Saturday, December 26, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Quiet, peaceful days of relaxation are fleeting. Make the most of them.


It's no longer snowing. Canterlot is still white; it's going to be a while before the snow either melts or is cleared.

Twilight, Pinkie, Cadance, and I decide to make the most of it by playing outside in the snow. We have a snowball fight, build snowmen, and make snow angels.

After we wear ourselves out and risk freezing our noses and fingers off playing in the snow, we go back inside for hot chocolate. "Maud's leaving tomorrow," Pinkie says sadly.

"I know how much you'll miss her," Twilight says.

Pinkie sighs. "Yeah, but...I have you guys now, and...and I don't have to put up with my stupid parents ever again." She smiles. "I think...I think I can cope with Maud going away. I mean of course I'll miss her, but...I don't need her as much as I did before."

Other than our little day of fun in the snow, nobody really has any energy for anything today, so we all pretty much sit around relaxing, napping, and eating leftovers.

In the back of my mind, however, I remember that Rarity's birthday is in one week...