Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Just as you rely on others, others rely on you.

Early Morning

I very nearly have an awkward encounter in the hall this morning after I wake up. Principal Celestia is just coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. Fortunately, she doesn't notice me.

Her towel just barely covers her breasts, groin, and butt...and not entirely the last.

I really hope Pinkie Pie doesn't do another boner check this morning...

After School

At tennis practice, the coach puts us through hell. Coco patiently helps me, explaining the things I need to improve on from my last match and encouraging me.


As soon as I get home, I round up my guitar and amp and head down to the lounge.

Celestia is in the lounge, reading a magazine, while Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack are working on their homework. I recall that Rainbow Dash had a doctor's appointment today.

I hesitate. "Oh," I say. "I'll...practice upstairs today..."

"Oh, don't be silly, Flash!" Rarity says. "You haven't played in the lounge in quite some time...I've actually gotten quite used to your taste in music."

"Yeah, don't mind us," Applejack says. "Let 'er rip."

Celestia looks up, smiling. "If it's alright with them, it's alright with me," she says. "I've only heard you in passing once or twice, on Music Club least, I assume that was you."

"It was either me or Trixie, or both of us," I say. I set up, then sit on the couch and play. "Speaking of Trixie," I say as I tune the guitar and start aimlessly strumming chords, "I've invited her to perform at Pinkie's birthday next week."

"The 'Great And Powerful' Trixie?" Rarity asks, arching an eyebrow.

"That gal that brags over ever' little thing she does?" Applejack asks.

"She's gotten better," I say. "I've...been helping her learn how to get along with people."

"Really?" Rarity asks.

"She's getting along with the rest of the Music Club," I say, shrugging. "She says she does a magic act...I thought Pinkie might like that."

"That sounds like a great idea," Twilight says. "We really need to work on planning Pinkie's party."

"We can work on that this weekend," Rarity says.

Rainbow returns from her doctor's appointment in high spirits.

"The doc says I can probably come off the crutches by the end of next week," she says happily. "I'm still gonna be restricted to light exercise, but I can start working on building strength back up in my leg."

"That's great!" I say. "Congratulations."

"Congratulations indeed, Rainbow Dash," Celestia says.

I wrap up my practice and put my guitar and amp back upstairs, then come down for dinner. During dinner, Celestia asks each of us a variety of questions; even though her tone is conversational and the questions are innocent, it's easy to tell we're all a little nervous. Having Celestia at the dorm isn't as awkward as it was on Monday, but it's still very...unnerving. After dinner, I head upstairs to do my homework.

I've just finished my homework when there's a knock on the door. "Uhh, can I come in?"

It's...Rainbow Dash?

I get up and walk over to the door, opening it. I step aside and let Rainbow in; it takes her a minute because of her crutches.

"Hey," she says awkwardly.

"Hey," I reply.

"Umm..." Rainbow looks around the room; she's clearly stalling. "I was...umm...I kinda wanted to ask a favor."

"A favor?"

"When...I finally get off these stupid crutches..." She looks down. "I'm, uhh...I'm gonna need some help...y'know...gettin' back to normal.'ve been so awesome to me, and you're the only other one in the dorm that's on a team, so you get it..." She swallows. "Askin' for help is hard, but..."

"I'll be happy to help any way I can," I say.

"Thanks," Rainbow says. "Umm...I know you' your own stuff an' all, but...everybody keeps tellin' me not to try to do everything myself, and..." She sighs. "I hate needin' somebody else, but..."

"You're afraid you'll mess up and hurt yourself."

Rainbow grimaces. "Yeah."

"Don't worry," I say. "Why me, though? Just out of curiosity."

Rainbow blushes furiously. "Umm..."


"You do know I'm taken, right?"

"Gah! Dude, I am SO not...that!" Rainbow cries. She looks down at the floor. "It's..." She idly swings her injured leg back and forth. "You're...a lot like my dad."

Rank UP! Chariot Rank 5

The Rainbow Dash Social Link of the Chariot Arcana has reached rank 5!

Your power to create Personas of the Chariot Arcana has grown!

She turns around and hobbles away as fast as she can.

Wondering what she meant by that, I get ready for bed.