Today's Horoscope (Virgo): You shouldn't dread what the future holds. You should confront it and make the most of what lies ahead.
After School
Tennis practice...
Coco takes Pinkie aside to talk to her and work with her one-on-one. She's apparently concerned over Pinkie's performance on Saturday.
All throughout practice, this short Neighponese man with a bad combover in a black suit is hovering around Coach Chrysalis like a mosquito, distracting her from conducting practice. She doesn't seem to want to shoo him away, but at the same time is clearly annoyed by his presence. After watching this for twenty minutes or so, I finally have enough. I signal my singles partner for a break, then walk over to Chrysalis and the little man. "Excuse me," I call.
"Yes, Flash?" Chrysalis asks. I hold up a hand to ward her off and turn to the Neighponese man.
"Sir, we're trying to have tennis practice here, and you're in the way."
The little man draws himself up. "Young man, I am here on important business—"
"I don't believe you have permission from our principal to be here at this time," I say. "Do you? I can easily find out. I'm sure Principal Celestia would be thrilled to know there are unauthorized solicitors trespassing on school property during club activity hours."
The man frowns, sweat beading on his brow.
"Whatever business you have with our coach, I suggest you conduct it outside of school hours and off school property," I say. I take a threatening step forward and tighten my grip on my racket. "We don't appreciate you disturbing our sensei when she's trying to conduct practice."
The man takes a step back, frowning thinly. "My apologies," he says. He glances at Chrysalis. "We will speak again...later."
"I'm sure we will," she says.
The man bows and leaves.
Once he's gone, the entire team applauds. I take a bow.
"Thanks, Flash," Chrysalis says. "I didn't want to make a scene, but that little bastard was really getting on my nerves."
I nod. "Mine too." I frown in the direction the little man left. "Saeki?"
"From the head branch," Chrysalis confirms. "Like I said, pressure tactics." She tilts her head. "Sensei?" she asks.
I shrug. "Half the dorm is into some anime or other. I guess my mouth was on autopilot."
Chrysalis laughs. "Get back to practice," she says. "And thanks again."
Practice resumes, minus one very obnoxious Neighponese businessman.
I have a test Friday. I'm in my room studying after dinner when Sonata walks in. I look up at her. "Hey." I smile. "You're not gonna jump me again, are you?"
She giggles and shakes her head.
Not unless you want me to.
"Maybe some other time." I settle back in my chair. "What's up?"
Sonata sits down on the bed. She fidgets.
Actually, about...that...
It takes her a while to write what she wants to say next.
I...have to go to the doctor tomorrow to make sure nothing, y'know...happened. Because of me doing that.
She waves her hands placatingly.
Not like that! I don't think.
She fiddles with her tablet.
Anyway, if that did, I'd...not...
She ducks her head.
Because if it did happen, it'd be my bad. But no, I just mean I think something down there didn't heal right yet or something.
"Oh. Umm...ouch. Jeez...sorry."
She shrugs.
Not your fault.
She sits still for a minute.
I don't regret what I did, but...
She plays with her ponytail for a minute before continuing.
You really see me as a little sister?
I swallow. "Y-yeah...kinda..." I worry at the hem of my shirt. "That...doesn't upset you or anything, does it?"
She shakes her head and smiles.
I think it's sweet, actually.
She gets up, walks over, leans down, and kisses me on the cheek. Then she takes a step back.
You're...going back to Seaddle after this year, aren't you?
I sigh. "Yeah. I...don't know how I feel about that."
I wish you didn't have to go.
Sonata sighs.
You and Fluttershy and the others make me feel less lonely...but especially you.
I get up and hug her. "I'm coming back to Canterlot as soon as I can," I promise. "There's nothing for me in Seaddle."
She smiles and sniffles.
Something we have in common.
The Broken Bird Social Link of the Death Arcana has reached rank 7!
Your power to create Personas of the Death Arcana has grown!
Zoe wanders in and barks at Sonata to get her attention. Sonata giggles and picks her up. With a wave, she heads back to her room. I finish studying and go to bed.
It takes a while to fall asleep, because all I can think about is how much I hate the thought of ever leaving Canterlot...