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
almadadinhavip : you too
MythrilMoth : Nice!
almadadinhavip : the book is on the table? Ineed for speed?
almadadinhavip : creu
almadadinhavip : na tua mao
almadadinhavip : creu
MythrilMoth : Please speak English on this server.
MythrilMoth : This server does not allow languages
MythrilMoth : other than English.
almadadinhavip : Q?
MythrilMoth : Speak English on this server.
MythrilMoth : If you do not know English, then do not
MythrilMoth : play here.
MythrilMoth : Nice shot!
almadadinhavip : Good Luck!
almadadinhavip : Hello.
almadadinhavip : Hello.
almadadinhavip : Nice to meet you.
almadadinhavip : Finish it off in one shot!
almadadinhavip : I <3 Pangya!
almadadinhavip : Good Luck!
almadadinhavip : Very Close!
almadadinhavip : Nice Shot!
almadadinhavip : Nice Shot!
[What happened here: He spammed all of the game client's default chat macros in rapid succession.]
almadadinhavip : bate aqi
almadadinhavip : fghdhf
almadadinhavip : hyu
almadadinhavip : sorrrrrrrrii
almadadinhavip : cory
almadadinhavip : smallville
almadadinhavip : sorrrrrrrrii
MythrilMoth : Flooding the chat is not permitted. Neither
MythrilMoth : are languages other than English.
MythrilMoth : Please learn and obey the rules of this
MythrilMoth : server if you wish to play here.
almadadinhavip : lol
MythrilMoth : You have been reported for flooding the
MythrilMoth : chat and speaking in a foreign language.
almadadinhavip : ban?
MythrilMoth : Not my call. The GMS decide that.
MythrilMoth : However, I'm blocking chat from you now.
GordowTF : i need gift u help me?/
MythrilMoth : No.
MythrilMoth : But I will report you for begging.
GordowTF : Ok.
GordowTF : Really?
MythrilMoth : function's not working.
MythrilMoth : I'll have to report from website after.
MythrilMoth : If I bother. But seriously? Don't beg ppl for
MythrilMoth : gifts. It's not allowed and you will be
MythrilMoth : banned.
GordowTF : Ok ur noob.
MythrilMoth : I get the feeling you've been banned
MythrilMoth : already for this, since you're on a Rookie F
MythrilMoth : account.
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
[I will never understand why the chat filter ignores macros. Because THIS happens when idiots figure that out.]
GordowTF :
MythrilMoth : NOW it's working. Reported for begging
MythrilMoth : AND for swearing.
GordowTF :
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
MythrilMoth : And I'm screencapping and loggging this.
MythrilMoth : Sure you want to keep pushing it?
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
GordowTF : M O T H E R F U C K E R
[Well, I guess he told ME! ]
AnjoGyn : Serve black papel
Kaka : e ja pode
AnjoGyn : speak portugueis (Brazil)
AnjoGyn : From Brazil
MythrilMoth : See, that's just it. This isn't Pangya Brazil.
MythrilMoth : This is Pangya USA.
AnjoGyn : quaze
MythrilMoth : The language here is English.
AnjoGyn : no
AnjoGyn : you are Brazil
MythrilMoth : Last I checked, I was not a country in
MythrilMoth : South America.
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
cobbain : are you from???
MythrilMoth : That isn't a complete question.
MythrilMoth : I commend you on at least TRYING though.
cobbain : i 'am brazilian
MythrilMoth : Yes, I know.
MythrilMoth : I could tell.
MythrilMoth : Why are you on the EN server and not on
cobbain : hehhehehehehhehe
MythrilMoth : the BR server?
MythrilMoth : You don't belong here.
cobbain : i don't know
cobbain : all right
[Well, at least he's honest about it.]
cobbain : s
cobbain : sei la
cobbain : merda
cobbain : ohh
cobbain : beautiful woman
[I was probably either using Arin or Cecilia that day.]
cobbain : uahsuahsuahsuahushaushas
cobbain : merda
[The idiot in the next log was holding up the game by burning through his entire stock of strength potions to repeatedly attempt (and miss, BADLY) a "hero shot" (using the special shot Tomahawk with a 6I to chip from the edge of the green). Which counts for precisely nothing if you're over par. It's one thing to practice a tricky shot like that whenever you get the chance. It's another to hold up a four-player game by burning through eight pots on one hole just so you can keep trying to do a trick shot.]
evolution :
boa sorte
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
craigyboy1 : Hi good luck an have fun from england
sabuncuci : Good Luck! from jakarta
evolution : aa
sabuncuci : yes
MythrilMoth :
sabuncuci : ty
evolution :
MythrilMoth :
sabuncuci : easy bro
MythrilMoth : Can we not with the retarded nonsense
evolution : aaa
MythrilMoth : like "kkkkkkk" and all that, please?
MythrilMoth : It's way too early in the morning to deal
MythrilMoth : with having to report that s**t.
craigyboy1 : wth
MythrilMoth : It's too early to deal with THAT s**t too
[This is where the hero shot bullshit started.]
MythrilMoth :
evolution : aa
MythrilMoth : Was there ANY POINT TO THAT?
MythrilMoth : SERIOUSLY?
sabuncuci : evo waht r u doing
MythrilMoth : Even if a hero shot had worked just then?
craigyboy1 : pis teker
MythrilMoth : You're WAY OVER PAR ALREADY
MythrilMoth : So it'd have been POINTLESS
craigyboy1 : nice win
craigyboy1 : 0
evolution : !!!!sera!!!
MythrilMoth : Okay evo? I'm seriously going to report you
sabuncuci : what is ser??
MythrilMoth : to the GMs if you do that ONE MORE TIME
MythrilMoth : I do not have the patience for BR s**t this
MythrilMoth : morning.
evolution : nosa
sabuncuci : english evo
While Brazilians are by far and away the greatest annoyance on any Pangya server, they are not remotely the only non-English-speaking pests I've had to put up with...
josepool : salut
josepool : bonne parti
MythrilMoth : Hello and good luck!
MythrilMoth : ...English, please.
josepool : dsl no seam englesh
josepool : speam
MythrilMoth : Then what are you doing on our server?
MythrilMoth : Go play on GOA
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
mausi007 : you du auch
MythrilMoth : ...Please speak English. :)
mausi007 : no
MythrilMoth : In that case, I will block chat. This is an
MythrilMoth : English-speaking server.
mausi007 : speak germ
MythrilMoth : Ich habt nich Deutsch gesprechen im
MythrilMoth : 20 yahren.
[Yeah, I speak German too. Ain't I full of surprises?]
mausi007 : ok ich in 34 jahren kei englisch
mausi007 : sprechen gelernt
MythrilMoth : Und diesen server ist ENGLISH, nicht
MythrilMoth : Deutsch. -_-
mausi007 : weis ich doch#
MythrilMoth : If you can't or won't speak the language
MythrilMoth : of the server, don't play on the server.
MythrilMoth : There is a server where you can speak
MythrilMoth : German.
MythrilMoth : This is not it.
mausi007 : germy server voll
MythrilMoth : On USA server, you speak English.
MythrilMoth : That's just how it is.
MythrilMoth :
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
: unta
: matapos ta ni upat
MythrilMoth : ENGLISH.
MythrilMoth : This is the ENGLISH ONLY server.
: nice club ur club is nice
MythrilMoth : Thanks. :)
: i have little english only
MythrilMoth : I don't get why people who can't speak
MythrilMoth : English INSIST on playing on THIS server.
MythrilMoth : There's two other servers where you can
: where from other planet
MythrilMoth : speak whatever the hell language you
MythrilMoth : want...
: peace
MythrilMoth : I mean, Black Papel is clearly marked
MythrilMoth : ENGLISH ONLY.
MythrilMoth : TBoo is for BR and Dolfini is Open for
MythrilMoth : why the hell do the non-English-
MythrilMoth : speakers keep coming on BP?
: what BP? blood presure?
[He's certainly raising MINE...]
MythrilMoth : Black Papel. Jesus, you don't even know
MythrilMoth : the name of the server you're on?
: imn just a beginer u shall not use the name
: of jesus in vain
[If not for the chat filter...]
MythrilMoth : Screw you.
: 1st comandment!
["Little English", huh?]
MythrilMoth : Don't presume to inflict your beliefs on
MythrilMoth : others.
[For the record, I'm Christian. It's just this is a pet peeve of mine.]
MythrilMoth : You are ridiculous.
: you to
: im 3 she for he 5
MythrilMoth : Fortunately, there's a block chat button,
MythrilMoth : so I don't have to listen to your garbage.
: gani man
[At this point, I blocked the idiot, but that wasn't the end of this particular story...much of what lies below is the two other players reacting to his bullshit.]
: wow ^^
MythrilMoth : There, that's much better.
: good
MythrilMoth : Not really.
MythrilMoth : But thanks.
: wowow
: seed of caroma
: wahhh
: bravo
: so scare
: d
SpyGIELmaN : noob
SpyGIELmaN : host
MythrilMoth : Seriously guys, just click on his name and
MythrilMoth : hit Block Chat
MythrilMoth : I did it way back on the first hole. It's
MythrilMoth : better that way.
SpyGIELmaN : 18 holes what a noob
[This is one of my chat macros. I use it when someone OBs.]
SpyGIELmaN : i will quit
: pinoy ka part?
: taga asa?
MythrilMoth : ENGLISH.
: ahhh
: nag *******
: nag bl0wj0b
[Bet your ASS I reported that one too.]
sdlkgjhg : - -zhe dou shi shui a ..?
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
MythrilMoth : ...this is the English-only server.
MythrilMoth : Please speak English here.
sdlkgjhg : ...
AnnaLi(CHN) : ni hao,,,
AnnaLi(CHN) : english pls
MythrilMoth : Languages other than English are NOT
MythrilMoth : ALLOWED on Black Papel server.
sdlkgjhg : mei kan di
sdlkgjhg : bu shi li xiang wei zhi ..
MythrilMoth : This is your final warning:
MythrilMoth : Speak ENGLISH on this server.
novice : we are Chinese
MythrilMoth : Nobody cares where you're from.
MythrilMoth : This server is for English only.
MythrilMoth : If you want to speajk Chinese, play on
MythrilMoth : Dolfini server.
novice : so we only speak Chinese
MythrilMoth : Otherwise, speak English or you will
MythrilMoth : be reported to the GMs for violation.
MythrilMoth : Then do not play on Black Papel.
novice : i dont know ..what do you say
MythrilMoth : Play on Dolfini.
MythrilMoth : You think I'm joking. I ***ure you I'm not.
[ing chat filter!]
[This occurred during a tournament. You'll notice that I didn't involve myself in this conversation. This is because I mute chat during tournaments so the spam doesn't distract me (up to 30 players with at least half of them spamming macros gets tiresome), then at the end of the last hole, I log the chat before I sink my final shot so I can review it while I wait in the lounge and see if I missed anything interesting...
This took place on the English-only PangyaUSA server, at a time when English-only was a rule and violators were suspended or banned.
Rules or no rules, however, these guys were just being assholes.]
wengski : gL
enricaa : buona fortuna a tutti
enricaa : good luck and have fun
DScanit : GL from DragonspinneR guild [DS]
mxninja : GL ALL
Jabawockeez :
Jabawockeez :
Jabawockeez :
ichan123 : meron p rin fafs?
DScanit : GL from DragonspinneR guild [DS]
StOrmCatz : gl hf chat off
ichan123 : GL sakin
: gl to all DS
rin : enric Ciao
ReoLoco : gl all chat off
enricaa : ciao
rin : hi and gl from italy
DScanit : bro its ur time to break now
DScanit : winds are great
wengski : omg my first miss pangya lol
: kk
ichan123 : sana
coolman999 : GoodLuck From>Philippines
DScanit : 9
: *
wengski : chat off muna
wengski :
phoebe12 : stop
phoebe12 : bad luck today^^
enricaa : too me
phoebe12 : strong shot
ichan123 : anu ginagawa mu dun fafs?
drasty262 : gan2 nanyayari pg hyblad
ichan123 :
phoebe12 : puro pinoy
ichan123 : kul k lang
phoebe12 : please speak english
phoebe12 :
drasty262 : mea fluctuate na nmn to beer mode na q
ichan123 : malas tlga
ichan123 : ok n b ung sesarian mu?
drasty262 : prang bubukas na nga e
phoebe12 : super literal na cesarean?
ichan123 : nkau nmn talaga
ichan123 : pinuputakte ng malas
DScanit : nc one bro
SPFCeLLoY : english only
: ty
ichan123 : galing ng timing pinapagalitan aku
ichan123 : habang naglalaru
DScanit : leave them alobe
DScanit : mind ur own business ok
DScanit : alone
: i cant concetrate with guy saying english o
: only
: fastrating me
DScanit :
they are so iritated that no one is talkn
DScanit : to them
DScanit :
phoebe12 : coz this is a english srever
DScanit : and ?
