Saturday, January 2, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Libra): Your lover knows you better than you know yourself.


As soon as we're pulled into Zodiac, Rarity screams. Her head whips around frantically as she sees the text messages crawling around the restroom.

Is she kidding with this stuck-up pretentious party?

This is so stupid

Why are we even here? We're not even friends with her

Because it's good gossip, every1 @ school is gonna love laughing at this BS party

"Wha...what's going on here?"

I sigh. "Rarity...this is Zodiac. Rainbow and Pinkie told you about this, didn't they?"

Rarity stares at me, eyes wide. "You mean...all that was true?" Her pupils shrink to pinpricks. "Then...then..."

//Twilight, are you two alright?//

"We're fine, Cadance. We're still in the bathroom. How's it looking out there?"

//Shadows are filling up the hall. I haven't sensed Capricorn yet, but...Twilight...Eris is here. I can sense her.//

"I was afraid of that..."

//The two of you need to hurry up and join the rest of us. Flash is worried Eris might try to isolate you. If she does...//

"Right, understood. We're on our way."

Dammit...I don't have a sword...

"Twilight? That...that was Nurse Cadance? But...but how?"

"I'll explain later. Right now we need to get out of here before the psycho that tried to kill my boyfriend shows up and kills us. Oh, and there's going to be a really big, really strong monster that's going to try to kill you. So...don't wander off."

"Kill me? But...but why?"

"We're not sure why exactly, but we have some ideas. Suffice to say, everyone living at Applewood Dorm is a target. They can only attack you on your birthday, though."

Rarity frowns. "Well that's the one gift I can guarantee I'll be returning..."

"Look, let's...let's just get going, okay? We need to regroup with the others."

Rarity sighs. "A-alright...lead the way..."
