Monday, January 18, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Good things may happen to you this week.

Early Morning

Pinkie joins Twilight and me in walking Spike this morning.

"I've been talking with Rarity and Rainbow Dash," she says. "It looks like our best chance to do Zodiac this week won't be until Thursday."

"Thursday..." Twilight sighs. "Well, it's better than nothing." She looks at me. "You have to take Vinyl Scratch to the eye doctor today, right?"


After School

I meet Vinyl at the entrance after school. She doesn't look so well...

"What's up?" I ask. "Been a while since we really talked."

Vinyl shrugs. "Let's roll."

Vinyl spends longer than usual in the doctor's office today...

After I drive her home, I help her get settled in the living room and round up something for us to drink while I wait for my cab.

Vinyl sighs, taking her glasses off and rubbing the bridge of her nose. "I had a rough weekend," she says.

"More of those...grayouts?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "Nah, but...everything's kinda darker than normal for me now. Kinda faded." She shrugs. "Anyway...I spent the weekend doing 'blind training'."

"Blind training?"

"The lady that comes once a week tied a blindfold around my eyes and taught me how to memorize my path around the house," Vinyl says. "I'm also starting to learn to read Braille, even though there's not really much use for it. Not with all the things that can read to you and shit."

"Well..." I fumble for something encouraging to say. "At least you're going into this prepared?"

Vinyl sighs again. "Prepared...yeah." She bows her head. "Prepared to have to use my hands to see Tavi's face...instead of just lookin' at her..."

"How are things going with you two?"

Vinyl shrugs. "Okay, I guess. I dunno if she wants to be more than friends for real...we haven't really talked much about that. We've mostly just been...y'know...gettin' to know each other. We can't even really hang out because of her crazy schedule and how afraid she is of her mom." She puts her glasses back on. "Hey...sorry, but d'you mind if I just...put on my headphones and chill?"

I nod. "I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I stay until my cab shows up, watching Vinyl. The lights are off in the room, so I can't be sure, but I think she's crying...

Rank UP! Sun Rank 7

The Disc Jockey Social Link of the Sun Arcana has reached rank 7!

Your power to create Personas of the Sun Arcana has grown!


After dinner, Rainbow asks me to help her with guitar practice. We spend a little over an hour playing. She's getting pretty good...

After guitar practice with Rainbow, I take care of my homework, then watch TV until bedtime.