: sand?
enricaa : you can disactive chat
phoebe12 : so we should follow instructions and policie
phoebe12 : s
DScanit : yes she can
DScanit : so mind ur own busines ok
phoebe12 :
DScanit : policy ur face
phoebe12 : but ur talking with the public
ichan123 :
DScanit : racist scam
DScanit :
phoebe12 : we can mind our own business w/o
phoebe12 : distractions
phoebe12 : chat off tahnk you
phoebe12 :
ichan123 : tataray nio ahhhhhh
drasty262 : paps me asukal kau jan?
ReoLoco : lol hio beam 10
ichan123 : bakit fafs?
drasty262 : ala me asukal d2
wengski : inaalat ba?
wengski :
drasty262 : npaka alat
wengski :
ichan123 : suka kaya
ichan123 : ang lat alat amf
drasty262 : isda na lg ung kulang
DScanit : ppatis na un eh
DScanit :
4M1G0 : which language is allowed here?
enricaa : i think all
ichan123 : any language
DScanit : nc one bro
: ty
4M1G0 : in old server
4M1G0 : albatross
DScanit : lol
: pangya
DScanit : evry lingo is allowed
4M1G0 : there was chanel is called english only
DScanit : they are just plne racist
DScanit : thats why
ReoLoco : and these server is ntreev usa
ReoLoco : u know language of usa?
SPFCeLLoY : Serve all englisj
SPFCeLLoY : english*
enricaa : no that is in albatross
enricaa : here isn't for now
enricaa : in goa is.
ReoLoco : ok
ReoLoco : lol
4M1G0 : actually I don't like rule english only in a18
4M1G0 : but we must obey the rule
enricaa : in goa are these rules
Begging complete strangers for gifts on MMOs is bad manners, and on all Pangya servers, it's prohibited and can result in a ban. Yet, this does not deter the truly determined and idiotic players from begging...
nen0o0 : gg gl
MythrilMoth : Good luck
nen0o0 : where you live
nen0o0 : ??
MythrilMoth : USA
nen0o0 : do you have cookies??
MythrilMoth : Is that really any of your business?
MythrilMoth : No.
nen0o0 : do you have pangya??
MythrilMoth : I just hit pangya.
MythrilMoth : Oh...if you're trying to hint at wanting
MythrilMoth : a gift from me?
nen0o0 : do you give me a gift?
MythrilMoth : I should warn you:
MythrilMoth : I report beggers.
MythrilMoth : And get them banned.
MythrilMoth : Thanks for setting yourself up for a ban.
nen0o0 : lol
MythrilMoth : Reported.
MythrilMoth : Ctrl+Cing now. Enjoy rest of game.
Prozwerg>MythrilMoth : 'hi can u donate me some pang ?'
MythrilMoth>Prozwerg : 'No, but I can report you for begging'
MythrilMoth>Prozwerg : 'How would you like that instead?'
Prozwerg>MythrilMoth : 'its okay sorry'
Prozwerg>MythrilMoth : 'i dont know that is illegal'
MythrilMoth>Prozwerg : 'That's what I thought.'
luizm : hey
luizm : u chahnge my pangs for your astros
luizm :
luizm : ?
luizm : change*
MythrilMoth : LOL what astros?
MythrilMoth : And I'm not so lame that I need to buy
MythrilMoth : pang for real money
luizm :
MythrilMoth : I can farm 50k pang in one day WITHOUT
MythrilMoth : 2x pang event...why the hell would I
MythrilMoth : need to waste real money on pang?
MythrilMoth : :P
luizm : pang
MythrilMoth : Pang I don't even need, even
MythrilMoth : Besides, that's kind of a violation of
MythrilMoth : OGP terms of service...
MythrilMoth : Maybe I should contact support and
MythrilMoth : tell them what you asked me?
MythrilMoth : See what they think of it?
luizm : hey
MythrilMoth :
luizm : no stress
luizm : plz
luizm :
MythrilMoth : What country are you from?
luizm :
MythrilMoth : Are you from Brasil?
luizm :
MythrilMoth : OK, I've reported for begging. If the GMs
MythrilMoth : don't have a problem with what you asked
MythrilMoth : me then I'll eat a warning for false report.
MythrilMoth : But it's worth it to stop that kind of
luizm : no plz don't report
MythrilMoth : blatant scam. :/
luizm : becouse i need astros
MythrilMoth : It's too late, I already did.
MythrilMoth : Then buy them.
MythrilMoth : Like everyone else.
MythrilMoth : What makes you so special?
luizm : i don't have card
MythrilMoth : That you think you can get something for
MythrilMoth : nothing?
MythrilMoth : Because that's what Pang is. NOTHING.
luizm : sorry my inglish is very bad
MythrilMoth : Yep, you're from Brazil alright.
MythrilMoth : Thought so when you refused to answer.
MythrilMoth : That's kind of why I reported.
MythrilMoth : A Brazilian begging for Astros...
MythrilMoth : Yep, that's not really someting we need
MythrilMoth : around here.
[BUT WAIT! There's more!]
itachiluiz : your mand from me
itachiluiz : ?
itachiluiz : yes?
MythrilMoth : Yes what?
itachiluiz : kaz
itachiluiz : kit
itachiluiz : red kit the kaz
MythrilMoth : ..are you asking me to gift you items?
itachiluiz : yes
MythrilMoth : OK, that's against the rules.
MythrilMoth : Are you the same guy who was begging
MythrilMoth : for Astros for pang on Saturay?
MythrilMoth : The one I reported?
itachiluiz : yes
MythrilMoth : I thought so.
MythrilMoth : Got banned, huh?
itachiluiz : no
MythrilMoth : I believe you did.
MythrilMoth : And I believe you made a new account.
MythrilMoth : And are doing the same thing again.
MythrilMoth : Because you are too stupid to learn better
MythrilMoth : Get ready to lose this one too, ese.
itachiluiz : your mand from me one kit the kaz?
MythrilMoth : Are you retarded or something?
itachiluiz : and twite feater set?
MythrilMoth : Jesus, you don't give up...
MythrilMoth : You=Brasil?
itachiluiz : you speak portuguesE?
MythrilMoth : No, I don't. And yep, you're Brasil.
MythrilMoth : Thought as much.
itachiluiz : yes or no
itachiluiz : you mand from me
itachiluiz : ?
MythrilMoth : NO, you obnoxious Brazilian jackass.
itachiluiz : i not brasilian
MythrilMoth : Sure coulda fooled me.
MythrilMoth : Doesn't matter what you are, really.
MythrilMoth : You got one account banned for begging.
MythrilMoth : You MADE ANOTHER.
MythrilMoth : And now you're BEGGING AGAIN
MythrilMoth : That is beyond idiotic.
: hi you sale astross ?
MythrilMoth : No, but I do report people for asking that.
MythrilMoth : You want to get account banned?
: i buy too astross
: but .....i no have more
: more
MythrilMoth : That's not my problem.
: oks oks
Naruto3k : Hi
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Naruto3k : ty
Naruto3k : Where You From?
MythrilMoth : USA.
Naruto3k : Hum
Naruto3k : You Can Help Me Please?
MythrilMoth : Sorry, I don't help Brazilians.
MythrilMoth : With anything.
MythrilMoth : Except getting banned.
[Don't ask how I knew. I just knew.]
Naruto3k : im Spanish
MythrilMoth : I don't help Spanish either.
MythrilMoth : Especially ones that lie.
Naruto3k :
Naruto3k : ok...
MythrilMoth : Let me guess. You were going to ask me
MythrilMoth : to give you astros, or buy Kaz and the
MythrilMoth : red set for you, or something of that
Naruto3k : ok
MythrilMoth : nature.
MythrilMoth : Am I right?
Naruto3k : ok
Naruto3k : im give Kaz
Naruto3k : Gift me one Air lance
Naruto3k : Club set
MythrilMoth : Thank you and goodnight.
Naruto3k : You Need Kaz?
MythrilMoth : I already HAVE Kaz.
Naruto3k : hum
Naruto3k : please dont report me
MythrilMoth : You should've thought of that before you
MythrilMoth : decided to beg for gifts, shouldn't you?
Naruto3k : please
MythrilMoth : You have nobody to blame but your own
MythrilMoth : idiot self.
MythrilMoth : Let it be a lesson to you...
MythrilMoth : If you don't want people to report you for
MythrilMoth : begging? DON'T BEG.
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
zymeth01 : please gift me an item
zymeth01 : please
MythrilMoth : Reported for begging. Thank you and good-
MythrilMoth : bye
zymeth01 : please
MythrilMoth : Um...why should I?
MythrilMoth : In the first place, I don't know you.
MythrilMoth : In the second place, I don't have astros
MythrilMoth : OR pang.
MythrilMoth : Even if I did, I wouldn't gift you so much
MythrilMoth : as a generic nerve pill.
zymeth01 : just a pang
MythrilMoth : And you really need to read the rules and
MythrilMoth : terms of service of this game.
MythrilMoth : Well, I've gifted you a free report to the
MythrilMoth : GMs for begging.
MythrilMoth : That's as much as I'm willing to "gift" ppl
MythrilMoth : like you.
MythrilMoth : You should forfeit now. I'm sure other ppl
MythrilMoth : are waiting to report you for begging.
zymeth01 : no
zymeth01 : shut up
MythrilMoth : And now it gets rude and abusive because
MythrilMoth : it isn't getting its way.
[We had an influx of players from the Phillipines when THEIR Pangya server shut down. While they were nowhere NEAR as obnoxious as the Brazilians about begging, scenes like this became common:]
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
phoeniX143 : we'r u from?
MythrilMoth : USA
phoeniX143 : ah
phoeniX143 : hey
phoeniX143 : could u give me a gift ?
phoeniX143 : pls pls
MythrilMoth : *sigh*
MythrilMoth : Reported for begging -_-
phoeniX143 : no
phoeniX143 : i just want a max so badly
phoeniX143 : he's so handsome
phoeniX143 : haha
MythrilMoth : Um...please read the OGP Terms of Service
MythrilMoth : Begging for gifts is not allowed.
MythrilMoth : And you can be banned for it.
MythrilMoth : And I have NO tolerance for it.
MythrilMoth : You want Max, earn the pang to buy him
MythrilMoth : yourself.
MythrilMoth : Begging is only going to get you banned.
MythrilMoth : Anyway, I've reported you for begging.
MythrilMoth : And now I'm going to mute chat.
[This was during the Season 4 open beta.]
PraQueNick : from??
MythrilMoth : USA
PraQueNick : you have gift my kooh??
MythrilMoth : Oh my GOD we're not even out of open
MythrilMoth : beta yet and you're ALREADY starting with
MythrilMoth : the begging crap?
PraQueNick : what?? im from portugual
PraQueNick : no speak engles
MythrilMoth : Reported for begging.
PraQueNick : im is portuguese from portugal
PraQueNick : no brazilians from Brazil
[Suspiciously specific denial there...]
MythrilMoth : Okay in the first place? I never said you
MythrilMoth : were from Brazil, or even ASKED if you
MythrilMoth : were, though I suspected it.
MythrilMoth : In the second place, I don't CARE where
MythrilMoth : you're from. Begging is begging, is annoying
MythrilMoth : and violation of the rules.
MythrilMoth : You are reported, and I am closing chat.
KeTcHuP : GooD Luck From Brazil
MythrilMoth : Good luck
KeTcHuP : hey mann
KeTcHuP : my help is pang
KeTcHuP : ??
MythrilMoth : Reported for begging.
KeTcHuP : ??
KeTcHuP : sorry
KeTcHuP : no ented
KeTcHuP : my help is pang please
KeTcHuP : HiOoOoOoO
KeTcHuP : HiOoOoOoO
Notice:KeTcHuP has left.
: Hi
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
: ????????
: You From?
MythrilMoth : Sorry, that's none of your business.
: Can give me an club set?
MythrilMoth : Begging is not allowed.
MythrilMoth : You are to be reported to the GMs for
MythrilMoth : a terms of service violation.
: What?
MythrilMoth : Asking for gift=begging.
MythrilMoth : Begging=
MythrilMoth : =banned.
MythrilMoth : You=
MythrilMoth : Comprendo?
: send
MythrilMoth : You could at least learn enough English to
: i'm not hack !!
MythrilMoth : know when you have been reported. -_-
MythrilMoth : Oh, you're retarded, that explains it.
