Saturday, June 18, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.

The Velvet Room...

The others are here. How did we get here?

"Uhh...what's goin' on?" Rainbow asks sleepily. "I was just havin' this awesome dream about flying, and—"

"Do not be alarmed, for you are still at rest," Zecora says as she appears before us. "I sensed this would be the best time for today's test."

"So...we're all asleep and dreaming?" Twilight asks, frowning.

"You are indeed," Zecora says. "Now, let us begin with all speed."

She gestures to her right, and a gold-framed door bearing the image of the Tower Arcana rises from the floor.

"Your will is strong and you possess great power. But might alone will not topple this Tower."

"Do you like, just sit around all day practicing rhyming?" Rainbow asks.

"Oh! Oh! Are you a rapper when you're not in here doing this cryptic sage stuff?" Pinkie asks. "Because you totally look like you should be a rapper."

"What, just because she's Zebrican?" Fluttershy asks. "That's a little racist."

Zecora facepalms. "Open the door, I beseech thee," she says. "I have little patience for these three."

I roll my eyes and walk up to the door. When I touch it, it swings open; a glowing green fog billows out, green light pulses flashing from within.

Chrysalis steps out.

Pinkie blinks. "Coach Chrysalis?"

I wasted so many years of my life, and for what? I was the most powerful and feared woman in the corporate world, and now I'm coaching high school tennis? What the FUCK is that? And why did I have so many fucking kids? All they do is bitch and complain all the time!

She looks up at us with glowing gold-on-black eyes.

And I can't find one man in this whole fucking city that's worth SHIT! The asshole who knocked me up the first time disappeared to another country, and then what happened? Every time I tried to find Skeeter a new dad, I ended up PREGNANT AGAIN! And every last FUCKING one of them disappears! I swear to God, if I didn't have all the money I busted my ass earning...

And look what I have to show for it. Seven kids who are used to the good life, and now they have to live like everyone else, and so do I! And I'm too damn old to try to get back what Sombra stole from me! Hell, by the time Gnat finally leaves the nest, I'll be over sixty!

"Wow, this one's just...really bitchy," Rainbow says.

"I think..." I stare at Chrysalis' Shadow. "I think Chrysalis has just been bottling all this up for years, fighting to keep her composure, never lashing out because she doesn't want to show everyone how aggravated she is all the time."

That's right! I am the Shadow, the True Self! I'm sick of being fucked over by every useless piece of shit man in my life, and I just want my kids to shut up for five fucking minutes and let me think!

Green and black flames explode around Chrysalis as her legs and torso stretch...

//Get ready!//

As Chrysalis stretches upwards, gaping holes form in her arms, legs, and torso, which become shiny and sinewy, like chitin. Her head becomes a misshapen combination of human, horse, and insect, with an open maw full of venom-dripping fangs and huge, glowing, slit-pupiled green eyes. A gnarled horn grows from her forehead, twisted and full of holes. When she finally finishes growing, her legs have twisted together into the base of a giant tower, with bands of insect-like armor rippling along most of what used to be her torso, pulsing and rippling. Sickly green light pours out of the holes in her legs and torso. Her arms now end in three-fingered claws which hang limply at her sides. Her hair fans out around her, clinging to her shoulders and chest like spider webs.

CoME, mY chILDreN! PRotECt YOuR quEEN!

Seven shiny black creatures, resembling humanoid insects with glowing blue eyes, pour out of Chrysalis' Shadow, snarling and hissing as their tiny, translucent wings buzz.

"Eww," Pinkie opines.

"Looks like we need an exterminator!" Rainbow quips. "PERSONA!"


Nike appears, scattering cutting winds through all the Shadows. The flying bug-things barely flinch, while a jagged, crystalline green barrier flares into existence around Chrysalis' Shadow, completely absorbing the wind.

//That barrier...// Cadance says. //Give me a minute to analyze it.//

"While you're doing that, I'm gonna try something new," Pinkie says. We all look at her, standing there in her skintight pink-and-black costume. She holds her left hand to her breast, and a blue light shines from within. She raises her hand above her head and opens it; that blue balloon-shaped jewel hovers over her head, shining brightly.


The gem flares with blinding light. Dozens of kazoos sound off as confetti, streamers, and balloons rain down on the enemy. The ghostly sound of dozens of voices laughing fills the air, and the Shadows look around, confused. Meanwhile, a soft blue light washes over each of us, and I feel a warmth inside me...

