Saturday, May 7, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Torpedo sized cocks - the ancient miracle secret, here's how

Early Morning

Today we're headed to Crystal Prep to cheer on the girls' tennis team at Regionals.


Crystal Prep...

The competition is fierce, the matches intense. With confident, calm Coco Pommel leading our team, Canterlot sweeps the competition and wins!


At the dorm, we have a big pizza party to celebrate.

"So, Pinkie, do you think you girls will make Nationals?" Twilight asks.

Pinkie sighs. "I dunno," she says. "I mean, we're good and all, but our average strengths aren't really that much better than the boys. It really all comes down to Coco. She's kind of our secret weapon, but...on that level? I don't know if she can carry the team."

"She's not carrying the team, Pinkie," I say. "You're all good."


Tomorrow is Mother's Day, and everybody has plans, so we all turn in early.