Today's Horoscope (Virgo): You may learn more about a friend today than you're really comfortable with.
Early Morning
Twilight has a full-blown cold. Cadance is staying home today to take care of both her and Rainbow Dash. I walk Spike before school.
After School
I'm on my way to Music Club from my last class when Trixie stops me in the hall. "Would...would you do me a favor?" she asks.
"What is it?"
She looks down. "Trixie would—I would like to try to make friends," she says. "But everyone has this...this opinion of me..." She looks up at me. "I...I need help talk to..."
"I...think I might know how to help," I say. We walk to the club room together.
When we get there, some of the members are talking about a new album by Deer Antler Bridge. I head over, motioning for Trixie to join me. Despite everything that's happened lately, I did actually find time to listen to a few songs from that album online. "I don't really like their sound right now," I say. "They were so much better back when Sticky Sapp was their frontman. You know, back when they were actually popular."
"Ouch!" Lyra says.
"I...actually like their sound now," Trixie says. "But they shouldn't be releasing studio albums. They're...they're really more of a live band. They don't sound right on their studio recordings."
"You've been to their concerts?" Lyra asks.
"Oh yes, I've been to three of their concerts," Trixie says. "You should look up videos of their live shows. They just sound so much better...their records are overproduced, and it really hurts their sound."
I sit back and listen, only occasionally contributing to the conversation. It turns out Trixie has quite an extensive knowledge of contemporary and classic rock—she might know as much as I do, and she certainly knows things I didn't know. I can tell that the others are impressed. It's obviously the longest actual conversation any of them have had with Trixie. Certainly it's the longest she's ever gone without referring to herself in the third person.
When the club meeting breaks up for the day, Trixie walks over to me. "Thank you," she says. "I...I really feel like they were interested in talking to me today."
"That's because you were just being yourself for a change," I say.
"Being myself..." Trixie smiles. "I...I think I might like that."
The Aspiring Performer Social Link of the Moon Arcana has reached rank 5!
Your power to create Personas of the Moon Arcana has grown!
"How's Twilight?" I ask as soon as I walk through the doors and see Cadance headed upstairs.
Cadance smiles. "She's resting," she says. "I was just about to check in on her." She gives me a stern look. "You keep away from her room," she says. "Colds spread like wildfire, and I don't want this whole dorm sick!"
"Yes, ma'am." I pull out my phone and text Twilight.
How are you? Cadance won't let me check up on you
It's nearly two minutes before I get a reply.
My head feels like it's full of lead and I'm miserable. How was school?
I spend a few minutes texting with Twilight as I head up to my own room, then I tell her to get some rest and start on my homework.
When Pinkie comes home from work, she brings a box of eclairs to share with all of us. We have them after dinner, with Cadance taking Twilight hers.
"It sucks that Twilight's sick," Pinkie says. She tilts her head. "Hey, do you think she'd let me borrow you until she gets better?"
Everyone stares at her. I choke. "Pinkie!" I feel the girls' eyes on me. "What is it with you lately?"
Pinkie blows up on her hair. "I just feel kinda sucky right now and I could really use some boy love, but I'm not really interested in anybody...and the one really nice boy I wanna make time with is taken." She sighs.
I have no idea how to respond to that.
"Oh well," Pinkie says. "Guess I'll just go masturbate for a few hours. Goodnight everybody!"
"Far too much information, darling," Rarity says.
"Yeah, don't share that kinda thing!" Rainbow cries.
"Did not need that mental image," Applejack says.
I think Fluttershy has actually fainted.
Pinkie sticks her tongue out at us and heads upstairs.
An awkward silence descends in her wake. A few minutes later, I head up to my room and stay there for the rest of the night. Pinkie's not the only one who needs some self-love tonight...