"What in the world was that?" Rarity asks, blinking.

//Whatever it was, it lowered the enemy's defenses! That barrier is still there, but I'm sensing the Shadows' defense and evasion is WAY down!//

"Then let's take 'em out! PERSONA!"

Tidal Wave

Leviathan appears; a tidal wave washes over the Shadows. The bug-things sag lower to the ground, their wings wet; the barrier around Chrysalis withstands the full brunt of the assault.



Fluttershy's Persona appears and erects a barrier around us.



Applejack's Persona imbues us all with increased power.


Two of the Shadows swoop down, belching massive fireballs. Twilight and Rainbow dodge.


Twilight summons Athena and returns fire with a lightning storm, which leaves half the bugs twitching and writhing.

"These creatures are most uncouth," Rarity says disdainfully. "BASTET!"


Rarity's Persona rains sharp ice shards on the Shadows. They cry out and fall to the ground, twitching.

//They're weak to ice!// Cadance exclaims.


Bastet attacks again. Three of the Shadows melt into darkness. Chrysalis screams.

Gigantic Fist

One of her massive arms swings back and stretches out, a clawed fist slamming into Rarity and sending her flying.


Rarity sits up groggily, clutching her head. "That...hurt..."

I slide Lovers onto my phone. "SERENITY!"


Serenity appears; her crystal glows, shedding healing light over Rarity. Rarity stands up and regroups with the rest of us. "Thank you, Flash."

//Guys, I've got bad news,// Cadance says. //That barrier around the's completely impervious. It doesn't have any weaknesses and doesn't seem to be taking any damage.//

"Wonderful," Twilight mutters. "So how do we take this thing down?"

//I'm still working on that. For now, be careful!//

The downed Shadows recover; one of them buzzes its wings and dives in, making a sweeping circle around us with its claws outstretched.

Gale Slash

Its attack hits Echo's barrier and rebounds; it cries out as it explodes into black mist. A second one attempts the same thing; this time, Fluttershy, Sonata, and Applejack all take the hit, staggering slightly.

"Okay, that's enough of that," Rainbow says. "PERSONA!"

Sonic Rainboom

Nike appears, jamming a power chord that sends a rainbow shockwave through the remaining Shadows, which all explode. The shockwave hits the barrier surrounding the tower, which cracks and shatters, falling apart and scattering in glittering green shards.

"YEAH! I'm awesome!" Rainbow crows...

Gigantic Fist

...and then screams as Chrysalis' claw catches her and sends her flying. Fluttershy quickly heals her.

//I don't know how she did it, but now's your chance!//

"Oh, you better know it is," Applejack growls, clutching her ribs. "PERSONA!"

Gigantic Fist

Persephone appears, draws back, and slams a massive fist into Chrysalis' jaw. She doesn't even flinch.

//Strike attacks don't seem to be working!//

"Then let's try something else," Rarity says. "BASTET!"


Bastet appears; a massive column of ice crystalizes around Chrysalis' Shadow. The ice explodes outward...and the Shadow remains unharmed.

//Ice isn't working either!//

"Well then what the FUCK is?!" Rainbow demands.

"Flash, pull out the big one!" Sonata cries. "That ALWAYS works!"

"Right!" I swipe Tower onto my phone. "GOJIRA!"

With a mighty roar, Gojira appears, shaking the ground as he stomps forward. His spines glow, and he unleashes a scorching blue blast at Chrysalis...

Atomic Breath

When the blast dissipates, Chrysalis is still standing, completely untouched.

//No effect!//

"What? But...but that ALWAYS works!"

Gigantic Fist

Chrysalis takes a swing at me, and just barely misses as I dodge in the nick of time.

Fluttershy frowns. "I really need to put our barrier back up," she says. "PERSONA!"


Echo reappears, erecting her reflective barrier once more.

Pinkie frowns. "Well, if Strike attacks won't work, I got nothing."

"Let me try," Twilight says. "ATHENA!"


Athena appears, raising her glowing spear. A solid column of lightning stabs down, striking Chrysalis, who screams in pain and rage, thrashing around.


A massive pulse of green-tinged white light fires down from her horn, slamming into us and spreading out, driving all of us to the ground. Everything hurts...