[This one caught me on a REALLY bad day.]
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
: wer u from?
MythrilMoth : USA
: w0w
MythrilMoth : Yeah, I know.
MythrilMoth : It's very rare to find USA players on
MythrilMoth : PangyaUSA.
MythrilMoth : Because the rest of the world that lost
MythrilMoth : their servers has overtaken ours...
: ok
MythrilMoth : Yes, I know that includes PangyaPH. :P
: ehehe
MythrilMoth : Sorry, I have issues with non-USA players.
MythrilMoth : I can't help it. I keep running into really
MythrilMoth : rude and annoying BRs, PHs, and Indo-
MythrilMoth : nesians.
MythrilMoth : It gets very, very old.
: aw
MythrilMoth : Ouch
: soo bad
: triple
MythrilMoth : Sorry for the at***ude. I haven't slept since
[ing chat filter!]
MythrilMoth : Sunday.
: ???
MythrilMoth : Can't sleep. I get cranky when I can't
MythrilMoth : sleep.
: aw
[And having been warned I was in a bad mood, STILL...]
[It was at this point that I SNAPPED.]
MythrilMoth : ....I'm a guy. On my username and player profile, I have the blue "male" gender icon. But a lot of people are just too stupid to look at that icon, so they assume all players are the same gender (and in many cases, believe other players LOOK EXACTLY LIKE) whatever character they're using.
Since I mainly use female characters, this...sometimes becomes a problem.
Cuzuco12 : hello mm
Cuzuco12 : how r u
Cuzuco12 : so myrimoth u must be really good
Kassidy : her named mythrilmoth
MythrilMoth : "her" isn't a her. :P
Kassidy : sorry shes named mythrilmoth
MythrilMoth : So kindly stop trying to chat me up.
[I admit that was a little rude, but at the time, I'd been dealing with a LOT of that.]
Cuzuco12 : r u sure she is a she not he
Kassidy : well (its) character is a she
Cuzuco12 : that is true
MythrilMoth : God, I must've landed in Planet Tard. -_-
Cuzuco12 : just ask
Cuzuco12 : in earth
MythrilMoth : Just play the game, people
Cuzuco12 : im not a good player
MythrilMoth : No kidding.
Kassidy : we don't have to if we don't want to
Cuzuco12 : u will win easily
Kassidy : now your just mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
MythrilMoth : Excuse me?
Cuzuco12 : mean about what
MythrilMoth : I'm not the one talking about a person who
MythrilMoth : is in the room in the third person as thoug
MythrilMoth : they are not even there.
Cuzuco12 : sorry then
Cuzuco12 : i apologized to mm
Kassidy : im leaving cuzuco see ya
Cuzuco12 : i hope u r not mad
Kassidy : im not apologizing to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kassidy : im leaving
Kassidy : bye it
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
asatsuku : hey sexy
MythrilMoth : Oh god what IS it with people this
MythrilMoth : morning?
MythrilMoth : I. AM. NOT. A. GIRL.
asatsuku : where do you come from ?
asatsuku : ohh ****
MythrilMoth : None of your business.
asatsuku : d
asatsuku : a
asatsuku : ,
asatsuku : n
MythrilMoth : Retard.
Brelion : HELOW
Brelion : WHAT YOU NAME?
Brelion : BABE
Brelion : BABY
MythrilMoth : .....
MythrilMoth : I am not female.
MythrilMoth : And you are disgusting.
MythrilMoth : Disabling chat. Enjoy the game.
Unis : Good luck and Winner power from france
Unis : SSFrenchy
MythrilMoth : Hello, good luck,a nd have fun!
Unis : hello dear
Unis : lol the pangya ^^
MythrilMoth : ...I'm not your dear.
Unis : Its because you have a dress ^^
MythrilMoth : ....
MythrilMoth : OK, muting chat now. I can tell if I don't
MythrilMoth : I'm going to get pissed off really fast.
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
ebunman : sexy
ebunman : GL
ebunman : where u from?
MythrilMoth : Somewhere.
ebunman :
MythrilMoth : You did notice I am NOT female, right?
MythrilMoth : Because you seem to not have noticed
MythrilMoth : this and I really hate being hit on just
MythrilMoth : because I use the girl characters and ppl
MythrilMoth : are too dumb to realize.
ebunman :
ebunman : sounds g@y
[I'm gay because I'd rather stare at Cecilia's ass than Azer's all day? Uh...whatever.]
ebunman : lol
MythrilMoth : ......
MythrilMoth : OK, that's offensive AND idiotic.
Whether it's annoyingly large and obnoxious macros, several lines of the same nonsense over and over, or just someone who won't stop running their fucking mouth, spammers are a pestilence.
stalkingyomama : +
MythrilMoth : +
stalkingyomama : (2)
stalkingyomama :
stalkingyomama :
stalkingyomama : +
MythrilMoth : +
stalkingyomama : v.s
stalkingyomama : wins
stalkingyomama :
[Now I love playing around with the chat smileys as much as the next guy, but THIS IS JUST RIDICULOUS.]
stalkingyomama :
stalkingyomama : wa waaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
stalkingyomama : Very Close!
stalkingyomama : Nice Try.
stalkingyomama : Nice Shot!
stalkingyomama : Finish it off in one shot!
[And when he got tired of spamming smileys, he spammed macros. -_-#]
stalkingyomama : ??
MythrilMoth : Okay, the spamming is getting slightly
MythrilMoth : old now.
stalkingyomama : im not old
MythrilMoth : Your spamming is, though. :P
stalkingyomama : how could you!
stalkingyomama : i eat spam
redhead8137 : yuck
stalkingyomama : i eat penguins to
MythrilMoth : How about eating some not talking?
stalkingyomama : for realz
stalkingyomama : i already ate
MythrilMoth : I think you have room for more.
MythrilMoth : Silence is like jello. Always room for it.
stalkingyomama : i hate jello
redhead8137 : yeah but talking makes the game go by
MythrilMoth : Conversation is fine. Tiresome spam isn't.
MythrilMoth : ^_^
stalkingyomama : i broke my mute buton
MythrilMoth : Nice shot!
redhead8137 : nice on
stalkingyomama : i eat to much
stalkingyomama : ooooow pizza
stalkingyomama : had a nice fall
redhead8137 : i need putting lessons lol
stalkingyomama : thats true
stalkingyomama : no offence
redhead8137 : none taken i am not perfect
stalkingyomama : this pizzas good
stalkingyomama : burp
dmauney>MythrilMoth : 'the more u talk to him the more he runs '
dmauney>MythrilMoth : 'his mouth'
stalkingyomama : to much ganna colapse
stalkingyomama : the papel sucks
dmauney : hes been around u
stalkingyomama : hes stalking me
stalkingyomama : OMG!!! HELP ME
stalkingyomama : get the papel away
stalkingyomama : show off
stalkingyomama : cannon user
MythrilMoth : I'll use it on you if you don't shut your
MythrilMoth : hole.
stalkingyomama : cranky
MythrilMoth : Tired. And not in the mood for you.
stalkingyomama : ........
MythrilMoth : I'm only still awake because I want to farm
MythrilMoth : Hong Baos before they shut the server
MythrilMoth : down for maintenance
MythrilMoth : Since this is the very last night for HBs
[This was during a Chinese New Year event, when special items were popping out of the cup at random when you holed out.]
redhead8137 : thats why i am on
stalkingyomama : ?
MythrilMoth : In other words, we're very tired people
MythrilMoth : who would be in bed by now otherwise
stalkingyomama : ..
MythrilMoth : So please do us a favor and stifle yourself
MythrilMoth : ^_^
stalkingyomama : your cruel
MythrilMoth : Yup. ^_^
MythrilMoth : It's 12:30am and I've been up since 5:30am
MythrilMoth : playing A18.
[God, that sounds bad in retrospect...]
MythrilMoth : By this point, you're lucky I'm JUST cruel.
stalkingyomama : its 8:30
MythrilMoth : SPEAK THEM?
stalkingyomama : 8:30pm at my time
redhead8137 : its 130 here
stalkingyomama : wow
MythrilMoth : So you're in Hawaii then, stalking?
redhead8137 : been up since 530
stalkingyomama : yup i am
MythrilMoth : Figures
stalkingyomama : hawaii hayer
MythrilMoth : No, I don't hate hawaii
MythrilMoth : I have some friends there, actually
stalkingyomama : jelouse
MythrilMoth : Nah, I can't stand the climate there
MythrilMoth : I hate warm places, I hate sunshine
stalkingyomama : its boring to
MythrilMoth : And I hate humidity and beaches
MythrilMoth : So why would I want to live anywhere
MythrilMoth : NEAR an island?
stalkingyomama : i hate HAWAII!!
MythrilMoth : I'm a cold mountains person
stalkingyomama : and i thought i was weird
MythrilMoth : You ARE weird.
MythrilMoth : Just not for the reasons you think.
stalkingyomama : im in a mental instatution
MythrilMoth : Good, I hope they keep you there a while
MythrilMoth : You need it
stalkingyomama : ....
MythrilMoth : Yeah, that's right, I went there
MythrilMoth : Leave yourself open for it. :P
stalkingyomama :
stalkingyomama : adiose muchacho
stalkingyomama : pink head
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
CrazyHooker : ty
MythrilMoth :
CrazyHooker : aw gt
CrazyHooker : gb
CrazyHooker : vbn
CrazyHooker : vn
CrazyHooker : good birdies
CrazyHooker : bah!
CrazyHooker : ns
CrazyHooker : good try
CrazyHooker : awwwww
CrazyHooker : Get In Your Hole, BALL !
CrazyHooker : Y%$#^@#@^%#@&%$&^#^%$#&^%$
CrazyHooker : gb
CrazyHooker : fine don't talk to me.
CrazyHooker : vn
CrazyHooker : aw
CrazyHooker : ew
CrazyHooker : You speak English?
CrazyHooker : grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
CrazyHooker : gt
CrazyHooker :
CrazyHooker : good try
MythrilMoth : Yes, I speak English, I am from the USA.
MythrilMoth : And I have had chat turned off for most
MythrilMoth : of the game.
CrazyHooker : so why haven't you ?
MythrilMoth : Like I just said.
CrazyHooker : oic ok sry
MythrilMoth : I've had chat turned off.
CrazyHooker : gbz
CrazyHooker : Get In Your Hole, BALL !
CrazyHooker : vnt
CrazyHooker : wow
CrazyHooker : vn
CrazyHooker : g alba
CrazyHooker : vnt
CrazyHooker : vn
CrazyHooker : Get In Your Hole, BALL !
CrazyHooker : grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
CrazyHooker : hmmmmmmmmm
CrazyHooker : vnt
CrazyHooker : Get In Your Hole, BALL !
CrazyHooker : grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
CrazyHooker : vnt
CrazyHooker : WOW very nice shot!
CrazyHooker : Get In Your Hole, BALL !
CrazyHooker : whew
CrazyHooker : whew
CrazyHooker : vnt
CrazyHooker : Get In Your Hole, BALL !
CrazyHooker : WOW very nice shot!
CrazyHooker : Whale POOP I missed Pangya !
CrazyHooker : gt
CrazyHooker : grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
CrazyHooker : I try and try to beat my-21 and can't.
CrazyHooker : gs
CrazyHooker : WOW very nice shot!
MythrilMoth : Incidentally? Part of why I've had chat
MythrilMoth : turned off...
MythrilMoth : Is because your macros are INCREDIBLY
MythrilMoth : annoying.
CrazyHooker : oh ty
CrazyHooker : well playing someone who doesn't chat
CrazyHooker : is also annying
CrazyHooker : annoying*
CrazyHooker : it QUITE RUDE!
CrazyHooker : don't worry your not my no PLAY LIST!
CrazyHooker : and chat is blocked.
CrazyHooker : and like I care what you think of my macro
CrazyHooker : 's
CrazyHooker : other people LIKE THEM.
CrazyHooker : vgt
JUNlOR : Peace
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Jonnas44 : good luck... and have fun
Jonnas44 : nice shot
JUNlOR : unlucky
Jonnas44 : yeah... i shot wrong
MythrilMoth : Close one!
JUNlOR : funny spot
Jonnas44 : i dont think so
Jonnas44 : aaahhh
JUNlOR : ok i guexsss
JUNlOR : uiii
Jonnas44 : too string
Jonnas44 : strong
JUNlOR : Incri-cra-credible
MythrilMoth :
Jonnas44 : nice
JUNlOR : ^^ tx
JUNlOR : ooooohh
Jonnas44 : it happens
JUNlOR : true^^
Jonnas44 : if it wasn't ob i will be happy
JUNlOR : hehe##
JUNlOR : aw
JUNlOR : nt
Jonnas44 : ty
JUNlOR : nt
Jonnas44 : good luck
JUNlOR : Doll jeklobbbbt
Jonnas44 : nice
MythrilMoth :
JUNlOR : no issue
MythrilMoth : ...those macros are kinda annoying...
