Today's Horoscope (Virgo): You're in for a very nasty surprise in the coming days.
After School
Tennis practice...
Coach Chrysalis calls the team to order once we all arrive. "Okay! I was watching you guys the other day, and you're all pretty good, but I think I see why the boys didn't make Nationals. Girls, you're going to do your usual thing with Coco to get ready for tomorrow's match with Crystal Prep. Guys, I'm going to work with you individually to shore up some weaknesses." She claps her hands together. "Time to earn my salary."
Practice runs longer than usual. Coco works the girls almost to exhaustion. Coach Chrysalis, true to her word, moves among us as we work through serve and return drills, showing each of us things we could be doing better.
By the end of practice, we're all exhausted, but I think a lot of the guys have more respect for Coach Chrysalis than they ever did for Coach Lobster. She has a more patient and personable approach...
I can't help but wonder exactly what she did that was so bad it cost her her old job...
I'll have to ask one of these days. Maybe.
Pinkie and I aren't the only ones who are worn out this evening. There's a general air of blah in the dorm...
We decide to order pizza for dinner. Instead of ordering from Uncle Pizza, which has started to suck lately and we were only using to get free pizza every ten orders, we order from Pizza Shack, which used to suck but stopped sucking recently. The new sauces and seasoned crusts have a lot to do with it...
We all sit around in the lounge eating pizza and watching television. Rainbow Dash is chatting up Celestia, going on and on about her dad's good points. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are surfing the web. Sonata is playing puzzle games in between slices of pizza. Twilight and Pinkie are snuggled up against me. Applejack has farm business spread out in front of her; I think she's trying to get ahead of some of her work before we leave next weekend. Rarity is sketching in her sketchpad. Fluttershy is being Fluttershy.
"Who's going out to support the tennis team tomorrow?" Celestia asks.
"We are," Twilight says, squeezing my arm.
I'll go!
"Can't, softball," Rainbow says absently.
"Me an' Sweetie Belle will come cheer you on, Rainbow Dash!" Apple Bloom says.
"Ah'll be there too," Applejack says.
"Sorry, I won't be at either game," Rarity says. "Oh, but good luck, darlings."
"I'll just be here with the pets," Fluttershy says.
"Well, I'll be at the softball game," Celestia says. "Pinkie Pie, good luck."
A companionable silence falls.
"Rainbow Dash?" Celestia says. "Please stop touching my butt."
"I'm flattered, but we talked about this, right?"
"Yes ma'am. Sorry."
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Fluttershy flick a black olive at Rainbow.
"Won't anybody let Rainbow Dash touch their butt?" Pinkie asks. "Sonata? Applejack? Rarity?"
"I vote Rarity," I say. "She's a good substitute for Principal Celestia." Twilight slaps me upside the head.
Rarity gives me a flat, unamused stare, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not quite sure how to take that," she says.
"As a compliment?"
Rarity stares at me for an uncomfortably long moment, then shrugs. "If you say so."
Uhh...sorry. I'm not...y'know.
"Y'all even think about draggin' me into all y'all's sex-crazy bullshit, Ah'll kick all y'all's butts."
We all look at Rarity. She turns red. "N-no," she says. "!"
Rainbow gets a cheeky, playful grin and gets up, advancing on Rarity.
"Rainbow Dash! Don't even THINK about it!" Rarity cries.
Rainbow grabs Rarity's hands and pulls her to her feet, then drags her toward the stairs.
"Really, Rainbow Dash! This isn't funny! Let go! Oh, you are going to get it!" Rarity protests feebly all the way to the stairs, not making enough of an effort to get away. We all watch, wide-eyed.
After several minutes, we hear a lot of giggling and squealing from upstairs.
"Oh my," Celestia says, blinking.
"Huh. Rarity sure sounds like she's enjoyin' whutever's goin' on up there," Apple Bloom says.
"Dammit all," Applejack growls.
Fluttershy scowls.
I decide now would be a good time to go upstairs with Twilight and Pinkie Pie...
Late Night
I wake up on top of Twilight and Pinkie. I really need to take a piss...
After going to the bathroom, I realize I'm hungry, so I go downstairs to see if there's any leftover pizza.
I find Fluttershy sitting in the lounge, looking upset. I grab a slice of cold pizza and walk over to her. "Look, if you're still pissed at Rainbow Dash for..."
"Yeah, I still think the little freak needs to keep her hands to herself," Fluttershy says. "But nevermind that right now. You might have a problem."
"What, the next Shadow?"
Fluttershy shakes her head. "No. You, personally. Remember how you didn't report Sunset Shimmer raping you even though everybody told you you should?" She looks down at her phone. "It's about to bite you in the ass."
I blink at her. " you mean?" I frown. "She isn't...trying to accuse me of..."
"She's about to start claiming she's pregnant," Fluttershy says.
Oh my God...
"She's not," Fluttershy says. "The clinic's security is garbage. I got into her files on the first try. Her checkup from yesterday says she has a hormonal imbalance and it's caused a missed period. The important thing is, what are people going to believe when she starts spreading this?"
I sigh. "Dammit..." I shake my head. "Thanks for telling me."
Fluttershy shrugs. "I'm fed up with her shit. Even you don't deserve that." She gets up to head for bed.
I'm not hungry anymore...
I head back upstairs. I look at the girls, sleeping peacefully in my bed. I sigh, shake my head, and go across the hall to Twilight's room.
It's a long time before I can get to sleep...