Saturday, January 2, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): A friend's snap decision may have unpredictable results today.

Early Morning

"Flash, wake up."

I stir and look up. Rainbow and Twilight, both in their pajamas and bedheaded, are standing there.

"Rarity just called," Rainbow says. "She got the horoscope."

I'm instantly alert. I sit up. "So we're on Zodiac watch."

"Yeah." Rainbow scratches herself. "Listen...I'm gonna grab Pinkie and get cleaned up, then we're gonna pack up our dresses and head over to Rarity's place. I already told her we're coming." She takes a deep breath. "We're gonna tell her everything."

"I agree," Twilight says. "She'll probably think Pinkie and Rainbow are crazy, but it's better for her to be prepared than..."

I frown. "Well, yeah...but the important thing is she won't be alone." I nod. "Alright. Twilight and I will do whatever we need to do as fast as we can, then head over there. That sound good, Twi?"

Twilight nods.

"Pinkie's already in the shower," Rainbow says. "We're gonna head over as soon as I get cleaned up." She heads out.

Twilight sits down next to me. "I'm nervous," she says. "We haven't done enough training since the last Shadow..."

"We'll be fine," I say. "We have to be."

"I don't know if Rainbow's plan is a good idea or not..." Twilight says worriedly.

I shrug. "At least it's a plan."

"You go ahead and get showered," Twilight says. "I need to talk to Pinkie while she's getting ready."


After my shower, I head downstairs. Pinkie and Rainbow rush past me, garment bags and tote bags in hand, and fly out the door. Sonata's wheelchair is parked by the kitchen door; I take a look in the kitchen and see her microwaving something.

"Hey Sonata."

She waves, then pulls out her phone.

New Message From: Sonata Dusk

Hey...the adults are already gone, and Pinkie said it's everybody for themselves for breakfast. BTW what's going on? Pinkie and Rainbow left already?

"Yeah, it's..." I shake my head. "Nevermind. Listen, Twilight and I are headed out early to do some shopping, will you be okay?"

Sonata nods.

New Message From: Sonata Dusk

Fluttershy's taking me shopping for a present, Mommy's bringing over a dress before the party, Nurse Cadance is driving us over to the hall, I'm good.

"Okay." I scrounge up some toaster pastries for breakfast, as well as an apple and a glass of milk. Once Sonata's breakfast is done microwaving, I carry it to the dining room for her, then wheel her in there. I take my own food to the dining room and eat quickly.

By the time I'm done eating, Twilight comes downstairs. She fixes herself a quick breakfast, small by her standards, and eats quickly.

I check the time. Nothing will be open for over an hour yet...

"Let's get going," Twilight says. "We can walk the mall a little bit while we wait for the stores to open."


As soon as Twilight's ready, we say goodbye to Sonata and Fluttershy, who comes down just as we're leaving.