MythrilMoth : Might wanna go easy on 'em.
JUNlOR : ohh.... u not fun player.... ok....
JUNlOR : will not macro u
MythrilMoth : Um...most people think too many very long
MythrilMoth : stupid macros are not fun, just annoying.
JUNlOR : shot
MythrilMoth : Chat blocked. Reason: Very annoying play-
MythrilMoth : er.
[This guy had already been such a dick that I had blocked chat from him. However, for some reason, macros evade chat blocks in Pangya...]
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
blackqueen : nope
MythrilMoth : O-KAY That's ENOUGH OF THAT!
blackqueen : ok start to well
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
MythrilMoth : .....
blackqueen : at least win 2nd
MythrilMoth : I'm sorry, I can't take 12 more holes of that
MythrilMoth : If he does that one more time I'm gone.
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
Hashoom : you will see shutup your big moth
MythrilMoth : NIK? No multi-line macro spam, please.
MythrilMoth : It's very annoying.
: lol
: its necessary
MythrilMoth : No, it isn't.
A gallery of people who are so stupid it makes you want to dump a whole tanker load of bleach in the gene pool.
[Pippin is one of the caddies. Caddies have automated chat scripts that are displayed in a different font color. Exceptionally dumb players are occasionally confused by this. Normally, I delete caddie chatter from the logs I post, but in this case, an exception was warranted.]
Pippin : How come we have so much wind today!
loubie1 : yea ok thx
Pippin : Be aware of the wind current.
loubie1 : where are u from
MythrilMoth : US
Pippin : The wind is strong.
loubie1 : ok i will
Pippin : How come we have so much wind today!
loubie1 : how old are u
MythrilMoth : Old enough
loubie1 : dont u know how to answer people
MythrilMoth : Did it occur to you that maybe I'd rather
MythrilMoth : not?
loubie1 : well be like that then why dont u like
loubie1 : your age
MythrilMoth : Look, some people just don't like to give
MythrilMoth : personal information to random people
MythrilMoth : online, okay?
loubie1 : just making conversation ok
MythrilMoth : Okay, I appreciate that.
MythrilMoth : But when someone doesn't feel like answ-
MythrilMoth : ering a personal question...
MythrilMoth :'s bad form and bad manners to get
MythrilMoth : snotty about it.
loubie1 : why u only young
MythrilMoth : That really isn't the issue here, is it?
Pippin : Look it's an item!
loubie1 : yea
Pippin : Don't be shooting it at me
Pippin : ...
Pippin : Don't be shooting it at me
loubie1 : why u old
MythrilMoth : You're really not getting this whole
MythrilMoth : "manners" thing, are you?
MythrilMoth : If I thought my age was any of your
loubie1 : yea u arnt are u
MythrilMoth : busiiness, I'd tell you.
MythrilMoth : As it so happens, I don't.
MythrilMoth : And you pressing the issue after I have
MythrilMoth : explained this is very, very rude.
Pippin : Look it's an item!
Pippin : Wow! You are doing great~ you are in the lead
Pippin : We have strong winds!
Pippin : We have strong winds!
loubie1 : dont know
loubie1 : ha ha
MythrilMoth : Yeah, I wouldn't be laughing if I were you.
MythrilMoth : Seeing how you're two over par for the
MythrilMoth : hole and three over for the game.
Pippin : There are strong winds. Be careful!
loubie1 : so what it is only a game not a compation
MythrilMoth : You're STILL not getting this whole
MythrilMoth : manners thing. -_-
Pippin : We have strong winds!
Pippin : We have strong winds!
loubie1 : whos pipin
MythrilMoth : Good grief you're an idiot.
loubie1 : dont call me names
MythrilMoth : Ah, I love it when people wave a double
MythrilMoth : standard.
loubie1 : if u are not happy chatting go away then
lucho1993 : hooo plisss can you gifme a x2 speeder
lucho1993 : shot
lucho1993 : only 10 cookies
MythrilMoth : You have just been reported for begging.
lucho1993 : why?
MythrilMoth : It is not allowed to beg people for gifts.
MythrilMoth : And it is very rude.
MythrilMoth : And I do not tolerate it.
MythrilMoth : You are Brazilian. yes?
lucho1993 : hooo sorr
lucho1993 : i am argntinian
lucho1993 : did you reported me?
MythrilMoth : Well, that's new at least.
MythrilMoth : In any case, begging is NOT ALLOWED
MythrilMoth : and you have been reported to the GMs.
[You may be wondering at this point why this one is in the Idiots section and not the Begging section. You're about to find out.]
lucho1993 : draw?
[This jackass was losing BADLY at this point, so he started begging me to purposely screw up so we could draw.]
lucho1993 : hooo nooo
lucho1993 : draw?
lucho1993 : draw?
lucho1993 : were are you from?
lucho1993 : NOOO
lucho1993 : draw plis
lucho1993 : ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
MythrilMoth : That's another report. ^_^
lucho1993 : what?
MythrilMoth : Profanity.
lucho1993 : if you report somethig bad you have to pay
[No, YOU do, dipshit.]
MythrilMoth : Eh, I already got you on the begging.
MythrilMoth : And where I come from, that WAS kind of
MythrilMoth : construable as profanity. *shrug*
lucho1993 : but i didnt do or said nothig bad
MythrilMoth : That's for the GMs to decide.
MythrilMoth : And you DID beg earlier. Which IS against
MythrilMoth : the rules. :/
[Now that he realizes how fucked he is, he's going to be as obnoxious as he possibly can...]
lucho1993 : hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
lucho1993 : hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahah
lucho1993 : hhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhaaa
MythrilMoth : Keep laughing, beg-boy.
lucho1993 : hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahaha
lucho1993 : hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
MythrilMoth : And that's flooding.
lucho1993 : hahahahahhahahahahhahahahaha
lucho1993 : hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhaa
lucho1993 : hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
MythrilMoth : Dude? You really want to stop that.
MythrilMoth : The GMs log EVERYTHING that goes on in
MythrilMoth : chat.
MythrilMoth : And that is definitely not going to look
lucho1993 : thats why
MythrilMoth : good when they review the three reports
lucho1993 : hahahahahahahahahaha
MythrilMoth : I already have against you.
MythrilMoth : I don't want to see you get banned.
[The hell I don't.]
MythrilMoth : Just suspended until you learn to play
MythrilMoth : nice with others. :/
lucho1993 : hahaha you reported my for nothig i didnt
lucho1993 : said nothigg"""
MythrilMoth : You begged for cookie items.
MythrilMoth : You flooded the chat.
lucho1993 : andddd+
MythrilMoth : You said something that in the USA could
MythrilMoth : be construed a profanity.
lucho1993 : but not in my country
MythrilMoth : That's hardly "nothing". That's three sepa-
MythrilMoth : rate rule violations.
lucho1993 : nobody said it cant doo
MythrilMoth : Guess what? A18 isn't in your country.
lucho1993 : but in nowhere it said you cant said that
MythrilMoth : And I really suggest you read the terms of
MythrilMoth : service and usage guidelines.
MythrilMoth : Because you do not seem to understand
MythrilMoth : what is and is not acceptable here.
lucho1993 : actually you are not frienly i will
lucho1993 : take off the conversation
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
doddtrix : :)
doddtrix : laggy
MythrilMoth :
doddtrix : lag!
doddtrix : i am laggin!
doddtrix : god its bad
[At this point, I was fairly certain the lag was on my end, because my DSL connection was incredibly shitty, and after a big thunderstorm, it was a miracle if I could even connect to the Internet at all. So, I apologize for holding everyone up...]
MythrilMoth : I think the lag is me
doddtrix : then try and fix it
MythrilMoth : Phone circuits are kind of messed up in
MythrilMoth : my area.
MythrilMoth : .....
MythrilMoth : Um...dude.
MythrilMoth : It's beyond my control or power to fix.
MythrilMoth : I am not God, I am not AT&T.
doddtrix : i cant play freezeing all time
MythrilMoth : I cannot do anything about the fact that
MythrilMoth : we had a thunderstorm with gale force
MythrilMoth : winds 3 hours ago.
MythrilMoth : If you're going to be a jerk about it then
MythrilMoth : leave the game and find someone else
MythrilMoth : to play with.
doddtrix : how am i gonna play
doddtrix : with lags in my shots
[It's at this point that I realize I'm not causing the lag, because the shot bar is controlled by your CPU, not the game server, and no amount of connection lag will cause it to stop or stutter while you're shooting.]
Freeball : no lag here.....
[And that confirmed it. I wasn't the cause of the lag. At this point, I started getting ticked off.]
MythrilMoth : OK, if your bar is lagging, then that is NOT
doddtrix : i must admit this pc is crap
[And now he realizes he made a stupid error and tries to backpedal out of it.]
MythrilMoth : my problem, so stop *****ing at me about
MythrilMoth : it.
doddtrix : its got limewire on it
[You know, in retrospect, I should've sent this log to the GMs. I'm pretty sure they'd have forwarded it to the FBI...]
MythrilMoth : I'm only lagging at the start of my turn.
doddtrix : makes it lag
doddtrix : i hate my brother
MythrilMoth : ......
MythrilMoth : Well no wonder.
doddtrix : sorry mythrilmoth
MythrilMoth : Don't run some bandwidth-hogging prog like
MythrilMoth : limewire and then get lag and blame it on
MythrilMoth : other people -_-
MythrilMoth : Jackass.
doddtrix :
doddtrix : nice shot
MythrilMoth : Nice!
Freeball : ty
doddtrix : bloody lag
doddtrix : cant hit pangya
doddtrix : i am doomed
MythrilMoth : D R A M A ! !
[I use this macro when I'm getting really annoyed at people bitching and moaning.]
doddtrix : omg
doddtrix : jesus!
doddtrix : thats it
Notice: doddtrix has left.
[And that's WHY I use that macro. 9 times out of 10, it pisses them off enough that they quit.]
MythrilMoth : Good riddance!
Freeball : may get a game now
MythrilMoth : Seriously, who wants to put up with THAT
MythrilMoth : for 18 holes anyway?
Freeball : yeah.workman always blame tools
FheiJr : are you leg
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
MythrilMoth : Am I what?
MythrilMoth : Gah, lag
FheiJr :
FheiJr : yes leg
MythrilMoth :'s LAG, not LEG.
MythrilMoth : Leg is a part of the body.
FheiJr : wow
MythrilMoth : Leg is the thing you use to walk.
MythrilMoth : Lag is the other thing.
FheiJr : leggggggggggggggggggggg
MythrilMoth : .......
MythrilMoth : Are you brain-damaged or something?(oo;)
FheiJr :
MythrilMoth :
MythrilMoth : Whew, safe
FheiJr : lucky
FheiJr : afffffff
[Yep, this guy was Brazilian. But he was less Brazilian than most of the Brazilians on Pangya. He was still an idiot, though.]
FheiJr : no ob
FheiJr : im bogey
FheiJr :
FheiJr : yes im loser
MythrilMoth : I won't argue with that
[Setting yourself up like that around me is NEVER a good idea. ]
GoIferPabi : goodluck miss..
[Strike one.]
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
MythrilMoth : ......
MythrilMoth : I'm a man. :P
GoIferPabi : i mean.. mister
MythrilMoth : Seeing as you yourself are using a female
MythrilMoth : character and are male going by your
MythrilMoth : gender icon, you should KNOW BETTER
MythrilMoth : than that -_-
GoIferPabi : just to be safe just say goodluck
GoIferPabi :
GoIferPabi : sorry..
GoIferPabi : huh?..
GoIferPabi : oh no!!! i made the wrong formula
[Strike two!]
MythrilMoth : Serves you right Don't talk about
MythrilMoth : formulas around here, people don't like it
GoIferPabi : oh.. but why??
[Because you're cheating? Just a guess.]
MythrilMoth : Because calcing is cheating and isn't
MythrilMoth : allowed on this server.
GoIferPabi : no its not..
MythrilMoth : Um, yes it is.
GoIferPabi : why did GM's formulate holes in here??
GoIferPabi : somehow related to math you know..
MythrilMoth : You are speaking words that make no
MythrilMoth : sense.
GoIferPabi : guess you guys dont appreciate math..
MythrilMoth : That's right. We don't.
