Friday, January 29, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Cannot contact server — try again later


The thunderstorms have given way to a persistent, heavy rain. The constant sound of falling rain and the bone-numbing chill in the air have everybody in a sleepy, dismal, all-around blah mood. Canterbook is down until Monday, possibly longer...we learned at breakfast that the sysadmin had to brave the storm to physically unplug the server yesterday.

I spend most of the day in my room, watching TV in bed. I doze off frequently throughout the day, missing huge chunks of TV shows I'm only half-watching anyway. Twilight and Pinkie are in and out; everybody seems to be restless, lethargic, and generally disinterested in anything.

I don't know if anybody bothers to cook lunch or dinner for the dorm. I have food in my room and I'm not that hungry anyway, so I only get up to use the bathroom or stretch and walk around a couple of times.

The rain keeps pouring down...