//Are you alright? You've all taken a lot of damage!//

My skin pulses blue, and I feel a little strength flow back into me. I rise to my knees. Around me, the others are all getting up shakily, groaning.

"P-Persona," Rarity groans.


Healing light washes over us all. I'm still aching, but I feel more steady on my feet.

yOU inSOleNT FOolS! thE punISHMent foR stRIKIng yOUr QUEen iS deATH!

//Guys! I've figured it out! She's immune to everything except electricity!//

"Great, so that means only Flash and Twilight are of any use now," Rainbow mutters.

"Ah guess th' rest of us are on support, then," Applejack says.

//Wait a minute...something's happening!//


The lower part of the tower, Chrysalis' "abdomen", begins convulsing rapidly. It spreads open suddenly, releasing seven new flying bug Shadows. As they spread out in front of the tower, Chrysalis' abdomen seals up again, and the green barrier builds itself back up, pulsing like a heartbeat.

"Oh, not THIS shit again!" Rainbow moans.

"Cadance," Twilight says suddenly, "do you think the barrier around the tower is tied to the...bugs?"

// might be on to something! Try wiping out the drones again, see if the barrier drops!//

mY CHildREN wiLL NoT FAiL aGAin!


One by one, each of the drones flares with golden light.

//They're boosting their attack power! Be careful!//

"We already know how to deal with these," Rarity says. "PERSONA!"


Bastet appears, and a hail of sharp ice needles rains down on the Shadows. They take some damage, but remain in the air. Rarity gasps. "What...?"

//It doesn't seem like ice is as effective anymore!//

"Then let's try FIRE!" I swipe the Hanged Man onto my phone...

...but it glows red, and the Devil appears instead. Before I can figure out what's going on, a rough, menacing voice ghosts through the room.

Hey uhh...why don'tcha let ME out for once, huh pal? C'mon, I'm dyin' in here! Whaddya say, whaddya saaaaay?

"Uhh...what was that?" Rainbow asks, blinking.

Come to think of it...I gained a Persona when my link with Red Flag maxed out, but I've never once used it...

Ain't gettin' any younger here, pretty boy.

With a groan, I tap the Devil Arcana. "BETELGEUSE!"

It's showtime.


Betelgeuse snaps his fingers and wags his tongue. The Shadow drones screech in pain as they burst into flames, falling to the ground.

Ehuhuhuh. And now for my next trick...

Evil Smile

The man in the polka-dot suit suddenly changes into a massive snake with a terrifying, demonic face, slit-pupiled eyes, and dagger-like fangs. He unleashes a hellish screech as he flies through the Shadows. As he fades away, the Shadows writhe on the ground, curling in on themselves in agony.

"What the heck was that?"

"Something I hope I never have to use again," I mutter.

"We've still gotta deal with this mess before they get back up!" Pinkie says. "PERSONA!"

Orgy of Death

Euphoria appears and moves among the struggling Shadows, slamming her hips, feet, and elbows into them repeatedly.

"Don't forget me!" Rainbow shouts. "PERSONA!"

Sonic Rainboom

Nike unleashes another prismatic shockwave. Two of the Shadows die. Chrysalis screeches in fury and punches Rainbow, but she dodges nimbly.

"Mah turn, y'all! PERSONA!"

Heat Wave

Persephone appears and slams the ground, which rumbles and ripples as it rises up to strike the remaining Shadows. They fall down, twitching. One rises up to counterattack, but suddenly explodes in a purple, sickly haze.

"Let's finish this! LEVIATHAN!"

Tidal Wave

Leviathan's tidal wave wipes out the remaining Shadows. Chrysalis screams as her barrier collapses yet again.

"Twilight! NOW!"

"Right! ATHENA!"


Athena appears, readying a massive lightning bolt which strikes Chrysalis right in the horn. The entire tower spasms, sparks shooting out of the glowing windows.

thOSE WHo dArE OPPosE thE QUeeN...muST DIE!


A throbbing ball of darkness swells at the tip of Chrysalis' horn, then drops to the ground, exploding outward and sweeping over us. As soon as it touches me, it rebounds ineffectually on the Shadow. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow shudder. Fluttershy screams as she crumples to the ground dead. Pinkie and Sonata simply fall bonelessly to the ground, eyes wide in surprise.

Gigantic Fist

Chrysalis laughs psychotically, then swings a giant claw at Twilight, stunning her.

