Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Early Morning

I sit up in bed and glance at the time. It's a little early...

I have homework I didn't do last night. I decide to take a shower first, then take care of that.

I strip off my clothes, round up my bath stuff, and head for the bathroom. I open the door, walk inside...

...and almost literally run into Principal Celestia, who just got out of the shower, and is dripping wet and naked.

She lets out a loud gasp, eyes wide. "Flash!" she cries.

"Principal Celestia?"

That's right...it's her week at the dorm...

She looks me up and down, cheeks red. "Um."

I'm not really awake enough to figure out what I'm supposed to do right now. As it is, I'm barely able to process the fact that I'm standing naked in front of the school principal with a serious case of morning wood.

A few jumbled thoughts enter my brain:

Celestia is smoking hot and has amazing breasts.

She also has a number of faint scars that mar her otherwise perfect body.

As my gaze drifts toward her crotch, Celestia wraps her towel around her body. "I, um..."

I push Celestia into the bathroom and kick the door closed behind me, grabbing her towel and ripping it away. "Flash! What are you..."

"You're so fucking hot," I say, placing my hands on her hips and running them up the sides of her body.

Her blush deepens. "W-well, that's...that's nice of you to say, Flash, but..." She clears her throat. "I...I really need to dry off and get dressed now..."

"Or we could..." I slide a hand down to Celestia's inner thigh and stroke it as I take hold of her hand and guide it toward my own crotch.

Celestia closes her eyes. "Flash...this is wrong," she says. "I'm a teacher, you're a..." Her fingertips brush against my dick, and her breath hitches.

"When was the last time you got laid?" I ask her.

She looks at me; her eyes are sad. "It's...it's been a while," she admits.

She's so much taller than me, but I pull her down enough to whisper in her ear, "I won't tell anybody if you won't."

Celestia looks into my eyes, then takes two steps back, toward the shower. Flailing around for the knob, she turns the shower on full blast, sliding the shower door closed behind her. I seize one of her large breasts, pushing and kneading it as I probe her wet, slick sex. She grabs my dick and strokes it even as she leans close and kisses me hungrily. After a long minute, she breaks the kiss and drops to her knees; gazing up at me with sultry eyes, she takes my dick in her mouth, stroking my shaft with one hand as her soft lips bob up and down along my length, her tongue caressing the underside of my dick. I stand there, watching as this amazingly sexy woman sucks my dick. I gasp as I come in her mouth; she swallows my load, then turns around, getting down on all fours and bracing herself against the side of the shower as she presents her firm, ripe ass to me. Kneeling behind her, I rub her slit and squeeze her ass. I lean in and lick her pussy; she moans and reaches back, spreading herself open. I lick her clit, eliciting a sharp gasp. I'm getting hard again...

After a few minutes of teasing her with my fingers and tongue, I get into position and prod her with my tip.

"Do it," she says. "I'm ready."

I thrust into her; to my surprise, I go all the way in on the first thrust. She bucks against me with her hips, and I grab hold of her waist and fuck her for all I'm worth. Faster and harder; her moans and soft, ragged gasps spur me on. Her pussy feels so good and squeezes me so hard, I can't last long...

I come inside her, then sag back. She turns and slides to the floor, sitting with her back to the shower, my cum drooling out of her pussy.

Seeing this brings me back to reality. "Oh shit," I say. "Principal Celestia, I'm sorry, I should've pulled out..."

She smiles sadly and shakes her head. "It's alright," she says. "I can't get pregnant." She runs a finger along one of the scars on her abdomen. "Remember...that thing that happened with me and Luna?" She laughs bitterly. "I...lost an ovary, and my uterus got so messed up..." She sighs. "Well, they had to operate, and..." She shrugs. "I'll never be able to have children."

"Oh my God," I say. "I'm so sorry..."

"So am I," Celestia says, holding her stomach. Tears start to spill down her cheeks. I sit down next to her and pull her into my arms, holding her.

After several minutes, she sighs and stands up. "I...guess I need another shower," she says. She smiles at me. "Care to join me?"

I grin and stand up; we step into the shower together. She leans against the back of the shower and gives me an inviting smile; I feel myself stirring again as I press up against her, grabbing hold of one wet, slippery breast.

"By the way," she says softly, "you have detention for a month."