Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Be careful about butting into your friends' lives today. You may do more harm than good.


Every class today has been review for the exams. Even though my grades are decent and I have the best possible study partner for a girlfriend, my brain feels like mush...

After School

I spend the afternoon studying with Pinkie and Twilight in Pinkie's room. While we work, we start talking about other things: Zodiac, Christmas, and other things that have been on our minds lately...

"Fluttershy's still not really talking to Rainbow Dash," Twilight says. "She still gives her that really cold look most of the time..."

"Y'know, I had a funny thought the other day," Pinkie says. "I didn't say anything because...it's silly even for me." The look in her eyes is anything but silly; Pinkie looks serious and slightly disturbed. "Have you guys noticed how this Eris skank really loves trashing Rainbow Dash?"

"Now that you mention it...yeah," Twilight says.

"Well..." Pinkie frowns, drumming her fingers against the top of her computer, "Didn't all that start after the Fall Formal?"

I think back to our encounters with Eris...

"Well...the only time we really ran into her before then was on your birthday," I point out.

"Yeah, but isn't it weird that she seems so obsessed with Rainbow?" Pinkie asks.

Thinking back...

When all this started, it seemed like Twilight and I were the main targets...

"What are you getting at, Pinkie?" Twilight asks.

Pinkie frowns. "Nevermind...it's too dumb."

"Out with it, Pinkie," I say.

"It's just..." Pinkie takes a deep breath. "Could Eris be Fluttershy?"

Twilight's eyes widen. "What?!"

"Well, think about it," Pinkie says. "All the hating on Rainbow Dash, the moodiness...the way she keeps to herself so much..." She ducks her head. "Nevermind. I told you it was a stupid idea."

I shake my head. "I just...can't picture Fluttershy trying to kill anyone," I say.

"But you know..." Twilight says thoughtfully. "This whole thing with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash has gone on way too long. I mean, talking to Fluttershy about it didn't seem to help..."

"Do you think we should hold, like, an intervention?" I ask.

Pinkie frowns. "Not an intervention. That's way too hostile. Interventions are bad."

"We just need to...to get them to sit down and clear the air," Twilight says. "Maybe...maybe we can try after dinner?"

"Shoot! Dinner!" Pinkie jumps up. "It's my turn to cook! Gotta go!"

Pinkie leaves.

Twilight frowns. "Just the thought that somebody in this dorm could be Eris..." She shudders. "I really wish Pinkie hadn't said that."

Of the six girls in this dorm, three of them aren't part of the Investigation Team...

Could one of them be Eris?

Whoever Eris is, she definitely has a grudge against Rainbow Dash...

Thinking about this has me too worked up to study. I decide to go for a walk until dinner.


After dinner, Twilight asks everybody to gather in the lounge.

"What's up, Twi?" Rainbow asks.

"Is this going to take long? I...I have studying to do," Fluttershy says.

Twilight takes a deep breath. "I know we're all busy studying, and I promise this won't take up too much of your time, but...we need to get something cleared up, and I'm afraid if we just leave it alone, it's never going to go away."

"What's this about, Twilight?" Celestia asks mildly.

Twilight looks at Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash...you remember the night of the Fall Formal, right?"

"Yeah, of course," Rainbow says.

"After you found Fluttershy, you were worried something had happened to her," Twilight says. "Do you remember what you did?"

Rainbow grimaces. "Yeah..." She looks at Fluttershy, who scowls and ducks her head.

"What did you do, Rainbow Dash?" Celestia asks.

Rainbow looks down. "I...I checked, to um...to see if Fluttershy had been...y'know...assaulted. Um...y'know...raped."

"Instead of asking Nurse Cadance to examine her," I say.

Rainbow winces. "Yeah."

Celestia frowns. "Exactly what did this...entail?"

"Please...don't get into this..." Fluttershy begs.

"No," Twilight says firmly. "We're clearing this up once and for all. I'm sick of watching you glare at Rainbow Dash and act all cold to her. The two of you are supposed to be friends, and...and she was just worried about you..."

"Hold up, Twilight," Rainbow says, raising a hand. She turns to Fluttershy. "Look, I...I messed up, okay? I freaked out...I thought some asshole had...had..." She swallows. "And...and I needed to know. I needed to be sure..."

Fluttershy refuses to look at her.

"You took care of me after I was hurt," Rainbow says. "I...I was worried..." She sighs. "I...I didn't know...you were still mad about that..."

"You didn't KNOW?" Fluttershy snaps, suddenly glaring at Rainbow. "You didn't KNOW?!" She stands up, hands balled into fists. "It's been almost a month since then and you never even apologized! You never even once thought maybe..." She bows her head.

"Fluttershy, I was scared shitless somebody had raped you!" Rainbow cries.

"Somebody did rape me," Fluttershy says in a harsh whisper. "Somebody named Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow looks like she's been slapped.

Celestia frowns. "Alright...Fluttershy, that's enough of that," she says. "I understand how you feel...and if I'm understanding the situation, then you have every right to be angry, but...you also need to understand Rainbow Dash's feelings." She looks sternly at Rainbow Dash. "And you, young lady...it's commendable to worry about your friend and want to defend her honor, but you need to think before you do things that could hurt somebody else."

Rainbow looks down. "Crap," she says. "Fluttershy...I'm sorry. I really...I really messed up..." She looks up again. "I...I didn't think. I was just...so scared you'd been...and..." She looks down again. "I'm sorry..."

Twilight walks over to Fluttershy and lays a hand on her shoulder. "Fluttershy," she says quietly, "don't you think you should let it go? Don't you think it's time to forgive Rainbow Dash? Start over?"

Fluttershy sighs. "I...need to be alone right now," she says. She pushes Twilight away and runs upstairs.

A long, uncomfortable silence lingers in her wake.

"You just haaaaaad to make it an intervention, didn't you?" Pinkie says, shaking her head. "Didn't I tell you that was a bad idea?"

Twilight bows her head. She looks miserable. I stand up and wrap my arms around her. "You did your best," I say.

"I've...I've never seen Fluttershy act that way," Rarity says, blinking her eyes rapidly.

"I'm going to ask the school counselor to see her tomorrow," Celestia says. "I can understand why she'd be angry at Rainbow Dash, but..." She looks around at all of us. "From now on, would you kids please come to me, or Luna, or Cadance with problems like this, instead of playing amateur psychologist?"

"Sorry," Twilight says sheepishly.

"This is my fault," Rainbow says. "I suck..."

Everybody drifts off to their own rooms after that. Celestia heads for the second floor; I think she went to talk to Fluttershy.

Twilight is distraught. I take her upstairs and spend an hour comforting her before she falls asleep in my lap.