"Oh shit," Rainbow says, looking around wildly. "What do we do now?"

"Stay calm," Rarity says icily. "Persona."


Bastet appears, weaving strands of energy around Fluttershy. Fluttershy moans as she stirs, rising to a sitting position. I summon Serenity and revive Pinkie.

"That sucked," Fluttershy says. She looks down at Sonata, grimaces, and summons Echo to revive her. Sonata sits up, rubbing her head and moaning.

"Oh man, that was just mean," she whimpers.

//You need to be careful!// Cadance insists.

"No, really?" Rainbow cries. With a shudder, she summons Nike; everyone blurs.


My body feels lighter.

"Need to...heal us..." Twilight mutters.

"No," Fluttershy says. "You and Flash are the only ones that can hurt this bitch. Focus on that."

//She's spawning again!//


Seven new Shadows emerge from Chrysalis' abdomen, and once again her barrier goes up. With a collective groan, we get ready to fight the new drones...

It's a long, difficult slog. Every time we wipe out a wave of bugs, we're able to get in one, maybe two shots at Chrysalis herself. Nearly every one of us dies at least once, either to her instant kill attack or to her powerful damage spell. Finally, after the seventh wave of bugs, Twilight and I manage to finish her off. Chrysalis screams as the tower collapses, spiderwebs and chitin and black sinew raining down on our heads. As her misshapen bug-horse-woman head hits the ground, it crumbles, revealing her original Shadow form. She bows her head and lets out a low, throaty, rueful chuckle.

In the end, I am nothing but a fallen Queen...

"That's not true," I say, stepping forward. "You could've fought to your last breath to get back what you lost. You could've sunk into depression and misery and run yourself into the ground. You could've even just given in, retired early, lived off your severance, and relied on your kids to support you in your old age. But you didn't. You made a new life for yourself. And I know you're happy now. I've seen it. You're really happy with your new life, and you know your kids are happy and adjusting."

"And so what if you're not married and having seven kids runs you a little nuts sometimes?" Pinkie says. "I've seen Mrs. Cake reduced to tears just from her two kids! You've gotta be the strongest woman in the world to put up with seven kids with no backup whatsoever and deal with all that career stuff! And, you know, losing it all and having to..." She trails off. "I'll be quiet now."

I sigh. "The point're strong. Stronger than you give yourself credit for. And no matter what you've lost, you haven't lost what's really important. You haven't lost your children, you haven't lost their love, and you haven't lost the respect of the people who think the world of you." I take another step forward. "You'll never lose my respect. Or my friendship."

Chrysalis looks up at me. She smiles.

Thank you.

She fades away, leaving behind the Tower card, floating serenely in midair.

Zecora reappears, wearing a small, secretive smile. "In four days, we will meet again. I bid you all good tidings till then..."


It's a little past nine when everyone's finally up and about. Twilight and I head downstairs and find Sunset Shimmer and Velvet alone in the lounge; Sunset is watching television, and Velvet is reading a magazine. The others aren't far behind us. Everyone's groggy and sleepy-eyed.

"Wow, you all look terrible," Sunset says. "Did I miss a secret party?"

"Goodness," Velvet says. "You really do all look tired. Why don't you all sit down, I'll put on some breakfast." She puts down her magazine, gets up, and shuffles off to the kitchen.

"Thanks, Mom," Twilight mumbles. She shambles into the lounge; I join her.

"Flash, do you still think you'll be up to going out with the boys today?" Velvet calls from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll probably be good after breakfast."

"Well, Shiny and Night Light won't," Cadance mumbles as she trudges into the lounge. "They're still passed out in the living room. They must've been up half the night drinking."

"Yikes," Twilight says.

Mom and Dad come downstairs, dressed for the day. "Sorry we're up so late," Mom says. "I think the jet lag got to both of us."

"It's okay Mom," I say. "We're all kind of off to a late start today." I frown. "If Shining Armor and Mr. Night Light are as hung over as I think they are, we probably won't even get out of here for our just-the-guys thing until lunchtime."

"That's fine with me," Dad says.

"Where's Apple Bloom?" Applejack wonders as she settles onto the sofa on the opposite end from Sunset.

"And Sweetie Belle?" Rarity echoes, taking the seat Velvet abandoned.

"They left early," Sunset says. "I think they had plans with a friend. What was her name? Cooterloo? Futaloo?"

