Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): You'll never make a difference in this world.

After School

Music Club...

Octavia isn't here today.

Vinyl's hanging out with Lyra, a troubled look on her face. I walk over to her. "Hey."

"Hey, Flash-man." She sighs. "Tavi's got counseling all week. Her AND the cunt."

"I really hope they can get everything straightened out."


Music Club is kind of a dead scene today. My mind keeps wandering to the tennis situation. I haven't heard a word about that all day...


Before dinner, I help Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle with their homework. They're talking about Spring Break, and sound excited for their trip. I'm glad they're not upset about not going to the beach...

At dinner, I ask Celestia, "Did Ms. Chrysalis take the job?"

Celestia smiles. "We discussed it at length," she says. "She likes the idea, but she hasn't made up her mind yet. I'll have her answer tomorrow."

After dinner, I finish up my own homework and go to bed.