Monday, February 22, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): I don't think you'll have to worry about Pisces today. You should still be ready just in case.

Early Morning

We're on the lookout for Zodiac attacks today. The first target is on the softball team with Rainbow Dash, so we're relying on her to be the main contact.

After School

My laptop battery died in the middle of class today. How it managed to die is beyond me, since the damn thing's brand new.

As soon as school is out, I head into town to buy a new battery. While I'm there, I invest in a couple of other small upgrades and buy a bookpad of my own. I'm nowhere near the heavy reader Twilight is, but watching her use hers...

By the time I'm done, I've spent about half of what's in my account.

While I'm on the way home, I get a call from Silver Spoon. She sounds upset. I head over to her dad's shop to talk to her.

When I get there, Silver Spoon looks relieved and grateful to see me. Her eyes are red and puffy. She's been crying...

"I had a fight with Diamond Tiara today," she says, sniffling. "I...I'm scared."

"What happened?"

"She was...she was picking on Apple Bloom, saying awful things about her dad being...y'know...dying and stuff." Silver Spoon looks down at the counter. "I said some really awful things to Di...she got so mad..." She swallows. "She could really make my life miserable," she says in a quiet, afraid voice. "She's got so much blackmail material on me..."

"Then that just proves she isn't your friend, if she threatens you with that kind of thing."

"I know," Silver Spoon says. "But...I just..." She looks up at me. "I don't have any friends," she says softly. "I don't...I don't even know if anybody even will be my friend. I've been so terrible to everybody..."

"I think Apple Bloom might be your friend," I say. "Just...reach out to her, okay?"

Silver Spoon frowns. "You really think...she'd be my friend?"

"Would it hurt to try?"

"I...I hadn't thought of that," Silver Spoon says. "I'll talk to her. Thank you."

"Any time." My phone beeps; I check it and wince. It's a VERY angry text from Twilight. "I gotta run."

"Is your girlfriend cracking the whip?" Silver Spoon asks with a less mocking, more teasing version of her sharklike smirk.

I roll my eyes. "You have no idea."

Rank UP! Aeon Rank 2

The Rich Kid Social Link of the Aeon Arcana has reached rank 2!

Your power to create Personas of the Aeon Arcana has grown!

I hurry back to the dorm as fast as I can.


"Where the hell were you?" Twilight yells as soon as I walk through the door.

"I had to take care of something," I say.

"Something more important than protecting a possible target?"

I sigh. "Sweetie Drops isn't going to be attacked," I say.

"You don't know that for sure," Twilight points out.

"Anyway, Rainbow's with her."

Twilight sighs. "Just...take this more seriously, alright?"

I brush my hand through her hair. "Twilight, I'm always serious about this stuff. I just really don't think we're fighting Pisces today."

"I hope you're right," Twilight says.

I head upstairs to charge my laptop. While it's charging, I practice my guitar until dinnertime.

After dinner, I help Apple Bloom with her homework.

"Silver Spoon had a huge fight with Diamond Tiara today," Apple Bloom says.


"Yeah," Apple Bloom says. "Diamond Tiara started in on me about mah papa bein' in a nursin' home, an' Silver Spoon stood up for me. Really made Diamond Tiara look like a dummy. Ah ain't never seen Diamond Tiara so mad."

"Well, that was nice of Silver Spoon."

"Yeah." Apple Bloom sighs. "It still got t' me, though. All the stuff Diamond Tiara said. 'Cuz Papa's..." Her shoulders start to shake. "He's gittin' worse," she says shakily. "He looks jes' awful...Ah had t' leave th' room t' cry." Tears start to spill from her eyes onto the table.

Applejack walks in, sees Apple Bloom crying, and sighs. "Apple Bloom," she says. "Why don't you git on up t' bed now. You can finish your homework in th' morning."

Apple Bloom sniffles, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "O-okay," she says. She gathers up her stuff and heads upstairs.

Applejack sighs. "She's...she's takin' it awful hard," she says. "Papa's lookin' real rough. hurts...seein' him like this." She shuffles her feet, then heads upstairs.

Rank UP! Fortune Rank 4

The Middle Schooler Social Link of the Fortune Arcana has reached rank 4!

Your power to create Personas of the Fortune Arcana has grown!

Rainbow Dash walks in. "Well...I stayed with Sweetie Drops as long as I could," she says. "If she gets attacked now, we're hosed."

I sit up doing my own homework and downloading books to my new bookpad until midnight. Nothing happens. I'm exhausted...