"Scootaloo," Twilight says absently.

Sunset snickers. "Wow, her parents must really hate her..."

"That may be the first thing you've ever said that I can agree with," Fluttershy says.

"At least she doesn't sound like a stripper," Cadance mutters.

Sunset smirks. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Toward the end of breakfast, Shining Armor and Night Light finally make an appearance. Velvet pumps them full of coffee and stern recriminations. Once they're halfway back in the land of the living, Sunset asks, "So, what are you guys planning for your big boys' day out?"

We look at each other. I shrug. "Up to you guys."

"Anything but going to a bar," Velvet admonishes. "I don't know why it is when you two get together—"

"We heard you already, Mom," Shining Armor moans.

"I haven't been bowling in forever," Dad says suddenly.

Night Light and Shining Armor look at him.

"Huh. Sounds good to me," Night Light says with a shrug.

"Sure all that noise won't aggravate your headaches?" Velvet asks, hands on her hips.

"Let it GO, Mom," Shining Armor says.

"I think I'll drive," I say. A half hour later, the four of us pile into Shining Armor's car and head out.


Canterlot Family Bowling & Games has an unimaginative name, but it's clean, air-conditioned, has bowling shoes that don't smell like sweaty corn chips, a huge snack bar, and even an arcade with skee ball, UFO catchers, those obnoxious dance games, and some retro arcade machines.

I don't honestly recall ever actually bowling before. It takes me a few frames to get the hang of it. Dad and I bowl against Shining Armor and his dad. We get creamed on our first game, but we have a lot of fun. After the second game (where we lose by a lot less), we decide to hit the snack bar for lunch.

As we're sitting around, Dad says, "You know, I know you don't much care for that Sunset girl, but it seems to me like having her around is...interesting, at least."

"Oh yes, very interesting," Shining Armor says, his cheeks flushing.

"Dude," I say, glaring at him. "Enough already. You have no idea how hard Cadance is going to punch you in the dick for constantly staring at Sunset."

"It's a little hard not to stare," Night Light says.

I groan. "Am I seriously the only one here who can see past Sunset's tits?" I shake my head. "Seriously, guys, she's pure evil. How hard is it to keep that straight? I mean, are you all that hard up for poon?"

Shining Armor snorts. "That's rich coming from the kid who's screwed every single girl in the dorm."

"Not every girl," I protest.

"Well, almost every girl."

Night Light raises an eyebrow. "How 'almost' are we talking?"

I sigh. "I haven't slept with Applejack. Or those two junior high girls, obviously."

Dad whistles. "Holy shit, Flash, you've only been in Canterlot for ten months!"

"MOST of that was during Spring Break," I say. "And it was Twilight's idea."

Night Light stares at me. "Wait. Twilight. My daughter. Wanted her boyfriend to sleep around on her?"

"The way I understand it," Shining Armor says with a teasing grin, "it all started with a game of Truth or Dare that went horribly wrong."

"Pretty much. Twilight was worried about the awkward sexual tension that little stunt of Fluttershy's caused, so she said I had the whole week to do whatever with whoever, just to keep things from getting weird."

Night Light blinks. "That..." He shakes his head. "Okay, as crazy as that is, it does sound like Twilight logic."

"How does sleeping with the entire dorm not make things weird?" Dad asks.

I shrug. "Beats me. It works, though. We've pretty much all got it out of our systems. Me, Twilight, and Pinkie don't even fool around that much anymore." Of course, I slept with Fluttershy less than a week ago, but they don't need to know that...

Night Light chuckles. "Makes sense," he says. "I mean, first two years of college, it was all anyone could think about. Then we all sorta grew up. Well, most of us anyway."

"In any case," I say, taking a long sip of root beer, "seriously, guys, just...just ignore Sunset, okay? Every time you get flustered around her, you're just making it worse."

After we finish eating, we bowl a couple more games, then go out for a drive. Dad's only been in Canterlot once before and didn't get to look around much, so showing him the sights is a good way to kill an afternoon.

By the time we get back to the dorm, everyone's tired. Dad's still recovering from jet lag, Shining Armor and Night Light are both worn out from the bowling after last night's binge drinking, and I'm still tired from the battle with Chrysalis' Shadow. We have a quick, light dinner with the girls, after which I head up to bed and pass out.

Tomorrow is Father's Day...