Thursday, December 10, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your own shoulders.

Early Morning

Things feel a little more normal in the dorm this morning.

When I head out with Twilight to walk Spike, she says, "Fluttershy...actually talked to Rainbow Dash last night."


"Yeah. I don't think they're okay yet, but it's a start."

"That's good..."

After School

Today, I'm studying with Twilight, Pinkie, and Rainbow.

"Ugh...! I'm so tired of studying," Rainbow complains.

"You gotta study, Dashie," Pinkie says. "Even if it's boring."

"Hey, why don't we go to Zodiac this weekend?" Rainbow suggests. "We still gotta train, and it'll be a good way to blow off some steam after all this lame studying."

Twilight frowns. "Well...we do need to train..."

"Yeah, if we don't run into that freaky monster again," Pinkie says. "Oh, but I gotta do some shopping on Saturday."

"I, uh...actually wanted to take Twilight out on Saturday. We haven't had a real date in a while."

Twilight blushes. "I...I think I'd like that," she says.

"So...Sunday then?" Rainbow asks.

"Or Saturday evening..." I shrug. "Wouldn't be the first time we've gone to Zodiac after a date."

"What, you couldn't afford a love hotel?" Rainbow asks. Pinkie snickers.

I roll my eyes. "You're a brat, you know that?"

Rainbow sticks her tongue out at me.

"So, we're agreed? Saturday night?" Twilight asks.

We all nod. Twilight texts Cadance, then we get back to work.


After dinner, Celestia visits me in my room. "How's the studying going?" she asks.

"Let's just say I'm ready for the weekend," I say.

Celestia laughs. "I can imagine. Just don't let all that work you've been doing all week leak out of your head this weekend." She sobers. "We still don't have any leads on who's been causing trouble for you kids," she says. "I can tell Fluttershy's hiding something about what happened at the Fall Formal, but..." She sighs. "The sad truth is that you can't force a bullied student to tell you who's bullying them."

"So you think somebody was definitely bullying Fluttershy?"

"It wouldn't be the first time," Celestia says. "All throughout her freshman year, Fluttershy was..." She looks away. "The teachers suspected, but...Fluttershy never came forward, nor did any witnesses...until Rainbow Dash got in a fight with a girl named Lightning Dust who was picking on Fluttershy.

"Well...after that, Luna and I paid more attention, but nothing seemed to be happening on school grounds...or on Canterbook." She sighs. "That doesn't mean the bullying stopped, of course. It just means the bullies got smarter.

"That's the one thing I hate about being a principal," Celestia says. "I want to help every student at school with all of their problems...but I'm only human. I can't be everywhere and see and know everything. Much as I want to...I can only take care of the problems I see, or the ones students come to me with." She looks up at me. "Do you have anything you want to tell me?"

I shake my head. "Just...trying to put all this drama with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash behind me so I can get through exams."

Celestia sighs and nods. "Alright. Just...don't forget, my door is always open." She stands and leaves.

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