Sunday, December 27, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Love is a stronger bond than blood. Someone close to you needs to be reminded of that today.


Today, Maud is leaving for Vanhoover. We're all going to the airport to see her off.

Cadance and Velvet whip us up a large brunch to send her off in style—ham and cheese omelettes, croissants, spiced apples, the works.

"It's been a pleasure getting to know you, Maud," Velvet says.

"Thank you," Maud says. "I've really enjoyed staying here this past week."

That flat, creepy, emotionless monotone...

The rest of us clean up after brunch while Pinkie and Maud spend a few extra minutes together.

"Well," Cadance says as we all gather at the entrance, "it's time."

We all bundle up in our heavy coats, gloves, and hats and head out to the SUV.

Traffic around the airport is bad, so it takes us a while to get into the parking lot and even longer to find a space. It takes us fifteen minutes to walk to the terminal.

We've beaten Maud's flight by almost an hour. "You don't need to wait at the gate with me," Maud says. "You should get back before the traffic gets any worse."

"Are you sure, dear?" Velvet asks.

"It's fine," Maud says. She hugs Pinkie. "Be good," she says.

Pinkie sniffles. "Take care, Maud," she says. "I love you."

I hold Twilight's hand as we watch the Pie sisters say their goodbyes. Maud turns, carry-on slung over her shoulder, and heads for the gate. I turn around to walk back to the exit with the others...

Maud is right in front of me. How the hell?

"Take care of my sister," she says. "I know you have a girlfriend, but Pinkie is in love with you. Don't...don't hurt her."

"I won't," I promise.

Maud looks at Twilight. "She might be in love with you too. I'm not sure." Her brow furrows. "It bothers me when I can't tell for sure with Pinkie."

Twilight smiles and blushes. "We'll take good care of her," she says. "Pinkie is special to us."


She can do that?!

"Goodbye," Maud says.

This time, when I turn back to the others, Maud is really gone...

We hike back to the SUV and head back to the dorm. It takes even longer to get back than it took to get to the airport in the first place.


Dinner is a quiet, subdued affair. After dinner, Twilight and I take Pinkie upstairs to spend time with her.

"Cheer up, Pinkie," Twilight says. "You can talk to Maud every day, right?"

"Yeah, but..." Pinkie sighs. "I won't see her again for a really long time." She's been crying ever since Maud left...

I scootch over and pull Pinkie into a hug.

Pinkie leans into me. "It's just...Maud's the only family I have left now..."

"That's not true," I say. I look at Twilight, who nods. "We're your family now, Pinkie. Me and Twilight. And her mom and dad, and Cadance...all of us."

"You're not alone, Pinkie. You'll never be alone," Twilight says. "Don't be sad." She adds herself to the hug. "Come on, where's that Pinkie Pie smile?"

Pinkie smiles slightly. "You guys..."

"Come on, you call that a smile?" Twilight says, poking Pinkie in the forehead. "You can do better than that!"

Pinkie sighs. "I just—"

I start tickling Pinkie's stomach. Pinkie lets out a yelp and curls into a ball, giggling helplessly. "Eep! S-stop!" she cries, laughing.

"That's better," I say, letting up on her.

Pinkie giggles a little bit longer, then throws her arms around both of us. She kisses me, then Twilight. "I love you guys," she says. "I really do." She looks at both of us. "You''ll really always be with me, right?"

"Of course we will," I say.

"You bet we will," Twilight agrees.

Rank UP! Star Rank 9

The Pinkie Pie Social Link of the Star Arcana has reached rank 9!

Your power to create Personas of the Star Arcana has grown!

Pinkie smiles. "Thank you," she says. Then, with a naughty smirk, she adds, "You know what'd reeeeeaaaally cheer me up?"

"Pinkie," Twilight says in a warning tone.

"A game of strip poker!" Pinkie declares cheerfully.

Twilight rolls her eyes. She looks at me. I shrug. She looks at Pinkie and smirks. "You know what? Why not..."