Sunday, December 13, 2015

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): One of the sturdiest people you know will show a rare moment of weakness today. Be a rock for that person.


Exams begin tomorrow and last for four days...

After a week of studying and last night's training, today seems like a good day to rest up.


At lunch, I make myself a sandwich and head to the lounge. Applejack is the only one there at the moment. She's engrossed in something on her laptop.

"Cramming for exams?" I ask.

Applejack sighs. "Nah...Ah'm readin' up on farmin' stuff...economics an' what-not." She grimaces. "Ah dunno if Ah'm gonna be able t' do all this..."

"Sure you will," I say.

"Ah got a call from home last night," Applejack says. "Papa, he's...he's gittin' worse. Quick-like. That's why Ah'm bonin' up on this stuff. Ah might hafta...might hafta do some'a his work. When Ah have time." She takes a deep, shaky breath. "Also, it''s mah li'l sis."

"Apple Bloom? What's wrong with her?"

"It ain't like that. It's..." Applejack frowns. "Big Mac...don't want her around t' see Papa wastin'. They been homeschoolin' 'er, but..." She tilts her hat. "What's goin' on at home right's hard on a yung'un, y'know? An' Big Mac an' Granny Smith are so dang busy all the time..."

"So she's...not getting the attention she needs?"

"Somethin' like that," Applejack says. "We're thinkin' about tryin' t' work it so she can live here at th' dorm with me an' go to Canterlot Junior High."

"I'm sure Principal Celestia won't have a problem with that."

"Yeah, but...Apple Bloom can be a real handful..." Applejack frowns. "If Ah got mah schoolwork, th' farmin' stuff, an' her t' deal with all at th' same time..."

"You think we won't help you out?" I ask. "You don't have to do everything by yourself. You've got a whole dorm full of friends here."

Applejack smiles. "Well, yeah..." She frowns. "But...there's also, well..." She gives me a hard look. "To be blunt...this dorm ain't th' most kid-friendly place."

"Neither is junior high school," I point out. "At least, it wasn't back in Seaddle."

Applejack winces. " got a point there. Heck, CJHS has condom machines in th' bathrooms..."

"Maybe with a younger girl around, things will tone down a bit here?"

Applejack snorts. "Riiiiiight." She sighs. "But...there ain't much Ah can do about it. Ah mean...they're right. Apple Bloom don't need t' watch...t' watch Papa die." She bows her head; her shoulders begin to shake.

I walk over and put a hand on her shoulder. She sniffles and wipes her nose. "Damn it all," she says. "It ain't fair..."

Rank UP! Strength Rank 3

The Applejack Social Link of the Strength Arcana has reached rank 3!

Your power to create Personas of the Strength Arcana has grown!


Because exams begin early in the morning, I go to bed early.