Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Stand up for what's right today, even if it puts you in an awkward situation.
Early Morning
Apple Bloom has a cold. Applejack's staying home from school to take care of her.
It's mostly stopped raining, but it's still cloudy and cold. The weather forecast for the week is still pretty ugly...
I walk Spike with Twilight. Keeping him from rolling around in the cold mud is a chore...
"It doesn't look like we'll have a chance to go to Zodiac this week," Twilight says. "Not with the weather like this."
She frowns. "We don't have much time until Cadance's birthday, either. It's less than three weeks away..."
"It's Valentine's Day, right?"
"That's right." Twilight pauses. "Speaking of which..." She blushes.
Spike suddenly starts barking his head off. A filthy stray cat with matted fur is wandering around. It looks at us, meows, and skulks off, jumping up onto the fence.
"Spike!" Twilight says sharply. "Cut it out!" Spike looks up at her and wags his tail. Twilight shakes her head. "Anyway..."
"Valentine's Day...yeah..." I shove my hands in my pockets. "I'll come up with something..."
That reminds me...I need to shop for Twilight's Valentine's gift...
I think I'll go back to that place I bought her birthday present from.
After School
It's rained off and on all day. I didn't bring my guitar to school. Checking the weather, it looks like another batch of rain will arrive in a couple of hours...
I head to Music Club, where everyone is talking excitedly about Trixie's concert. Trixie is very much the center of attention, and she's all smiles.
"Hey Flash!" Lyra calls. "We're just talking about Trixie's concert. Wasn't it awesome?"
"Yeah, it was." I spend about half an hour talking with everyone, then leave early to go shopping.
The sky is looking ominous by the time I reach that silver shop. I walk in to find that silver-haired girl, Silver Spoon if I remember correctly, behind the counter, just like before. She's talking and laughing with another girl. This girl has pink skin, wavy lavender hair with a broad white stripe, and is wearing expensive clothes and jewelry; she has a hair clip shaped like a tiara in her hair.
"If we're lucky, she caught her daddy's cancer," the girl says with a snide laugh.
Silver Spoon giggles. "You're too hysterical, Diamond Tiara!" She looks up at me. "Oh! Hi! I remember you! Did your girlfriend like the locket?"
"Yeah, she did," I say absently. I look at the pink girl. "Your name is Diamond Tiara?"
"Yeah? What's it to you?" Diamond Tiara says indifferently.
"Apple Bloom and her sister are friends of mine. I've heard about the way you treat her."
Diamond Tiara snorts. "You're friends with that hayseed?"
"Uhh, Di?" Silver Spoon looks mildly panicked. "This guy's a customer. Like, a really well-paying one..."
I remember what Sweetie Belle said yesterday...
"And then that little four-eyed freak she hangs out with started laughing her head off like it was the funniest thing in the world."
Sterling Silver comes out of the workshop in the back, scrubbing his hands on a rag. "Oh, hello!" he says. "What can I do for you today?"
I shake my head. "I'm sorry. I don't think I'll be doing any more business with you."
His face falls. "Your girlfriend didn't like the locket?"
"No, no...the locket is amazing and she loved it." I look at the two younger girls. "The problem is that your daughter and this other little girl are bullying a friend of mine."
Silver Spoon's eyes widen. Sterling frowns.
Diamond Tiara gasps, offended. "Bullying? What? That's! And you can't prove it!"
"Umm...right as I walked in, you were saying you hoped a girl caught her father's cancer. I'm pretty sure you were talking about Apple Bloom."
Sterling glares at Diamond Tiara. "What?" he asks dangerously.
"And your daughter was laughing."
Silver Spoon ducks her head.
" much as Twilight and I both loved the locket I bought here..."
Sterling nods, a frown on his face. "I understand. I'm sorry about this. I had no idea..." He puts his hands on his hips. "Diamond Tiara? Leave. I never want to see you in here again."
Diamond Tiara glares at me and stalks out.
"Sil? Phone. Now."
Silver Spoon meekly hands her phone to her father, who pockets it.
"We're going to have a very long talk about this at home," Sterling says. He looks at me. "Again...I'm terribly sorry. I assure you, Silver Spoon will be apologizing to this friend of yours."
I nod to him, then leave.
Guess I'll need to come up with something else for Twilight's present...
I know it's not Sterling Silver's fault, but I can't really bring myself to buy anything from him right now.
It starts raining before I get back to the dorm. Everybody else is already home.
"What kept you?" Twilight asks.
"I was doing some shopping," I say. "I guess I forgot it was about to rain..."
"Well...dinner's almost ready," Twilight says.
I nod and go upstairs to change and wash up, then head down to the dining room. Everyone is already there; Applejack is setting out the serving dishes. "How's Apple Bloom?" I ask.
"Better," Applejack says. "Keepin' 'er home tomorrow, but her fever's down. She's asleep right now, Ah'll take 'er up some supper later."
"That's good." I look at Sweetie Belle. "You'll never guess who I ran into in town today."
"Diamond Tiara."
Sweetie Belle's eyes widen.
"Who's Diamond Tiara?" Rainbow asks.
"The bully that's been bothering Apple Bloom."
Applejack frowns.
Twilight covers her mouth. "Apple Bloom's being bullied?"
"Diamond Tiara's a total bitch," Sweetie Belle says.
"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity cries.
"Bitch doesn't even begin to describe that girl," I say. "I overheard her saying she hopes..." I trail off.
"Hopes what?" Applejack asks.
I shake my head. "Nevermind."
"Oh no, you can't just build it up like that then drop it," Rainbow says.
"Maybe...we don't need to hear this," Twilight says.
I sigh. "Let's just say she said she hopes Apple Bloom is dying and leave it at that." Everyone reacts with horror; Applejack looks furious.
"That's horrible!" Pinkie gasps.
"And you were right, Sweetie Belle. Silver Spoon laughs at everything Diamond Tiara says." I sigh. "And she seemed like such a nice girl the first time I met her..."
Twilight frowns. "Where the heck are you going that you're meeting junior high girls?"
"That shop I bought your locket at," I say. "Silver Spoon's dad owns the place. I went back there today, Diamond Tiara was hanging out there..."
"I, uh...may have made a scene," I say as I cut up a pork chop. "Silver Spoon's in pretty deep shit..."
"Good for you," Rarity says with a dainty sniff.
Sweetie Belle frowns. "I don't know," she says. "Something tells me Diamond Tiara's only going to be even meaner after this..."
"So what?" Rainbow says. "All she can do is say nasty things, right? I mean, can she really do anything to you girls?"
", not really..."
"So just tell her to go fuck herself and then ignore her," Rainbow says with a shrug.
Rarity coughs. "Ahem...perhaps not in quite such vulgar terms?" she says sharply.
"Rainbow Dash, you really should watch your language," Fluttershy says, giving Rainbow a disapproving look.
Rainbow looks away. "Sorry," she says.
Pinkie Pie tries to change the subject to something lighter; the rest of dinner is a bit awkward.
After dinner, I do my homework. By the time I'm done, I'm feeling stuffed up and headachey. I decide to take some cold medicine before bed, just in case...I don't want to get sick again.