Saturday, January 30, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Cannot contact server — try again later


The rains let up considerably overnight. All morning long, a light, gentle rain falls.

By mid-afternoon, the rain tapers off to occasional light drizzles. On the news, they're showing an end to the rain by nightfall. It's still going to be cloudy for a few days, but the horrible weather we've had all week long is finally coming to an end.

It's a good thing, too, because we're all going a little stir-crazy.

Looking out the windows on the third floor, we can see just how bad the flooding is. The roads are covered in standing water. Even though the rains are over, nobody's going anywhere for a while. Canterlot's drainage system wasn't designed to handle this kind of flooding.


Everybody's a little snippy with each other today. Dinner is awkward; the only people who are really getting along are me, Twilight, and Pinkie. Apparently, Applejack's mad at Rainbow Dash because Apple Bloom walked in on Rainbow flicking the bean. Also, Apple Bloom's apparently been using up Applejack's tampons, so she's on thin ice too. I'm not entirely sure why Rarity is mad at Sweetie Belle, but the dozen or so band-aids on Rarity's face and arms probably have something to do with it. Fluttershy's irritated because all the pets in the dorm are irritated...I think. Sonata's irritated because she can't beat stage 135 on Pokemon Shuffle.

"Jes' sayin', you don't need t' be doin' that where mah impressionable li'l sis can see," Applejack says.

Rainbow Dash gasps in offense. "What...ME?! Seriously?! The third floor's turned into a fuckin' love hotel and you're bitchin' me out?"

"What Ah wanna know is where you even got that picture of Principal Celestia," Apple Bloom says.

Rainbow Dash turns red and splutters. We all stare at her.

"So much for your protestations at not being a lesbian," Rarity says.

"I AIN'T GAY!" Rainbow screeches. "It's's Celestia! I can't help it!"

"It is possible to be heterosexual and have a crush on a member of the same sex," Twilight says. Her eyes dart to Pinkie; she ducks her head and blushes.

"And anyway, you walked in on me in my room," Rainbow says. "So don't you dare bitch ME out about what I do in the privacy of my own room!"

Everybody leaves the table as soon as they're done eating. The girls are all over each others' nerves, and it's making life in the dorm tense.

Once everybody has gone back to their own rooms, Twilight, Pinkie, and I remain at the dining room table, sitting in awkward silence.

"So, uhh...what do you guys wanna do tonight?" Pinkie asks. "The same thing we do every night?"

"Every night?" Twilight asks, sticking her tongue out at Pinkie. "And no...I'm actually a little, umm..." She ducks her head. "A little worn out on that for a while."

"Me too," I say. "Besides, maybe we've been...overdoing it a bit lately." I start clearing the table. "How about a movie? There's gotta be at least one good movie on TV tonight. Or maybe an on-demand movie..."

"Sounds good to me," Twilight says, helping me with the table. "Looks like we'll have the lounge to ourselves."

"I'll make the popcorn!" Pinkie says.

The three of us spend the rest of the night watching movies in the lounge.