Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Ask yourself if what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

After School

Tennis practice...

Coach Chrysalis lines everybody up in two lines, and paces up and down the lines like a drill sergeant.

"Girls? We have ten days until Nationals." She looks at the girls, who are all nervous and excited. Mostly nervous. "We're going to show all those other schools that Canterlot High has the best tennis team around. Right?"

"RIGHT!" the girls reply.

"So we're going to step up our training," Chrysalis says. "Starting tomorrow, I want to see you girls here on the court after school every day until we leave for Nationals. I've asked for special permission from Principal Celestia to dismiss you girls from your last period class every day next week for tennis training, provided your grades are in good shape and you complete review questions for your teachers each day over Canterbook. I'd also like to see you all Saturday morning for practice. I'll keep it short because I know Saturday night is the Spring Fling and you all need time to get ready." Everybody laughs. "Sunday's your only day off from practice until Nationals, girls. I want you to give me everything you've got!"

She then turns to the boys' row.

"Boys," she says, "We have two regular practices left on the calendar for this school year, today and Friday." She closes her eyes for a second, then opens them. "I hate to say it, but right now, I really need to focus all my attention on getting the girls ready for Nationals, and the best way to do that is for the girls to partner off against each other exclusively. For those of you who are graduating, it's been nice getting to know you and I hope to see you at the end-of-year party in three weeks. For the rest of you, I'll be setting up a summer schedule to keep you in shape for next year.

"But right now, tennis practice is over for the boys." Chrysalis smiles. "Go study or something, you've got final exams coming up."

Well...that was unexpected.

We all wish the girls good luck, then clear the court. I guess I won't get to try out my new racket for a while...

With my afternoon clear, I decide to go shopping for Apple Bloom's birthday present, then head back to the dorm.

Upon returning to the dorm, I'm on my way up to my room when I hear a shrill stream of profanities coming from the second floor. It's Fluttershy...

I pause at the landing, leaning into the hall to listen.

Rarity's bedroom door suddenly crashes open, and Fluttershy storms out wearing nothing but panties. She freezes as she catches sight of me.

Rarity walks out behind her. "Fluttershy, darling, PLEASE! I'm only trying to—oh, hello Flash! Shouldn't you still be at practice?"

Fluttershy flings her arms across her chest and quickly retreats into her room, slamming the door.

"Oh my," Rarity says, raising an eyebrow.

"What...was that all about?" I ask.

"Oh, well...we were having a bit of a..." Rarity coughs delicately. "Artistic difference over Fluttershy's dress for the Spring Fling."

"Artistic difference?" I ask. "Rarity, she was screaming her head off!"

"Yes, well..." Rarity clears her throat. "I...didn't take into consideration that she might be dealing with some, err...cramps..."

Fluttershy's door opens, and she walks back out, wearing faded jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. She glares at me. "I hope you got a good look," she says acidly.

I facepalm. "Fluttershy, it was an accident."

After a few seconds, Fluttershy sighs. "You're right. I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't be mad at you." She tosses her hair. "You did get a pretty good look, though."

"Oh please," Rarity says, rolling her eyes. "Flash has seen all of us naked at some point or other. Even I'm not bothered by it anymore."

"Yeah, but you fucked him," Fluttershy points out. "I didn't and I'm not planning to."

Rarity smirks. "You know, Fluttershy, you could do with a good fucking."

"Rarity," I say in a warning tone. She's getting catty...with a PMSing Fluttershy...

"Isn't it your turn to make dinner tonight, Rarity?" Fluttershy asks, tossing her hair.

"Oh yes, you're right," Rarity says. "We're having golden chicken breasts."

Fluttershy raises an eyebrow. "Are we having white wine with that?"

"OKAY!" I shout. "Break it up before one of you says something you'll really regret. You're friends. Don't do this."

Both of them turn to me with sharp, hostile looks.

Oh crap.

Rarity sighs. "You're right, of course. Do forgive me, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy grimaces. "I...I'm sorry, Rarity. I think...I think I'll just take some Cramidol and lie down for a nap until dinner."

"Let me put away my stuff and I'll help you make dinner," I say to Rarity.

"I appreciate it," she says. Fluttershy retreats into her room, and I head upstairs. Once I've put away my stuff, changed clothes, and washed my hands, I head down to the kitchen.

"So, why are you home so early?" Rarity asks as she takes things out of the refrigerator.

"Coach Chrysalis decided the boys don't need to practice anymore this year," I say as I start getting out pots and pans. "We're just in the way of the girls' Nationals training."

"Ouch," Rarity says.

I shrug. "I can see her point. Honestly? We've pretty much been screwing around since we don't have any matches coming up and three of the guys are graduating. The girls have a real chance at winning Nationals, and we'd just be in the way."

"I'm afraid I don't quite see it that way, but it's your coach's decision," Rarity says.

We continue to make idle conversation as we make dinner for the dorm...


After dinner, I help Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle study. All of us are feeling the stress of upcoming final exams...

"So, what is it we're doing for your birthday party on Sunday?" I ask Apple Bloom.

She smiles mysteriously. "You'll see."

"Ugh, I hate when she does this," Sweetie Belle complains. "Honestly, Apple Bloom, you're picking up some bad habits from Sil."

"An' she's pickin' up some good habits from me," Apple Bloom says.

"I'm glad to see you looking so cheerful," I say.

Apple Bloom sighs. "Yeah, well...Papa wouldn't want me mopin' around. Especially not with mah birthday comin' up an' all."

The others wander in with their own homework and review material, and it turns into a group study session that lasts well into the night.