The eleven-year-old daughter of the captain of the pirate ship Lunar Tomb. When her father disappeared while battling the Demon Lord at the heart of Deep Inferno, Kooh took over as captain of the Lunar Tomb Pirates. Pursuing the truth of her father's fate, Kooh set sail for Pangya Island. She challenges the inhabitants on the links while she searches for her father. Wherever she goes, she carries along her father's favorite cannon as a memento.
Despite her young age and small size, Kooh is not to be trifled with, as she is impossibly strong and skilled. She also has a penchant for outfits that most would consider inappropriate for a girl her age.
Kooh blasts one off.
Kooh wearing super-cute overalls.
Construction Worker Kooh?
Kooh rocks out
Kooh's Lolicon Swimsuit Parade!
Kooh's fall wardrobe!
Kooh is frequently a panty shot just waiting to happen.
Three of a Kooh
Kooh is so cute it's puzzling.
Pangya is the intellectual property of Ntreev and SG Interactive. If you want to join in the fun, please visit the official Pangya website to play this fantastic game. All screencaps, videos, and chat logs on this site are the sole responsibility and property of Mythril Moth. Please do not reuse anything on this site without crediting the source.