Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Helplessness is one of the worst feelings a person can experience. Don't give in to frustration and despair.
On my way to lunch, I'm approached by Shining Armor.
"Hey, Flash," he says. "Can you meet me after school? I want..." He shifts uncomfortably. "I want to start over...maybe just hang out for a bit, get to know you a little better."
It would probably be good to keep Shining Armor on friendly terms...
"Sure, after music club."
After School
Music club is uneventful today. Trixie demonstrates a few minor tricks, which impress the others.
Afterward, I head out to the faculty parking lot. Shining Armor is waiting for me by his dark blue muscle car. I put my stuff in the trunk and get in. We leave the parking lot.
Coach takes me to the batting cages. "I heard about Canterbook getting hacked," he says. "And your computer, too..." He looks at me. "What was up with that picture of Principal Celestia?"
I shrug. "Me and Twilight just had a crazy idea to see what the principal looked like in college, and we found that." I take a swing and make a terrible hit.
"And somebody found that in your Internet history?" Shining Armor shakes his head. "Ouch." He swings and cracks a solid hit. "I'm a little weirded out that Twilight was looking at something like that with you, though."
"It's not like we were looking for a picture like that," I say. "So, how are things with you and Nurse Cadance?"
"We're good," Shining Armor says. "Something Twilight said really bothered her, though. She's...seeing a therapist starting tomorrow." He sighs. "I just wish I knew why she's been acting so tense and stressed. It's been going on for months..."
"There's lots of weird shit going down at CHS," I say. "More than you know..."
"But why won't she tell me?" he asks. "I ask her, and she...just doesn't..." He sighs. "Doesn't she trust me?" He leans on his bat. "I just...sometimes, I feel so...useless. I don't provide for her, because she has money...she's only working because she enjoys it. I can't protect her from things she won't tell me she needs protecting from. She won't share her burdens with me..." He stops talking to slam a hit with more force than is strictly necessary. "What am I to her?"
"You're the person she loves," I say. "I think that's all she really needs you to be."
Shining Armor lets out a short, rueful laugh. "I've been doing a pretty shit job of that lately," he says.
The Overprotective Brother Social Link of the Emperor Arcana has reached rank 5!
Your power to create Personas of the Emperor Arcana has grown!
We spend a little while longer at the batting cages, then grab a burger before heading back. Once I'm back at the dorm, Twilight follows me up to my room and hangs out while I do my homework.
"Did my brother behave himself today?"
"Yeah. He just needed to get some stuff off his chest. Not about me...about him." I look at Twilight. "He said Cadance doesn't need to work?"
"Her family's very well-off," Twilight says. "She doesn't like flaunting it, though."
I nod thoughtfully. "I think I finally get where your brother's coming from," I say. "He feels like Cadance doesn't even really need him...that really messes with a man's pride."
"I...never thought of it that way," Twilight says quietly.
"Yeah," I say. "I—"
I notice something out of the corner of my eye.
The light on my laptop's webcam just came on.
I stand up and walk over to my gig bag, where I keep a roll of electrical tape.
"Flash? What—"
I put my hand over Twilight's mouth. "Shh." I point at my computer. Her eyes widen.
I tear off a piece of tape and cover the camera lens. Twilight runs down the hall to get Principal Celestia.
A moment later, Twilight and Celestia rush in. "What's going on?" Celestia asks.
I look at my computer. The light has gone off on the camera.
"I think somebody tapped my webcam," I say. "It came on all by itself."
"Why would they...?" Twilight asks. "Sunset Shimmer has to know we already know your computer was hacked. Why...why would she go after it again?"
"To make you paranoid," Celestia said, frowning. "And for the last time...please refrain from accusing Sunset Shimmer without evidence. We will find out who's behind this. In the meantime..." She sighs. "I'll warn the others, just in case."
I hand her the roll of electrical tape. "This should take care of the webcam problem. If any of the others are being watched."
"Good thinking, Flash." Celestia leaves.
Twilight hugs herself and shudders. "Why?"
"I don't know," I say. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. "I just don't know."