Monday, September 28, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Don't hesitate to do a friend a favor today. Kindness is its own reward.


Sunset Shimmer seems agitated to see Twilight at our table, happy and healthy.

After School

After classes, I head to the bathroom before walking home. As I'm leaving, I almost bump right into Vinyl Scratch, who looks upset.

"Whoops, sorry about that."

Vinyl looks at me. "Oh...hey, Flash-man," she says. "Hey, you don't happen to have your license, do you?"

"Yeah, but I don't have wheels."

"I've got the wheels, I just need a driver," Vinyl says. "You're not busy, are you?"

"No," I say. "Why, what's up?"

"I've got an eye doctor appointment," Vinyl says. "It was supposed to be Wednesday, but they just called me like, twenty minutes ago and said I have to go in today. The ride I had lined up isn't free today." She frowns. "I can drive myself there, but...I can't drive home, y'know?"

I nod.

"So, uhh...hate to ask, but..."

"Sure, I don't mind," I say.


I follow Vinyl out to the parking lot, where she leads me to a sweet little white two-door convertible with blue paint deco on the bumpers and doors, music-themed decals on the doors and hubcaps, and a purple hood ornament shaped like a unicorn...wearing the same shades Vinyl wears? Uhh...okay.

"Like my ride?" Vinyl asks.

"It's pretty sweet," I say.

"Shame I won't be able to drive it for very long," Vinyl says. "I know, it must be pretty silly to spend so much money on customizing a car when you're going blind, huh?"

I shrug.

"I just...I just wanted to know...being able to...while I could."

I get in the passenger's seat. Vinyl gets behind the wheel.

I have to admit, I'm a little apprehensive about riding with Vinyl, knowing about her vision problems. But, well...her folks wouldn't be letting her drive if...


Vinyl starts the car and carefully exits the parking lot. Immediately upon the engine starting, the car's amazingly powerful subwoofers thud to life, shaking the ground.

Vinyl looks over at me and grins. "Pretty kickin', huh?"

It's roughly a fifteen-minute drive to the eye clinic. I'm grateful when we reach the parking lot and Vinyl shuts off the car; I love music as much as, if not more than, the next guy, but DAMN.

I can't hear for a few minutes, so I just follow Vinyl into the clinic.

The receptionist seems to know her, as she greets her warmly. There's a touch of pity in her eyes as Vinyl signs in, then sits down to wait. There's a television mounted in the corner that's showing some game show where people dress up in lame costumes to call attention to themselves so they can get screwed over by the host's misdirection. It's actually pretty funny watching people pass up on huge amounts of cash, hoping to win a car, only to wind up winning something like a bucket of donkey crap.

Twenty minutes after we arrive, Vinyl's called back. I decide to stay in the waiting room, half-watching the silly game show while I look for a decent magazine to read.

The receptionist calls out to me. "Are you her boyfriend?"

I shake my head. "No, just a friend. We barely know each other, actually. I only met her like, a week and a half ago."

"Ah." The receptionist sighs. "That poor girl. You know, sometimes I hate this job...I've worked here for fifteen years, and it's never easy when there's a patient that young who can't be helped."

"Yeah...I can't imagine what she's going through."

About thirty minutes later, Vinyl comes out. She's walking a little unsteadily. "Bad enough they gotta dilate my eyes, but shit, that light they shine right in there..."

"You okay?" I ask.

She sighs. "Define okay," she mutters. "Yeah, the doc says the meds are slowing it down a little." She digs around in her pocket, then tosses me her keys. "Let's roll."

Vinyl tells me her address; I input it into the "Scratchmobile"'s GPS. In ten minutes, I pull into the driveway of a modest little suburban house.

"Thanks," she says. "I'd have been so screwed if you hadn't helped."

"No problem," I say. "Honestly, it's kinda nice to be able to drive again."

She grins. "I hear that." As I hand her back her keys, she stretches. "Come on in. You'll have to take a cab home, but I'll totally cover the fare."


Nobody's home; it turns out both of Vinyl's parents work late. She grabs me a cold drink from the kitchen while I call a cab.

She sits down across from me in the living room and kicks her feet up. "So, Flash," she says, "Would...would it be okay if I ask you to..."

"Drive you back from the eye doctor and stuff?" I say. "Sure, when I'm able."

"Thanks," she says. "I've only got a couple people I can rely on for that, y'know? Anyway, I go back to the doctor once every two weeks...I know you're busy with clubs and stuff, but I hope you'll be able to help me out once in a while."

"Just let me know ahead of time," I say.

"Twilight Sparkle's lucky, you know," Vinyl says. "You're an awesome dude."

Rank UP! Sun Rank 2

The Disc Jockey Social Link of the Sun Arcana has reached rank 2!

Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!

A short time later, my cab arrives, and I return to the dorm.


There's a history test tomorrow. Twilight and I spend the evening studying for it. I go to bed early so I'll be well-rested. I hate having tests first thing in the morning...