MythrilMoth : The US server for Pangya has ALWAYS
MythrilMoth : had a rule against cheating by calculation.
MythrilMoth : If you do a little math in your head, that's
MythrilMoth : fine, nobody can stop you, but when you
[Hell, this is the only reason I have as many HIOs as I do, I figured out how to approximate the power I need for a toma/spike. I don't do all the weird trig shit, though.]
GoIferPabi : but they do not set rules against hacks??
MythrilMoth : start talking about formulas, that's not
MythrilMoth : allowed.
MythrilMoth : They don't allow hacking either.
MythrilMoth : Perhaps you had better read the rules that
MythrilMoth : this server operates by?
MythrilMoth : Also, if you click on the "Chat" button
MythrilMoth : at the top of the screen, and click the
MythrilMoth : "Report" button, look at the drop-down list
MythrilMoth : of reportable offenses.
MythrilMoth : You will see "Hacking/Calculating" there.
MythrilMoth : Know why it's there?
GoIferPabi : oh.. ill check it..
MythrilMoth : SERVER.
MythrilMoth : So play with skill, not with math.
GoIferPabi : so guess its really not allowed
[A bunt!]
MythrilMoth : And if you intend to play with math, don't
MythrilMoth : TELL people you're playing with math.
MythrilMoth : You will get banned.
MythrilMoth : That's what I'm trying to tell you
GoIferPabi : oh.. guess i have to play it the other way
GoIferPabi : the fun way
MythrilMoth : There's no reason to play it any other way
MythrilMoth :
Pabi : lets have another match??
MythrilMoth : I don't think so.
[Translation: Motherfucking HELL NO.]
ken7ovemask : hiz
ken7ovemask : i want win
ken7ovemask : because i need exp up lvl
ken7ovemask : Y_Y
ken7ovemask : plz help me
ken7ovemask : :((
MythrilMoth : ...and I'm supposed to care, why?
MythrilMoth : It's very, very rude to ask someone to
MythrilMoth : lose on purpose.
ken7ovemask : :((
ken7ovemask :
ken7ovemask : help me plzzzzzzzz
MythrilMoth : I have no sympathy for you because you
ken7ovemask : i want up and have 2 control more
ken7ovemask : :((
MythrilMoth : are a poor loser, and a very rude player.
MythrilMoth : It's just not right to ask people to lose on
MythrilMoth : purpose just so you can get more EXP.
MythrilMoth : You will find people will not want to play
ken7ovemask : T_T
MythrilMoth : with you if you act like that.
ken7ovemask : sorry u
ken7ovemask : :(
ken7ovemask : if i ....
ken7ovemask : T_T
ken7ovemask : plz mis put 1 shot
ken7ovemask : Y_Y
MythrilMoth : Oh, shut your idiotic face.
ken7ovemask : :(
ken7ovemask : >"<
MythrilMoth : Ask me again and I will report you to the
MythrilMoth : GMs.
ken7ovemask : Omgs
ken7ovemask : :((
MythrilMoth : Also, I am saving this chat log and will
MythrilMoth : post it to the Pangya forums.
ken7ovemask : T_T
ken7ovemask : :D
MythrilMoth : So everyone will know what a loser you
MythrilMoth : are.
ken7ovemask : omg
ken7ovemask : :((
ken7ovemask : u r very very ... :D
MythrilMoth : You brought it on yourself, dude.
ken7ovemask : but i ask fun game
ken7ovemask : ~.~
[I may come off as a bit of an asshole in this one, but I assure you I am never this rude to other players without sufficient provocation.
Here, we have an example of TWO players who are rude and stupid. In totally different ways.]
MythrilMoth : Must pause for phone
MythrilMoth has paused the game.
SuPeRmAtEiS : nooo..
SuPeRmAtEiS : it's long game.
SuPeRmAtEiS has re-started the game.
[I will say it as many times as necessary: absolutely NOTHING gives a player the right to un-pause the game when another player has paused it for a legitimate reason, such as needing to answer the phone or go to the bathroom.]
MythrilMoth has paused the game.
SuPeRmAtEiS : boiaaaaa
MythrilMoth has re-started the game.
MythrilMoth>SuPeRmAtEiS : 'It is rude to unpause the game when'
MythrilMoth>SuPeRmAtEiS : 'another player pauses.'
MythrilMoth>SuPeRmAtEiS : 'You would not want someone to do that'
MythrilMoth>SuPeRmAtEiS : 'to you, so do not do it to others.'
[Ten minutes later...]
babycalou : supermats you're nazi ?
[That came out of NOWHERE.]
SuPeRmAtEiS : no no..
SuPeRmAtEiS : i'm legalize man..
[What the FUCK does that even MEAN?!]
babycalou : what's this guild ?
SuPeRmAtEiS : "il fronte"
MythrilMoth : babycalou has no intelligence
babycalou : ...
babycalou : why you critic me ?
MythrilMoth : Because you are dumb, and I don't like
MythrilMoth : dumb people.
babycalou : stupid gri
babycalou : girld
MythrilMoth : LOL! Thanks for proving my point.
babycalou>MythrilMoth : '**** *'
babycalou>MythrilMoth : '*** **'
babycalou>MythrilMoth : 'BIITCH'
MythrilMoth : LOL...saving those private messages.
MythrilMoth : It's so funny watching you try to cuss me
MythrilMoth : out.
babycalou : ?
MythrilMoth : And not even being smart enough to look
MythrilMoth : at my gender icon in my profile :P
MythrilMoth : Nobody in here is female.
babycalou : sry i don't speak english very well
MythrilMoth : I doubt you speak your OWN language
MythrilMoth : very well.
babycalou : you can stop cheat ?
[Oh no you did NOT.]
MythrilMoth :'re accusing me of WHAT, now?
babycalou : i'm accusing nobody you're noob
babycalou : stop speak for tell me i'm bad or not
MythrilMoth : Ahh, the last defense of an idiot.
babycalou : intelligent
MythrilMoth : Nothing intelligent to say, so call someone
MythrilMoth : a noob.
babycalou : ?
MythrilMoth : I'm saving this log to laugh at later.
MythrilMoth : You're so stupid it's hilarious.
Some people are just assholes.
[This happened shortly before the premiere of NBC's revival of American Gladiators. While I was playing Pangya, a long promo came on which introduced some of the new Gladiators. I was typing their names into the chat so I could save the chat log and have them handy for later IM/blogging use. Apparently this was driving the guy I was playing against nuts, because he demanded to know what I was talking about...]
MythrilMoth : NBC just ran a long promo for the new
MythrilMoth : American Gladiators.
MythrilMoth : And those are the names of the new
MythrilMoth : Gladiators.
zabalee : Have you been drinking, i have no idea
zabalee : what your talking about
MythrilMoth : Um...I just explained.
MythrilMoth : You have heard of the TV show
MythrilMoth : American Gladiators, right?
MythrilMoth : Very popular show from about 10 years
MythrilMoth : ago?
MythrilMoth : Well, closer to 20 now.
MythrilMoth : OK...NBC has brought it back to TV.
zabalee : THERE ALL G@Y
MythrilMoth : And I'm a huge AG fan from way back
MythrilMoth : when, so I'm excited about it.
MythrilMoth : As are a lot of my friends.
MythrilMoth : The names of the new Gladiators were
zabalee : HATE THEM ALL
MythrilMoth : revealed tonight.
MythrilMoth : So I needed to write them down for
MythrilMoth : reference after the game :P
zabalee : You are really freakin' me out man
MythrilMoth : Why, just because I happen to be excited
MythrilMoth : that a TV show I loved when I was a kid
MythrilMoth : is coming back from the dead?
zabalee : ??? hmmmmmmmmmmmm
MythrilMoth : Excuse me for being 30 and nostalgic.
zabalee : but i pretty much think everybodies G@Y
MythrilMoth : ....oooookay then.
MythrilMoth : That's what we tend to call "self-hating
MythrilMoth : homo" but if that's what makesy ou feel
MythrilMoth : comfortable...
zabalee : somebody should have barred that door
zabalee : a long time ago
zabalee : G@Y Rights
MythrilMoth : ...yyyyeah I'm muting chat now before I
MythrilMoth : say something we'll both regret. :/
zabalee : I'M SICK OF IT !!!
[This happened late one evening. While I was playing with these two jackasses, the fire alarm in my apartment building went off. I didn't want to leave the game entirely for what was probably a false alarm, but I did need to head downstairs and out the door just in case, so...]
MythrilMoth : Need to pause game.
MythrilMoth has paused the game.
bigbaffers : wats he at
bigbaffers : messin about
karam20 : dunno
bigbaffers : go
karam20 : wait another minute
bigbaffers : 1 min
karam20 : ok
bigbaffers : go
[I was outside for less than two minutes. When I came back...]
bigbaffers has re-started the game.
[Now, when another player pauses the game, the courteous thing to do is wait for them to come back. These bastards couldn't be bothered to wait two minutes for me to get back before deciding they were tired of waiting and would be assholes.]
bigbaffers : sore loser
karam20 : maybe
MythrilMoth : Oh, thank you for unpausing.
bigbaffers : still has plenty time
MythrilMoth : Which one of you a-holes unpaused it?
MythrilMoth : So I can report you to the GMs.
bigbaffers : me
MythrilMoth : OK, you've been reported.
bigbaffers : u think we can wait all day
MythrilMoth : I did tell you I needed to pause the game.
MythrilMoth : I did say I needed to pause it.
MythrilMoth : You're supposed to be courteous and WAI
bigbaffers : u had plenty time
MythrilMoth : WAIT for it to be unpaused.
MythrilMoth : And you would know this how?
bigbaffers : u couldve made 4 cuppas
MythrilMoth : It is INCREDIBLY RUDE to unpause the gam
MythrilMoth : when another player pauses it.
MythrilMoth : For ANY reason.
MythrilMoth : There is no excuse for it.
bigbaffers : how long did u want
MythrilMoth : That isn't the issue.
MythrilMoth : I had to pause the game because I had
MythrilMoth : an emergency.
bigbaffers : course it is
MythrilMoth : I could have quit out of the game, but I
MythrilMoth : chose to pause it.
MythrilMoth : When someone pauses the game, you
bigbaffers : emergency
MythrilMoth : Period. End of sentence.
bigbaffers : u couldve had an operation
MythrilMoth : Yes. Emergency. The building fire alarm
MythrilMoth : went off.
MythrilMoth : So pardon me if I decided to run for the
MythrilMoth : exit in case there was an ACTUAL FIRE
MythrilMoth : Which there never is, but you never know
MythrilMoth : And I don't appreciate you being a jerk
MythrilMoth : and unpausing the game because you are
bigbaffers : ok
MythrilMoth : not patient or polite or courteous.
bigbaffers : no probs
MythrilMoth : And you WILL be reported for this.
bigbaffers : ok
MythrilMoth : Yes, probs. BIG PROBS.
MythrilMoth : Probs with you.
MythrilMoth : Probs with your attitude.
MythrilMoth : Probs with your discourteous treatment
MythrilMoth : of other players.
MythrilMoth : You would not like it if someone did that
MythrilMoth : to YOU, so why the hell would you do it
MythrilMoth : to another person?
MythrilMoth : Jesus, simple freaking courtesy is all I ask
MythrilMoth : of people I play with.
bigbaffers : emergency i thought u were in coma
MythrilMoth : It was not even five minutes!
MythrilMoth : It was BARELY two!
MythrilMoth : Jesus CHRIST what is your problem!
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
yogaze : gl & hf
yogaze : u spin?
yogaze : where you from ????
yogaze : where you from ????
yogaze : kontol
yogaze : stupid
MythrilMoth : That's lovely, calling someone stupid for no
MythrilMoth : good reason.
yogaze : agh
MythrilMoth : Nice shot, jerk!
yogaze : ty
MythrilMoth : After calling me stupid for missing?
MythrilMoth : Brilliant.
yogaze : ngomong paan si ????
yogaze : stupid
MythrilMoth : Wow, you're just full of manners.
MythrilMoth : GOod luck!
SkOrTcH : Beam Impact Room~you to
MythrilMoth :
SkOrTcH : no quiters right
MythrilMoth : Only if you're one
SkOrTcH : no nothing
MythrilMoth : Check a person's quit rate BEFORE you
MythrilMoth : insult them
MythrilMoth :
MythrilMoth :
MythrilMoth : Not my day -_-
MythrilMoth :
SkOrTcH : ty
MythrilMoth :
MythrilMoth has paused the game.
SkOrTcH has re-started the game.
MythrilMoth : umm...
MythrilMoth : dont.
MythrilMoth has paused the game.
SkOrTcH has re-started the game.
