Monday, January 4, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Settling back into a routine can be tiring, but stay on your toes. You need to pay attention and keep up with what's happening around you.

Early Morning

The second semester begins today.

We'll also receive our exam results today.

Vice Principal Luna will be staying at the dorm this week starting tomorrow.

We need to decide on a day to go to Zodiac so we can collect evidence for Shining Armor...

Are we really doing the right thing with that?


Our teachers are going over the exam material this morning and outlining the lesson plans for the semester. I got a mix of As and Bs on my morning exams...


At lunch, we all compare exam results. Twilight aced every single exam, of course. Rarity has the second best grades of all of us. Fluttershy's grades are right behind hers. Pinkie's are surprisingly good. Applejack's are average. Rainbow's are terrible...

"So, Sonata, are you enjoying Canterlot High so far?" Twilight asks.

I'm getting a lot of funny looks. I don't like it...

"Eh, don't worry about it. They'll get used to you soon enough..."

I guess...


Our teachers are going over the exam material this afternoon and outlining the lesson plans for the semester. I got mostly As for my afternoon classes...

After School

Vinyl and Octavia walk up to me in the hall after classes.

"Hey Flash," Vinyl says. "I don't need a ride this afternoon. My appointment got bumped to Thursday morning, and Mom can take me."

"Okay." I look at the two of them. "How was your Christmas?"

"Pretty good," Vinyl says with a grin. "Hey, Tavi, I'm gonna go warm up the car. You said you have to get something, right?"

"Yes. I'll be there in just a moment."

As Vinyl walks off, Octavia pulls me off to the side. There's a serious look on her face. "What's up?" I ask.

"Vinyl's eyes are getting worse," she says. "I'm very worried about her. She's been getting terrible headaches..."

"Ouch." I look at her. "Are you two...?"

Octavia blushes. "I' to the possibility," she says. "But...there's so many factors working against it..." She blinks. "Oh! I've got to hurry. Excuse me!"

Octavia rushes off. I shake my head and continue on my way.

"Excuse me, Flash Sentry."

It's the janitor.

I turn to see him stumping up to me, pushing his cart. "Yes?"

"I hear you had a narrow escape this weekend," he says.

"Yeah, that hall where Rarity's party was burned down right after someone pulled the fire alarm."

"Someone, eh?" Juan smirks. He chuckles. "If you say so. Funny thing...Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were seen looking like they'd just run out of a burning building, even though they disappeared long before the fire broke out...or so I've heard." He shrugs. "Strange, the rumors that go around in this school."

"You don't say..."

"You really should be very careful who you trust, you know," Juan says. "Not everyone is who—or what—they appear to be."

Rank UP! Devil Rank 5

The Odd Janitor Social Link of the Devil Arcana has reached rank 5!

Your power to create Personas of the Devil Arcana has grown!

"Well...I've got toilets to scrub. Farewell!"

With a grunt, Juan pushes his cart down the hall. I shake my head and make my way back to the dorm.


After dinner, once Applejack is upstairs talking to her sister, Sonata is resting in her room, and Fluttershy is taking a bath, the rest of us gather in the lounge.

"So, when're we gonna go to Zodiac?" Rainbow asks. "We need to train and we need to get that evidence so you guys can get off Coach's shit list."

"I think our best chance will be Wednesday," Twilight says. "That is, if everybody else is..."

"Well, Pinkie and I have tennis practice, but we should be good to go after that," I say.

"I have Wednesday free," Rarity says.

"Yeah, Wednesday's good for me," Rainbow agrees.

"Alright then...Wednesday it is," Twilight says. "I'll let Cadance know."

"Who's the next target, anyway?" Rainbow asks.

Twilight frowns. "To be honest...I'm not sure," she says. "The only Aquarius in the dorm is Cadance. I don't know if Aquarius will come after her again or not..."

"We need to assume it will," I say. "But make a list of other possible targets, just in case."

Twilight nods. "I'll do that."

"What about everyone else in the dorm?" Rarity asks.

Twilight pulls out her phone and taps the screen a few times. "Sonata is a Pisces, but I'm not sure if she'll be attacked. just doesn't seem like she would be. After that...Fluttershy is an Aries, her birthday is during Spring Break. Applejack's birthday is in April, she's a Taurus."

"Hmm. That leaves a lot of wiggle room, as well as some uncertainty," Rarity says. "What about your brother?"

"Shining Armor? His birthday is July fourth," Twilight says.

"So a Cancer," Rarity says. "And he wasn't attacked last time?"

"If he had been, he'd know about Zodiac already."

"So that leaves Gemini and possibly Pisces unaccounted for," I say. "And Cancer, if Coach isn't a target."

"And Leo," Twilight points out. "It bothers me that Cadance didn't detect Leo last year. Something doesn't seem right about that..."

"It could just be there are no Leos at CHS," Pinkie says.

Twilight shakes her head. "No, there's ten." She frowns. "One of them is Sunset Shimmer."

Rainbow narrows her eyes. "Now that's suspicious."

"Yeah, it kind of is," Pinkie agrees.

It's been a long, tiring day, so we all head to our rooms to study until bedtime.