Saturday, January 2, 2016

Birthday Horoscope (Capricorn): You are going to die today.

Early Morning

My phone wakes me up. It's not even daylight out yet...

It's Rarity? Ugh...probably wants to make sure I'm gonna wear some lame dress to her party.

"Mornin' Rarity."

"Rainbow you remember that dreadful horoscope you received on your birthday?"

She sounds freaked out. "Yeah."

"Well...I the same horoscope."

I sit up. "I'm coming over," I say.

"There's no need for that," Rarity says. "I this something we should perhaps bring to Principal Celestia's attention?"

"Yeah, we can...we can do that later, Rarity. Look, give me an hour tops and I'll be right over. I'll bring my stuff for the party, I can change at your place..."

"Really, there's no need—"

"Yes there is." I take a deep breath. "Just...just trust me. You don't wanna be alone today. Ever."

"...Rainbow Dash? Are...are you alright?"

"Text me your address, I'll be there as soon as I can."


As soon as I hang up, I run to Twilight's room...

...which is empty.

Oh, wait...didn't she move upstairs while I was gone?

I run up to the third floor. It takes me a minute to figure out which room Twilight's in. Once I find her, I wake her up. "Twilight, change of plan," I say. "I'm headed over to Rarity's house right now, just as soon as I get cleaned up and get my dress for the party together."

Twilight blinks at me for a minute. "Huh?"

"She got the horoscope and she sounds freaked out and I'm afraid she might do something that...that'll make this worse."

Twilight nods. "Alright. But take Pinkie with you." She frowns. "We'd better tell Flash about the change in plans..."

Flash's room...