Thursday, January 21, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of today.


During lunch, I receive a text from Cadance, telling everyone to meet at the old roller rink as soon as we can after school. It includes a map with directions to the rink from CHS.

After School

"So Trixie, your concert on for Saturday?" Lyra asks.

Trixie grins. "It's going to be amazing! That little problem with the venue on Saturday turned out to be a blessing in disguise, too. It gave us an extra week to rehearse, and I came up with a couple new tricks for the show."

"We're all looking forward to it," I say.

I only stay for a little while, telling everyone I have something to do and leaving music club early. I make my way to the old roller rink; I'm second to last to arrive. Once Rainbow Dash shows up, we head into Zodiac to train. During the two hours we spend training, I put each of my new Personas through their paces; Succubus is met with a variety of reactions from the girls, including a raised eyebrow and patronizing smirk from Rarity, and a cross glare from Twilight.

Fortunately, today no unusually strong Shadows appear, and we are able to accomplish what we set out to do without incident. After we're finished, we all return to the dorm.


"Wow, y'all look plum wiped out," Apple Bloom says at dinner, looking around the table.

Yeah, you guys all look like you ran a marathon. What's up?

Luna frowns. " do all seem rather—"

"Softball!" Pinkie says suddenly and brightly. "We were playing softball."

"Softball? Really?" Sweetie Belle asks, looking at Rarity. "I didn't know you played softball."

"I needed a little fresh air and exercise," Rarity says. "Much as I deplore getting sweaty, I've...gained a pound or two recently."

"Yeah, and Rainbow needed people to practice with, because she kinda sucks right now," Pinkie says.

"Hey!" Rainbow yells.

"So we all went to play softball. Yeah."

Luna, Sonata, Applejack, and the younger girls all study us with varying degrees of scrutiny and skepticism.

"Oh goodness, was Nurse Cadance playing softball with you all too?" Fluttershy asks softly. "Is that why I saw all of you getting out of her SUV outside a little while ago?"

"Yes! Cadance wanted to play too. She used to play softball," Twilight says readily.

I cough. "So, are you all looking forward to the concert on Saturday?"

"Concert?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Oh, that's right, you don't know about it yet," Apple Bloom says. "Ah kinda forgot t' tell you..."

"What concert is this?" Luna asks.

"Trixie's concert."

Luna brightens. "Oh yes! I saw the announcement on Canterbook. Hmm...perhaps Celestia and I should attend as well."

"I think it's gonna be a fun show," I say. "Trixie's going to mix stage magic with music...I can't wait to see what she's put together."

We spend the rest of dinner talking about lighter things; the earlier topic of conversation doesn't come up again. After dinner, the girls and I gather in the lounge to do our homework while watching TV.

Later, when I'm getting ready for bed, Twilight walks into my room. "You," she says, "are a pervert."

I look at her. "Huh?"

She shakes her head. "How many Personas do you have now that are naked or half-naked women? Seriously, Flash."

"It's not like I have any control over that!"

"They're coming out of your mind," Twilight says. "That...slutty demon chick from today...what's wrong with you?"

I can't believe we're even having this conversation...

"Maybe I'm just surrounded by too many gorgeous, sexy women," I say. I grab her and pull her into a kiss. "Especially this one right here."

Twilight pushes me away. "You're not smooth-talking your way out of this," she says.

I sigh. "Okay. Fine." I walk over to the fridge and pull out a double fudge caramel swirl pudding cup, which I hand to Twilight.

She frowns at me, but accepts the plastic spoon I offer her and digs into the pudding. After she finishes the pudding cup, she holds out her hand in a 'gimme' gesture. Shaking my head, I get a second pudding cup out of the fridge.

After Twilight finishes the second one, she rolls her eyes. "Okay. Okay. I forgive you. This time." She tosses the empty cups and spoon into my garbage. "Goodnight, Flash."

It occurs to me, as my head hits the pillow, that that entire scene was just so she could scam me out of two pudding cups...

I have the weirdest girlfriend ever.