Monday, December 28, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Death approaches. You should welcome it.


After lunch, Celestia and Luna drop by the dorm.

"Did everybody have a good Christmas?" Celestia asks.

"Yeah, we had a pretty good Christmas," Cadance says. "What about you two?"

"We had an absolutely wonderful time skiing in Coltorado!" Luna says. "Celestia very nearly broke her leg, and each of us made time with these handsome ski instructors..."

Celestia clears her throat. Twilight and Cadance giggle. "Yes, and we'll be posting many photos of our ski trip to Canterbook," Celestia says. "But our visit here is not only a social call. You remember what I told you before winter break, right? About the new transfer student?"

"Oh, that's right!" Twilight says. "I'd almost forgotten about that..."

"Well...she'll be moving in tomorrow," Celestia says. She looks at Cadance. "She has some...unique medical issues," she says. "Nurse Cadance, I'd like to discuss this with you in private."

"Of course," Cadance says. The two of them head over to the apartment.

Luna joins the rest of us in the lounge. "So, did everybody get what they wanted?"

"We all got pretty good stuff," I say.

For the next fifteen minutes, Luna regales us with tales of their ski trip, some of which are obviously engineered to embarrass the hell out of Celestia.

Cadance and Celestia return in the middle of Luna giving us her rendition of Celestia getting entangled with a snowboarder and ending up with her head in a particularly embarrassing position. Celestia arches an eyebrow. "So, Luna, did you also tell them about the morning you decided to drink half a bottle of champagne and then go rolling down a hill naked?"

Luna's mouth snaps shut and she gives Celestia a hard, pouty glare. We all bust out laughing.

"In any case...take good care of your new dormmate," Celestia tells me, Twilight, and Pinkie. "She's going to need a lot of support."

We exchange confused, worried glances at that.

Once Celestia and Luna are gone, we circle around Cadance. "What did she mean by that?" Twilight asks.

Cadance grimaces. "I don't know how much I should say right now, but...the new girl was involved in a horrible car wreck a while back. She's still recovering."

Velvet gasps. "That's terrible!"

"There's more to it, but...I think I'd rather wait until tomorrow, when she arrives."

"We understand," Twilight says.

"Would you all help me get a room ready for her?" Cadance asks.

"Of course!"

We spend the rest of the day preparing a room on the third floor for our new resident. As we're working, Cadance says, "You of you girls should probably move up to the third floor too. The new girl...might need some help."

"That's not a problem for me," Twilight says. "Flash, will you help me move up to the third floor?"

"Sure," I say.

"Use my 'girl time' room," Cadance suggests. "It's not like I've been using it lately."

"Thanks," Twilight says. She giggles. "The third floor sure is getting lively, isn't it?"

That's right...

When I moved in, the six girls lived on the second floor, and I lived alone on the third.

Now, with Celestia and Luna alternating weeks, the new girl and Twilight living on the third floor, and one room set aside for our Zodiac stuff...

As soon as we're done setting up the new girl's room, Pinkie and I help Twilight move all her stuff upstairs. It takes the rest of the day, and by the time we're done, we're all exhausted.