MythrilMoth : Why the hell did you unpause the game?
MythrilMoth : Do you have no manners whatsoever?
SkOrTcH : you need to ask
MythrilMoth : You just DON'T *DO* THAT TO PEOPLE.
MythrilMoth : No, I don't need to ask.
MythrilMoth : Because it was my shot.
MythrilMoth : If you pause the game on your shot, it's
MythrilMoth : expected the other player will be courteous
MythrilMoth : and WAIT.
MythrilMoth : As it stands, I could NOT ask because I
MythrilMoth : kind of had my hands full of telephone.
SkOrTcH : yes you do you dont run noyhing
MythrilMoth : Neither do you.
MythrilMoth : When a player pauses, you DO NOT un-
MythrilMoth : pause.
MythrilMoth : Period.
MythrilMoth : That is the most rude, obnoxious, irritating
MythrilMoth : and annoying thing you can do.
SkOrTcH : shut up
MythrilMoth : You are a jerk.
MythrilMoth : I am logging this chat to warn people not
MythrilMoth : to play with you.
SkOrTcH : you just dont want to loose
MythrilMoth : Um...that has nothing to do with anything.
MythrilMoth : I'm angry because you are rude.
MythrilMoth : I don't honestly care if I win or lose. I'm
MythrilMoth : only playing for the hole cup event.
MythrilMoth : But see, you unpaused the game when
MythrilMoth : another player paused.
MythrilMoth : And that is RUDE.
MythrilMoth : I don't like rude players.
SkOrTcH : your a looser punk
MythrilMoth : Wow, that's mature.
MythrilMoth : Anything else you care to add?
MythrilMoth : Like how fat my mamma is?
SkOrTcH : here ill let you looser
MythrilMoth : Er...that made no sense whatsoever.
SkOrTcH : keep running your mouth
MythrilMoth : You're the one making this worse.
MythrilMoth : You keep talking garbage.
MythrilMoth : When you're the one who was in the
MythrilMoth : wrong in the first place.
MythrilMoth : You have absolutely no right or excuse
MythrilMoth : to be behaving the way you are.
MythrilMoth : And I'm logging every word of this.
MythrilMoth : I will post it publically.
MythrilMoth : So everyone can see what a jerk you are
MythrilMoth : and won't want to play you.
SkOrTcH : eat taht
MythrilMoth : Eat what, my beam impact eagle? :P
MythrilMoth : Anything else pathetic you care to add?
SkOrTcH : tell your b
MythrilMoth : Wow, that was witty.
SkOrTcH : learn yhat mouyh
MythrilMoth : Every word you say makes you look more
MythrilMoth : retarded.
MythrilMoth : And I'm STILL logging.
SkOrTcH : so your mom
[This happened early one morning. I was barely awake, I had a headache, and I just wanted to play a few holes of Pangya without having to deal with any idiots.
I must be learning-impaired. :P]
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
lilemokid : vnt
lilemokid : lmao
lilemokid : your good at backspin
lilemokid : your boring
MythrilMoth : And you're rude.
lilemokid : your rude ignoring me
lilemokid : <.<
MythrilMoth : Um, I'm not ignoring you.
MythrilMoth : I'm just not feeling very chatty right now.
lilemokid : why? <.<
MythrilMoth : Because I'm not.
MythrilMoth : But that's no excuse for you being rude
lilemokid : gf problems?
MythrilMoth : about my not chatting.
MythrilMoth : Congratulations, you just went on my idiot
MythrilMoth : list.
lilemokid : yay
MythrilMoth : Chat permablocked.
Sometimes you run into players on Pangya who say and do so many rude, stupid, and annoying things they just ruin your whole goddamn day. Those are the ones you tend to remember. These are some of the worst shitbuckets I've ever had the misfortune of running into on Pangya.
[Before this game even started, I was annoyed by this person because before the game, this person said something like "dont quit ok" or something like that, when I have a low enough quit rate to have the special winged gender icon. I was insulted by that.]
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
MythrilMoth : Also, I have a less than 1% quit rate, so
mishimish : aw
MythrilMoth : please don't insult me by suggesting I
MythrilMoth : might quit.
mishimish : im sory for that
mishimish : where you from
MythrilMoth : I understand, there're a lot of quitters on
MythrilMoth : the server and it gets frustrating.
mishimish : i like your caddy
MythrilMoth : But when you see the wings on the icon,
MythrilMoth : the person is not a quitter.
MythrilMoth : USA
mishimish : ahhh i see
MythrilMoth : And thanks :)
mishimish : thanks for the time
mishimish : i want -1 to my course record
mishimish : your a good player as well
MythrilMoth : Not really.
mishimish : NP
mishimish : i have a versus player on this course but
mishimish : a quitter maybe
MythrilMoth : You are making very little sense.
mishimish : why
mishimish : can you give me a gift
[And this is where it all went to hell.]
MythrilMoth : ........
mishimish : for my arin
MythrilMoth : Reported for begging.
mishimish : are you a boy or a girl
mishimish : aw
mishimish : wrong
mishimish : how old are you
MythrilMoth : I am muting chat now.
MythrilMoth : You are not only retarded, you are
MythrilMoth : violating TOS by begging for gifts.
mishimish : aw
MythrilMoth : I have no interest in speaking to you.
mishimish : i don't like you anymore
mishimish : air heads
mishimish : can we faster
mishimish : i need to chat with my mother
mishimish : in 15mins
[Not only did mishimish start begging me for gifts, he/she started nagging me to play faster! mishimish was the room host, so why start an 18-hole stroke game ON SILVIA CANNON (which takes about 65-75 minutes on average with 2 players) if you don't even have the time to finish?]
MythrilMoth : Then I suggest you quit.
MythrilMoth : For one thing, it is not possible to play
MythrilMoth : an 18-hole VS game in under 15 minutes
mishimish : i dont like
MythrilMoth : For another, I am going to report you
MythrilMoth : again.
MythrilMoth : Your behavior is unacceptable.
mishimish : aw
MythrilMoth : You really do not want to lose your
MythrilMoth : account, so it is best if you simply forfeit.
mishimish : are you ***
[And now mishimish starts becoming abusive.]
mishimish : aw
MythrilMoth : You've been reported for foul language and
MythrilMoth : for begging.
MythrilMoth : Chat log has been saved for further
MythrilMoth : abuse reports.
mishimish : aw
MythrilMoth : At this point, you are better off keeping
MythrilMoth : your mouth shut.
MythrilMoth : And leaving the game.
mishimish : shut up
mishimish : will you pls shut up
MythrilMoth : I'm not the one being a jerk here, bud.
mishimish : i will report you
[I just fucking DIED LAUGHING at this point.]
MythrilMoth : Go ahead.
MythrilMoth : I'd really love to see that.
MythrilMoth : I'd dearly love to see the GMs' response
MythrilMoth : to your report.
MythrilMoth : You have begged me for a gift, which is
MythrilMoth : against the rules.
MythrilMoth : You have har***ed me, which is against
[ing chat filter!!]
MythrilMoth : the rules.
MythrilMoth : You have used foul language, which is
MythrilMoth : against the rules.
MythrilMoth : Yes, reporting me and sending a chat
mishimish : ohhhh
MythrilMoth : log to the GMs to review would be
MythrilMoth : VERY, VERY SMART.
mishimish : your not smart
mishimish : im a friendly person not like you
MythrilMoth : I'm smart enough not to keep saying things
MythrilMoth : that just dig the hole deeper.
MythrilMoth : Yeah, real friendly.
MythrilMoth : Do you even know what "terms of service
mishimish : who do you think you are
MythrilMoth : violation" means?
MythrilMoth : I think I'm a player who is having to put
mishimish : a G @ Y
MythrilMoth : up with an idiot who keeps saying stupid
MythrilMoth : things and violating the TOS.
MythrilMoth : And in this case, I'm right.
MythrilMoth : You are one of the most obnoxious players
MythrilMoth : I have ever encountered here.
MythrilMoth : And that is truly saying something.
mishimish : and you are the one who stupid person
MythrilMoth : Keep it up, the GMs and my friends will
MythrilMoth : get a VERY good laugh out of this log.
mishimish : ohh i see,..
mishimish : ******
mishimish : let's go
mishimish : kip it faster
mishimish : i need to chat with my mother
MythrilMoth : Do you honestly think I give a flying crap
MythrilMoth : what you need to do?
MythrilMoth : At this point, you have pissed me off so
mishimish : just do it
MythrilMoth : thoroughly that I am going to deliberately
MythrilMoth : extend this game as long as possible.
mishimish : i don't think so
MythrilMoth : You can quit any time you like.
MythrilMoth : But you have absolutely pissed me off.
MythrilMoth : And I have no reason to accede to your
MythrilMoth : requests or demands.
mishimish : so what
mishimish : who do you think you are
mishimish : jerk
MythrilMoth : I'm not the jerk here.
MythrilMoth : You're the one who started this.
mishimish : you are the jerk here
mishimish : whooaaaaahhhhh
mishimish : if your a friendly person
mishimish : peace out
mishimish : just go
mishimish : i need to chat with my mother
mishimish : pls,.....
mishimish : im not a quitter
MythrilMoth : You should have thought of that before
MythrilMoth : you (a) decided to start an 18-hole game
MythrilMoth : on Silvia Cannon, and (b) decided to be
MythrilMoth : an offensive little dipstick.
mishimish : go faster
MythrilMoth : Every time you say that I will let the
mishimish : G@y
MythrilMoth : timer run down to ONE SECOND.
MythrilMoth : Because I am SICK of you.
mishimish has paused the game.
MythrilMoth has restarted the game.
mishimish has paused the game.
MythrilMoth has restarted the game.
[Ordinarily, I would NEVER do what I just did, because it is a severe breach of Pangya etiquette. But under the circumstances, I was sufficiently motivated to be as obnoxious as I possibly could, short of violating TOS myself, to get rid of this motherfucking irritating piece of snatch moss.]
MythrilMoth : The only way out of this, my idiot friend,
MythrilMoth : is for you to quit.
mishimish : im not idiot JERK
MythrilMoth : Right, sure you're not.
mishimish : you quit first stupid
MythrilMoth : I'm not quitting.
MythrilMoth : I said I do not quit and I will not quit.
mishimish : so go
MythrilMoth : Again, you have so utterly pissed me off
MythrilMoth : that I am going to drag this out as long
MythrilMoth : as I possibly can.
MythrilMoth : This is the price you pay for being an
MythrilMoth : irritating dipstick.
mishimish : FACK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
[This is the only player who has ever tried to involve me in fraud.]
NaNaseMaRina : well i have 2 things to ask u......
NaNaseMaRina : can..i..?
[I was already nervous about this one from the start, but I thought I was just dealing with the usual begging nonsense. Little did I realize how horribly out of control this was going to get...]
NaNaseMaRina : =[....
NaNaseMaRina : nvm o_o
NaNaseMaRina : er..kk i ask
NaNaseMaRina : 1.)can we be friend?
NaNaseMaRina : 2.)can u help me wif sumthing?
MythrilMoth : I don't accept random friend requests from
MythrilMoth : people I don't know.
MythrilMoth : And if you're going to ask me to gift you
NaNaseMaRina : ok...O_o
MythrilMoth : something, know that I report beggars.
NaNaseMaRina : nono i won't ask that form u and wont to
NaNaseMaRina : fren too of course =]
NaNaseMaRina : i only want to ask u can u teach me how
NaNaseMaRina : to get more exp?
[At this, I let my guard down for the most part. But something was still bothering me...]
MythrilMoth : Only way to earn more exp: PLAY.
NaNaseMaRina : lol
NaNaseMaRina : erm..
NaNaseMaRina : deep infenro?
NaNaseMaRina : inferno*
MythrilMoth : Versus stroke, not tourneys.
NaNaseMaRina : o
MythrilMoth : Harder courses LOOK like they give more
MythrilMoth : experience, but it's really the # of players
MythrilMoth : and holes, not the course.
[This was back before they changed it so the course you play actually DOES affect experience gain.]
NaNaseMaRina : yea example:deep inferno
MythrilMoth : The experience charts are on the website.
NaNaseMaRina : u buy pts fir urself?
MythrilMoth : Hell no. I'm broke :P
NaNaseMaRina : or ur parents buy it for u
MythrilMoth : I buy points maybe once a year. If that.
MythrilMoth : ...I'm 33.
NaNaseMaRina : lol ^^
NaNaseMaRina : wow ^^
MythrilMoth : I only buy points about once a year, and
NaNaseMaRina : nice 33 still playing pangya so good
[That...kind of annoyed me.]
