Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Enjoy the quiet times while you can. Disaster looms in your immediate future.

Early Morning

Tomorrow is Pinkie Pie's birthday.

I still haven't thought of a way to apologize to Rarity, but she does tell me and Twilight both that she's making progress on our costumes. I hope that means she's...not too mad at me.

I thought about telling Twilight what happened, but...I'm sure she'd kill me if she knew.

After School

During Music Club, a beautiful, elegant girl with light grey skin and long dark hair walks in and spends several minutes conversing with Lyra.

When she leaves, I walk over to Lyra. "That was...Octavia, right?"

"Yeah, Octavia Melody. Why?" She gives me a teasing grin. "Bored with Twilight Sparkle already?"

"No!" I say. "I just...have a friend who's expressed an interest."

Lyra laughs. "Your friend's gonna need a lot of luck," she says. "Tavi's shot down every single boy that's ever asked her out."

Lyra and Vinyl are friends...

I decide to scout out Vinyl's chances without betraying her trust. "It's...not a boy."

Lyra blinks. "Oh," she says. "Huh..." She tilts her head. "I...honestly don't know if Tavi's...hmm. Want me to find out?"

"No!" I say. "I mean...don't ask her something that embarrassing."

"Who is it that likes her, anyway?"

"Not saying."

Lyra shrugs. "Okay. Well...tell your friend...can't hurt to try."


When I return to the dorm, I'm treated to an unusual sight:

Luna and Rainbow Dash are locked in a furious game of Mane-iac Grand Prix.

"Ha-ha!" Luna shouts. "Behold as I immobilize you with the Hairspray Ray of Doom!"

"Yeah, right!" Rainbow retorts. "Eat my thunderbolts!"

I shake my head and go upstairs to do homework.

After dinner, I meet up with Cadance and Twilight in our "secret headquarters".

"Do you two have a plan for tomorrow?" Cadance asks.

"Yeah. We're gonna keep an eye on Pinkie all day long. We're not letting her out of our sight until midnight."

Cadance nods. "Good plan. If she's never alone, she can't be sucked into Zodiac. Assuming she's the next target."

We spend some time talking about Zodiac, Sunset Shimmer, and the hacking investigation. After that, I head to my room.

Luna is sitting on my bed.

"I wanted to speak with you for a moment, Flash," she says.

"Okay," I say, taking a seat in the desk chair.

Luna folds her hands in her lap. "My sister...stubbornly refuses to see what a bad element Sunset Shimmer is," she says. "I have tried, repeatedly, to convince her that the girl should be kept under close scrutiny, but..." Her eyes are downcast.

"Well...it's not like anybody can prove she's done anything," I say. Even as I say it, I feel anger at the fact that I have evidence against Sunset Shimmer and can't do anything with it.

Luna nods. "Yes..."

"I was surprised to hear you suspect Sunset Shimmer," I say.

Luna frowns. "I know the signs when I see them," she says.

"Because you've had to deal with problem students before?"

Luna looks away. "Because I was one." She sighs. "That may be why Celestia refuses to admit that Sunset Shimmer is a bad element. It reminds her of things...she wants to forget." She shakes her head. "Or perhaps I simply suspect Sunset Shimmer because she reminds me of..."

She stands suddenly. "Stay on your guard, Flash Sentry." With that, she leaves abruptly.

Rank UP! Hierophant Rank 1

You have created the Disciplinarian Social Link of the Hierophant Arcana!

Your power to create Personas of the Hierophant Arcana has grown!

Tomorrow's going to be a busy day...

I'd better get to bed early.