Friday, January 15, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Try not to push yourself too hard. There's only so much stress the human body can endure.

Early Morning

New Message From: Sonata Dusk

Thanks for last night. I've just been having a rough time lately...

I text her back, then head down to breakfast.

When I go out to walk Spike with Twilight, she asks, "Are we going to Zodiac on Sunday?"

"That depends," I say. "Tomorrow's gonna be a real busy day. Tennis, Trixie's concert...I don't know how tired I'll be on Sunday." I frown. "We do need to go if we can, though."


After School

Tennis practice runs late again today...

"Alright, listen up!" Coach says. "Go home, rest up, because you need to be at the train station at six in the morning. We've got a long train trip to Baltimare ahead of us!"

We all groan good-naturedly. I shower as quickly as I can, change, and head back to the dorm.


I walk into an impromptu "Good Luck" party. Everyone wishes me good luck tomorrow. I have to turn in early because I'm going to need to be up at around four in the morning, so I eat dinner quickly, spend about half an hour chatting with everyone, then head to bed.