Friday, December 4, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Take care when planning your weekend.

Early Morning

When I wake up, I find a new message waiting for me on Canterbook.

New Message From: Pinkie Pie

Let's all go to Zodiac this weekend, okay?

We haven't been to Zodiac since Rainbow's's probably a good idea to train. Also, we need to see if we can find more information...

After School

Tennis practice is tiring...

Pinkie's giving it a hundred and ten percent, putting all her enthusiasm and energy into's like she never quit the team at all...


After dinner, I help Applejack clean up the kitchen. "How's it going?"

She sighs. "Talked t' Big Mac this afternoon. Papa's doctor told him he can't work th' farm no more." She looks down, eyes squeezed shut. "Papa...he's been pushin' himself too hard. He might not..." She takes a deep, shaky breath. "Well..." She grimaces. "Anyway...Big Mac's on his own workin' th' farm now, an' Papa's gonna hafta stay in th' house an' handle th' business end." She sighs. "Even that's more work than th' doctor wants him doin', but somebody's gotta do it."

"Can't your brother...?"

Applejack laughs. "Big Mac? He's terrible with stuff like that. Mama used t' do all that, before she passed. Papa's not great at it, but he's keepin' things under control." She looks down. "They're countin' on me t' go t' college...learn all that stuff so Ah can take over from Papa." She sighs. "All Ah wanna do is pick apples an' tend th' pigs an' th' chickens...Ah hate all that fancy math an' paperwork. needs t' be done."

Rank UP! Strength Rank 2

The Applejack Social Link of the Strength Arcana has reached rank 2!

Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!

She dries her hands and heads upstairs.

I go up to the third floor, but before I reach my room, I'm pulled into the secret headquarters by Rainbow Dash. The others are there as well.

"We're going to Zodiac on Sunday," Cadance says.

I nod. "Good. We need to."

"I can't wait to kick some Shadow butt!" Rainbow says, pumping a fist.

"We need...we need to search for more information," Twilight says.

Cadance nods. "We do. That's why we're going in at the school."

I still have studying to do before bed, so I head back to my room. It's almost midnight when I finally go to bed...