Friday, June 3, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Keep it in your pants today. Tomorrow, let it out to play.

After School

Final exams are finally over...

My mind is mush. I head back to the dorm, hook up my guitar, and start strumming aimlessly to relax and unwind.

My door opens, and Fluttershy walks in. I stop playing as she sits on the bed beside me. "Hey," she says.


"How were your exams?"

"Pure hell," I say. "Yours?"

She shrugs. "Boring. Tedious. Tiring." She stretches. "At least it's over now."


"I want to go to the beach again," she says. "Preferably without having to fight any Shadows or deal with any of Sunset Shimmer's crap."

"That sounds nice," I say. "I bet the others would like that."

"Maybe this time I'll even join in on the bedroom fun," she says.

I glance at her. "Fluttershy?"

She blushes, but gives me a coy smile. "Well, why not? Why should everybody else have all the fun? Besides, the only time I've ever had sex was—" She stops abruptly.

I stare at her.

"Forget it," she says. "I don't wanna talk about it..."

I raise an eyebrow. "Oh, come on. You can't just tease something like that and then not deliver."

Fluttershy glares at me, then sighs in frustration, running a hand through her hair. "Fine. If you must know..." She looks down at her lap. "Last August, back when..." She shakes her head. "I was over at Sunset Shimmer's place on her birthday, and she made me fuck her."

Holy crap.

"She's into some really kinky stuff, too. And no, I won't go into any details."

Holy yikes.

"Hey. Perv. Put the boner away."


Fluttershy suddenly pins me down and gives me an evil glare. "You ever breathe a word of that to anyone and I'm cutting your dick off. Got it?"

I nod.


Rank UP! Priestess Rank 7

The Fluttershy Social Link of the Priestess Arcana has reached rank 7!

Your power to create Personas of the Priestess Arcana has grown!

Fluttershy backs off, then smirks. "Anyway, I'll just let you take care of...that...on your own." She turns and leaves.

Damn you, Fluttershy...


By unanimous agreement, we have an impromptu pizza party at the dorm. Fluttershy suggests going to the beach after school lets out for summer.

"That sounds cool," Rainbow says.

"Another trip to the beach would be lovely," Rarity says.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Twilight agrees. "But I think this time it'll have to be closer to home, and not for a whole week."

"Yeah, a week is a bit much," Pinkie says. "Especially with so much else to do."

"And my folks and Twi's folks coming down for Father's Day," I say.

"And we need to set aside time after Father's Day to go up to Sweet Apple Acres and help out for a few days."

We all look at each other.

"Wow, we're gonna have a busy summer," Sonata says.

"Eh, it's better than layin' around doin' nothin'," Rainbow says.

"So...three or four days at Canterlittle to kick off the summer?" Fluttershy asks.

We all agree to talk it over some more tomorrow, then spend the rest of the evening vegging out in the lounge and watching movies on television until well past midnight.