MythrilMoth : then only when I have gift money from
MythrilMoth : birthday or Christmas.
MythrilMoth : And I've only bought points once since
MythrilMoth : Ntreev took over.
NaNaseMaRina : ooo
MythrilMoth : What does age have to do with what I
MythrilMoth : choose to do with my free time?
NaNaseMaRina : ermm.
NaNaseMaRina : w8
MythrilMoth : I've been playing video games since I was
MythrilMoth : 4.
NaNaseMaRina : it is very lag now
NaNaseMaRina : nice
MythrilMoth : Yes, they actually had video games back
MythrilMoth : then.
MythrilMoth : We called them Pac-Man and Pong. :P
NaNaseMaRina : lol
NaNaseMaRina : how many hole u play?
NaNaseMaRina : 9 or 18?
MythrilMoth : We're on 18.
NaNaseMaRina : .......
NaNaseMaRina : where u come from?
MythrilMoth : USA
NaNaseMaRina : ^^
NaNaseMaRina : hiaz.....
NaNaseMaRina : if i pro like u then will be easy to play =[
NaNaseMaRina : anyway nice to meet you =]
MythrilMoth : Likewise
[By this point, I was starting to feel badly about thinking this player was up to something earlier, as she seemed genuinely nice and friendly. I even decided to accept her friend request.]
MythrilMoth : Don't assume my rank means I'm any good
MythrilMoth : at this :P
NaNaseMaRina : did someone asking pts from u before?
NaNaseMaRina : o_O?
MythrilMoth : Rank doesn't indicate skill.
MythrilMoth : It indicates how much of your life you've
MythrilMoth : wasted playing this game. :P
NaNaseMaRina : :P
NaNaseMaRina : how long did u play pangya?
MythrilMoth : Oh yeah, I meant to apologize for accusing
MythrilMoth : you of that.
MythrilMoth : See, when someone on this server opens
MythrilMoth : up with "can you help me with something"
NaNaseMaRina : wat did u mean by 'that'?
MythrilMoth : the next thing they usually say is "will u
MythrilMoth : gift me something"
NaNaseMaRina : no i wont ask wif that =[
NaNaseMaRina : i promise
MythrilMoth : So when you said that, I thought you were
MythrilMoth : about to pull that, and I was wrong, so
MythrilMoth : I'm sorry for that.
NaNaseMaRina : it ok ^^
NaNaseMaRina : =]
NaNaseMaRina : awww.....
MythrilMoth : It just happens so often.
NaNaseMaRina : lol is cute =.=
NaNaseMaRina : i never get a eagle before
MythrilMoth : craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap
NaNaseMaRina : loooooooolllllllll
MythrilMoth : Ouch
NaNaseMaRina : im a noob~
NaNaseMaRina : bla bla bla
NaNaseMaRina : hey stop it stupid comet ==
NaNaseMaRina : how did u play so pro XDDDD
MythrilMoth : Actually, I screwed up my shot.
MythrilMoth : If I'd hit pangya, it would've gone flying on-
MythrilMoth : to the second fairway instead of being on
MythrilMoth : the stupid ice.
NaNaseMaRina : lol
NaNaseMaRina : thx for adding =]
MythrilMoth : Sure
NaNaseMaRina : oh anyway did u got(L) some rare?
NaNaseMaRina : can sell it to me?
MythrilMoth : I've never gotten any Lucia rares, sorry
NaNaseMaRina : i buy it
MythrilMoth : And you wouldn't have the pang for them
NaNaseMaRina : lol it ok^^
MythrilMoth : even if I did
NaNaseMaRina : lol dont told me u going to sell M !?!??!?!
NaNaseMaRina : i only got k
NaNaseMaRina : poor XDDD
MythrilMoth : The economy is so screwed up right now
MythrilMoth : that if you don't sell rares for at least
MythrilMoth : 400k, you might as well flush them down
MythrilMoth : the toilet.
MythrilMoth : Because you can't get GOOD rares for
MythrilMoth : less than a million pang anymore.
NaNaseMaRina : stupid comet =[
MythrilMoth : They need to do a pang reset to fix the
MythrilMoth : economy.
NaNaseMaRina : i hate this hole the most =[
MythrilMoth : But the hackers will just it up again
MythrilMoth : like they did int he first place.
NaNaseMaRina : lol
NaNaseMaRina : how long did u play pangya? =]
MythrilMoth : I've been playing since season 2...
MythrilMoth : About three years maybe?
NaNaseMaRina : o wow =]
NaNaseMaRina : yea mayb
NaNaseMaRina : lolo is cute<3
MythrilMoth : yep
NaNaseMaRina : awww
NaNaseMaRina : i need ur help
[I started to have a bad feeling about what was coming...]
NaNaseMaRina : but mayb u say' i report u'
NaNaseMaRina : but
NaNaseMaRina : i not asking gift ok?
MythrilMoth : CRAP
NaNaseMaRina : i just need some potion
MythrilMoth : I already know you're not asking for gifts.
MythrilMoth :
NaNaseMaRina : jk
NaNaseMaRina : i need u to help me in my acc
MythrilMoth : ...okay THAT is starting to sound like
MythrilMoth : something you might not want to ask.
NaNaseMaRina : hmm?
NaNaseMaRina : wat u mean o_O
MythrilMoth : "Help me with my acc" sounds like you're
NaNaseMaRina : stupid comet
MythrilMoth : about to ask someone to do something
MythrilMoth : that would get someone banned.
NaNaseMaRina : nonononononnnnnnnnnnnooooooooo
NaNaseMaRina : i mean how can i get some eexp when i
NaNaseMaRina : off
NaNaseMaRina : coz i going to have a exam next week
MythrilMoth : ....I'm sorry, but are you retarded?
MythrilMoth : Because that's seriously one of the
NaNaseMaRina : yes i am
NaNaseMaRina : jk
MythrilMoth : most retarded questions I have ever seen.
NaNaseMaRina : my bro always say i a retard =.=
NaNaseMaRina : lol!
MythrilMoth : I can't begin to imagine why.
NaNaseMaRina : lol.....
MythrilMoth : So let me see if I'm understanding this
MythrilMoth : clearly, just for the record:
MythrilMoth : You want to know how to earn experience
MythrilMoth : in pangya...when you are not playing
MythrilMoth : pangya?
MythrilMoth : Is that seriously what you were asking
NaNaseMaRina :
MythrilMoth : just now?
MythrilMoth : Okay, because I just wanted to make sure
NaNaseMaRina : i am a retard~~~
MythrilMoth : I understood that.
NaNaseMaRina : no u dont need
NaNaseMaRina : i only makeing a joke
NaNaseMaRina : haha....
NaNaseMaRina : ....
NaNaseMaRina : =.=
NaNaseMaRina : i love lolo
NaNaseMaRina : and tiki
NaNaseMaRina : hmmmm
NaNaseMaRina : i noobbbbbbbb
NaNaseMaRina : noobie noobie noobie
NaNaseMaRina : +7
NaNaseMaRina : awww
MythrilMoth : yeeeeeah shoulda known that was gonna
MythrilMoth : happen.
NaNaseMaRina : do u know wat i thinking now?
NaNaseMaRina : =.=
NaNaseMaRina : this was only my thinking k?
NaNaseMaRina : not rea
NaNaseMaRina : hmm
[Here it comes...]
NaNaseMaRina : i was think hmm can moth play in my acc?
MythrilMoth : I KNEW IT
NaNaseMaRina : a retard think =.=
MythrilMoth : Guess what!
NaNaseMaRina : but it not real
NaNaseMaRina : only think
NaNaseMaRina : =]
MythrilMoth : You just won an abuse report.
NaNaseMaRina : o_O
NaNaseMaRina : wat that mean?
NaNaseMaRina : o_O
MythrilMoth : I've just reported you to the GMs for a
NaNaseMaRina : OMG
MythrilMoth : violation of the terms of service.
NaNaseMaRina : fine watever =[
NaNaseMaRina : i just only asking =[
NaNaseMaRina : didnt want u to do it =.=
NaNaseMaRina : fine
NaNaseMaRina : watever
MythrilMoth : If you didn't you wouldn't have asked.
MythrilMoth : But I saw that coming about three holes
MythrilMoth : back when you started that "exp while
MythrilMoth : not playing" garbage.
NaNaseMaRina : but i really do need ur help =]
MythrilMoth : No, you really need to shut the hell up
MythrilMoth : before you get in even WORSE trouble.
NaNaseMaRina : i mean dont*
MythrilMoth : As it is, I'm pretty sure you'll at least get
MythrilMoth : suspended from the game for a few days
MythrilMoth : just for asking that.
NaNaseMaRina : hmm
NaNaseMaRina : but w8
NaNaseMaRina : u alr report it?
MythrilMoth : Yes. The minute you asked it.
NaNaseMaRina : O_O
NaNaseMaRina : omg ****
MythrilMoth : Zero tolerance on that kind of crap here.
NaNaseMaRina : coz
NaNaseMaRina : this acc is not mine =.=
[Wow, this just keeps getting lamer and lamer!]
MythrilMoth : Oh?
MythrilMoth : That's interesting.
MythrilMoth : You probably should have thought of that
MythrilMoth : before you decided to do something as
NaNaseMaRina : my real acc is Moonflower
MythrilMoth : stupid as asking someone to play your
MythrilMoth : account.
MythrilMoth : Since it isn't even your account.
MythrilMoth : Saving this log to send to the GMs.
NaNaseMaRina : kkkk
NaNaseMaRina : as u love it
MythrilMoth : Thanks, though, for giving me your real
NaNaseMaRina : do wat u wnat to do =.=
MythrilMoth : account.
MythrilMoth : The GMs will have a much easier time
MythrilMoth : sorting out who to ban now.
NaNaseMaRina : kkk
NaNaseMaRina : but plz call the gm dont ban this acc
MythrilMoth : It's up to the GMs to decide who to ban
NaNaseMaRina : coz this acc is i make for my sister
MythrilMoth : and who not to ban.
NaNaseMaRina : for bday present
MythrilMoth : I'm just going to send them the chat log.
NaNaseMaRina : and i spend many pts on this acc
NaNaseMaRina : so plz dont ban this
NaNaseMaRina : ban that acc
MythrilMoth : Then you shouldn't be doing illegal stuff on
MythrilMoth : it.
NaNaseMaRina : hmm
NaNaseMaRina : u mean
NaNaseMaRina : i shouldn't ask that?
NaNaseMaRina : O_O
MythrilMoth : No, I'm not mean. I'm doing what any good
MythrilMoth : responsible player would do.
NaNaseMaRina : well
NaNaseMaRina : say the truth
NaNaseMaRina : i not good at english
NaNaseMaRina : so plz dont some hard english
MythrilMoth : You're not good at a whole lot of things,
MythrilMoth : quite frankly.
NaNaseMaRina : yes
NaNaseMaRina : i am a stupid
MythrilMoth : Couldn't agree more!
NaNaseMaRina : so wat?happy?
NaNaseMaRina : u think u a pro so u always lcly someone
NaNaseMaRina : no matter who play online aslo will lcly =.=
NaNaseMaRina : if they got rare ot pts
MythrilMoth : I have no idea what that's even supposed
MythrilMoth : to mean, but now that you haven't gotten
MythrilMoth : what you wanted out of me and you know
NaNaseMaRina : hmmmm.?
MythrilMoth : you're in trouble, now you start with the
MythrilMoth : attitude and insults.
MythrilMoth : That's REALLY not going to help your
MythrilMoth : case.
NaNaseMaRina : hmmm
NaNaseMaRina : so?
NaNaseMaRina : o_O
NaNaseMaRina : chui duo i make a new acc o_o
MythrilMoth : In case you haven't figured it out, let me
MythrilMoth : spell it out for you:
MythrilMoth : I am logging the chat.
MythrilMoth : That means every single thing you say
MythrilMoth : is being saved.
NaNaseMaRina : kkkk
MythrilMoth : To be sent to the GMs.
MythrilMoth : You are digging the hole deeper every
MythrilMoth : time you say something.
NaNaseMaRina : do wat u will be happy
NaNaseMaRina : i dont care
NaNaseMaRina : and it not fault
MythrilMoth : I think you should probably quit now.
NaNaseMaRina : i only want making a pro acc to my sis
MythrilMoth : Before you make things much worse.
NaNaseMaRina : u mean quit this game?
MythrilMoth : That, or just shut up.
MythrilMoth : Either works for me.
Notice: NaNaseMaRina has left.
[OH. MY. GOD. This particular player deserves special mention because she was THE MOST PERSISTENT NUISANCE I have ever encountered on a game server. Over a period of about six weeks I was repeatedly ambushed by this psycho. I doubt I was the only one.
The trouble started when...]
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'ku shi mi siku'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'i love you'
MythrilMoth>blackjack123 : '...okay now you're being creepy'
MythrilMoth>blackjack123 : 'Seriously creepy'
MythrilMoth>blackjack123 : 'As in, "report to GMs" creepy.'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'whats creepy'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'actually'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'i love you'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'i love you'
MythrilMoth>blackjack123 : 'Say that one more time and I WILL report'
MythrilMoth>blackjack123 : 'you to the GMs.'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'how old are you'
MythrilMoth>blackjack123 : 'That really isn't any of your business.'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'how old are you'
blackjack123>MythrilMoth : 'how old are you?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
[Over the next few weeks, I kept running into this nutbar. I didn't log all of the encounters, just the first incredibly weird one and the very final one:]
blackjack123 : hello
blackjack123 : boy u
blackjack123 : wow
blackjack123 : hey
blackjack123 : can u give me charac
blackjack123 : ter
blackjack123 : ??
MythrilMoth : No, I can't.
blackjack123 : y
blackjack123 : how much is ur pang
MythrilMoth : In the first place, because you're not
MythrilMoth : supposed to beg for gifts from other play-
blackjack123 : ??
MythrilMoth : ers.
MythrilMoth : In the second place, because I don't have
MythrilMoth : much pang right now and am saving up for
MythrilMoth : something.
MythrilMoth : In the third place, I DO NOT LIKE YOU.
blackjack123 : wat
blackjack123 :
MythrilMoth : Every time I have encountered you, you
MythrilMoth : have harassed and annoyed me.
MythrilMoth : And I am sick of it.
blackjack123 : okay sorry
blackjack123 : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blackjack123 : sorry for begging
blackjack123 : im such a bad girl
blackjack123 : im not rich
MythrilMoth : No, you just don't know how to not be
blackjack123 : im poor
MythrilMoth : annoying.
blackjack123 : im not winner
blackjack123 : im loser
MythrilMoth : I can't honestly argue with that.
blackjack123 : if u wouldnt thats okay
blackjack123 : so my blood can be high
blackjack123 : because of kaza
blackjack123 : kaz02
blackjack123 : and u
MythrilMoth : I won't pretend to understand what it is
MythrilMoth : you are going on and on about.
[OK, this one needs a little explanation, because there's a backstory here.
One day, I had this girl as my partner in a match game. She was one of the most frustratingly stupid players I've ever had the misfortune to deal with, and I would sooner cut my own dick off with pinking shears than EVER partner up with her again.
This took place the day after that match game.]
supercalifragil>MythrilMoth : 'hola'
supercalifragil>MythrilMoth : 'hello'
supercalifragil>MythrilMoth : 'can you play with me like yesterday??plis!!!!!!'
MythrilMoth>supercalifragil : ''
MythrilMoth>supercalifragil : 'I thought I made that clear.'
MythrilMoth>supercalifragil : 'Please do not message me again.'
MythrilMoth>supercalifragil : 'Ever.'
MythrilMoth>supercalifragil : 'If you do, I will report you for harassment.'
supercalifragil>MythrilMoth : 'why?'
[I attempted to reply to that, to explain EXACTLY why, when...]
Notice: supercalifragil is currently not on the server.
[I had hoped that was the end of that. But since when am I ever that lucky?]
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'hello do you want to play with me??'
[Now, let's back up here and examine this.
I was already in a game playing at the time. When you're playing a game, a little 'play' icon appears next to your name in the server's user list. I wasn't hanging out in the chat lobby just idling. So in order to even know I was on the server, this person had to be looking over the list specifically for my username. Also, I have never received random whispered requests to play with total strangers. That just doesn't happen.
I am not an idiot. It wasn't hard to figure out what was going on here.]
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'Contacting me on another account isn't'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'either going to help you, nor is it fooling'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'anyone.'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'what??''
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'And I am WARNING YOU NOW, LEAVE ME'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'ALONE.'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'what happen??'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'what are talkin me??'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'Do you honestly think you're fooling anyone'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'with this? You need to think these things'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'though more carefully.'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'what-????'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'Now, again: DO. NOT. MESSAGE. ME.'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'i dont now you are'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'Right, so you just happened tio pick me'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'at random to ask to play with you.'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'ok'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'you are very crazy'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'Sorry, it's not working. I wasn't born'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'yesterday.'
441_441>MythrilMoth : 'i dont understand you i am argentina'
MythrilMoth>441_441 : 'Good. Stay there.'
Sometimes stuff happens that's just plain silly.
Pro_DrKkk : GooD Luck
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Pro_DrKkk : You From ?
MythrilMoth : Seskapananabanupa.
Pro_DrKkk : ?
MythrilMoth : I got tired of answering "Uranus" to that
MythrilMoth : question :P
Shachihoko : Holy frack this is some broken wind.
MythrilMoth : ......
MythrilMoth : Arin must like Pokemon a lot.
MythrilMoth : Because she has jiggly puffs.
Terbril : I hate sand. It's coarse and harsh. Not
Terbril : like Natalie Portman.
Terbril : Aaaaagh! Wind! I counted on you!
Terbril : I've been betrayed by the wind
MythrilMoth : Isn't that a normal occurrence in Mexico?
[Since I've bitched so much about Brazilians and their obnoxious chat macros, I thought I'd be fair and share a few of my own, as well as some other random silliness that occurred during a round on Wind Hill. For the record, I hate Wind Hill. It is the most bullshit course in Pangya.]
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
junacc : gl
junacc : god this map
MythrilMoth : I know
junacc : haha my range not enough
MythrilMoth : SHORYUKEN!
[My macro for doing a Tomahawk.]
MythrilMoth : EPIC SUCK
junacc : omg
MythrilMoth : SHORYUKEN!
MythrilMoth : SHORYUREPPA!!
[I usually only use THIS one for long chips/HIO with tomahawk. I don't know WHY I used it here.]
junacc : lol
MythrilMoth : I wish they'd remove this course.
MythrilMoth : NOBODY likes this course.
junacc : lol
junacc : this map is REAL golf
MythrilMoth : This map is that one evil turd that waits
MythrilMoth : until after you've wiped and washed your
MythrilMoth : hands to decide to come out.
junacc : tough map
junacc : phew
junacc : lol.
junacc : 9m
junacc : ..
MythrilMoth : The only thing that'd make this course
MythrilMoth : worse? F.O.E.
junacc : :)
MythrilMoth : I think there are F.O.E.s hiding in the wind-
MythrilMoth : mills
junacc : wow
junacc : the wind change
junacc : zz
MythrilMoth : Even when you tomahawk, F.O.E.!
MythrilMoth : Chip-in! Chip-in! F.O.E.
junacc : lol
junacc : rofl
MythrilMoth : It kicked my ball into the bunker,F.O.E
MythrilMoth : Where'd that stupid tree come from?
MythrilMoth : F.O.E.! F.O.E.! F.O.E.! F.O.E.!
junacc : at least u got a par
MythrilMoth : It's par! Hooray par!
[One day, I was golfing with a friend, and for some reason, I decided to spend the entire game "in-character" as Raising Heart from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.
This is the kind of thing I only do with a friend who I know will get the joke. :)]
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
Shachihoko : You got back into watching Nanoha?
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number IX.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number VIII.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
Shachihoko : O.o
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XIII.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Flier fin.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number IV.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
Shachihoko : *BLAM*
MythrilMoth : Flier fin.
Shachihoko : It's a fin line between success and failure.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number III.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XII.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number X.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Flier fin.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number VI.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Divine buster.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XVIII.
Shachihoko : Fffffffffffff.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Divine buster.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Flier fin.
Shachihoko : Drive Ignition.
Shachihoko : ... man, nasty wind @.@
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number VII.
Shachihoko : Doh.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Flier fin.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XI.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
Shachihoko : ... okay, do I need to go around or is it
Shachihoko : remotely feasible to try and toma or spike
Shachihoko : over the gap?
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XIV.
MythrilMoth : Protection.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode set up.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XVII.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode.
MythrilMoth : Flier fin.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number I.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode set up.
MythrilMoth : Divine buster.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XVI.
MythrilMoth : Protection.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode set up.
MythrilMoth : Divine buster.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number II.
Shachihoko : Nice shot.
Shachihoko : Frag it.
MythrilMoth : Shooting mode set up.
MythrilMoth : Divine buster.
MythrilMoth : Flier fin.
MythrilMoth : Sealing.
Shachihoko : Failure.
MythrilMoth : Receipt number XV.
[Lastly, this is my FULL four-line macro for when I shoot a particularly impressive HIO. After years of bitching about Brazilians and their multi-line macros, I finally decided "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", and...]
MythrilMoth : SHORYUKEN!
MythrilMoth : SHORYUREPPA!!
MythrilMoth : NAMEN JA NE ZO!!
Sometimes...there's just no explanation.
SwingZbothWayZ : this is my daughters acc
MythrilMoth : ....that bit of info coupled with the user-
MythrilMoth : name....
MythrilMoth : a bit disturbing, honestly.
[This person was not even in the same game room I was in.]
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'if u cud touch my fethers softly'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'il give u my love'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'we set sail in d darkness of the nyt'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'out in d sea'
MythrilMoth>waterbender : 'What is it with you people and that crap?'
[This was well after the blackjack123 incident.]
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'to find me there'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'to find u there'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'im singing...'
MythrilMoth>waterbender : 'Sing to yourself. I'm in the middle of a game'
MythrilMoth>waterbender : 'and you are kind of distracting me.'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'in my dream im calling ur name'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'oh..'
waterbender>MythrilMoth : 'sori'
Cankle : GooD LucK from CANADA !!!!
MythrilMoth : Good luck!
Cankle : where you from?
MythrilMoth : USA
Cankle : state?
MythrilMoth : Texas
Cankle : nice try
Cankle : how old
MythrilMoth : Old enough
Cankle : lol im 35
MythrilMoth : 31
Cankle : if your female and have a body like
Cankle : your player good for you
[Hoooo-boy. Already we're off to a bad start.]
MythrilMoth : .....
MythrilMoth : I'm male.
MythrilMoth : And I figured you were going there -_-
MythrilMoth : Some people lack the intelligence to check
MythrilMoth : the gender icon :P
Cankle : does not mean shit. im female
Cankle : to many guys hit on you when they find o
MythrilMoth : Alrighty then
Cankle : female
Cankle : so i checked male
[I guess that makes sense.]
MythrilMoth : They hit on you regardless if you use a
MythrilMoth : female character :P
Cankle : dont get me wrong if it's fun flirt
Cankle : im all for it
Cankle : but when after they find out your
MythrilMoth : I've run into some really skeevy creeps
MythrilMoth : Especially while using Kooh -_-
[Kooh definitely brings out the pedos. Only in an Asian MMO will you find an eleven-year-old girl whose swimsuit is the most revealing.]
Cankle : female and the 1st question is
Cankle : do you like anal, no time for that
[Good GOD. @_@;;]
MythrilMoth : Ew.
MythrilMoth : Nice!!
Cankle : thnx
Cankle : funny thing if it's done though out the
Cankle : match it's one thing but up front
Cankle : i don't answer that
Cankle : incase your wondering Yes im into that lol
[Really didn't need to know, thanks.]
Cankle : leave it at that
MythrilMoth : TOo much info
Cankle : so being male why use female C
MythrilMoth : That ought to be obvious :P
Cankle : purve
MythrilMoth : Exactly
Cankle : and me telling u im into anal is to much
MythrilMoth : I only use one male character
Cankle : info
Cankle : fk
Cankle : this is the male i use rest female
MythrilMoth : Only male char I use is Kaz
Cankle : nice birdie
MythrilMoth : Thanks
Cankle : nice shot !!!
MythrilMoth : Not nice enough
Cankle : you married
MythrilMoth : Nope
Cankle : ouch
Cankle : i had my 1st date last week
Cankle : with someone i met on here
[What the fuck?! Since when is Pangya or eHarmony?!]
MythrilMoth : Nice :)
MythrilMoth : I haven't had a date since high school
Cankle : it was nice, but a few drinks later
Cankle : and all hell broke lose in a good way
MythrilMoth : heh
Cankle : ive been with a few men but shit. this
Cankle : guy was huge
[Oh. My. GOD.]
Pangya is the intellectual property of Ntreev and SG Interactive. If you want to join in the fun, please visit the official Pangya website to play this fantastic game. All screencaps, videos, and chat logs on this site are the sole responsibility and property of Mythril Moth. Please do not reuse anything on this site without crediting the source.