Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.


During the break between second and third periods, Twilight and I both sign up for Prince and Princess of the Spring Fling. We have to record a brief video for Canterbook this evening.

Rarity signs up for Princess as well. Surprisingly, so does Trixie. More surprisingly, Sunset Shimmer doesn't appear interested in signing up...

After School

Tennis practice...

The girls are hard at work preparing for Saturday's qualifiers. Chrysalis pairs the boys off against the girls in rotating two-point singles matches. One of Coco's backhands nearly tears my racket out of my hand...


Twilight and I make our PV for the Spring Fling while Rarity and Fluttershy are making dinner.

At dinner, Apple Bloom asks, "Hey Applejack? Can we do mah birthday here in Canterlot? Ah know jes' where Ah wanna go."

Applejack smiles. "Of course we can, sugarcube. Ah'll let Granny an' Big Mac know."

"Oh, that's right!" Sweetie Belle pipes up. "Your birthday's on the 22nd, right?"


Fluttershy stiffens. "Oh my...that'd make you a Gemini, wouldn't it?"

Twilight's eyes widen. Around the table, everyone else is tensing up. Applejack picks up on the tension, and her eyes cloud.

"Yeah, that's right," Apple Bloom says. "Funny thing, huh? Me an' mah big sis havin' birthdays so close together."

"Yes, that's...interesting," Twilight says. "So, is there anything special you want?" she asks with false cheer.


Apple Bloom rattles off a list of things she might like for her birthday. Applejack looks distracted and worried.

After dinner, Twilight and I pull Applejack aside.

"If that bitch sics one'a them Shadows on mah li'l sis, Ah'm tearin' her head off," Applejack says firmly.

"I understand how you feel," Twilight says. "Believe me, I do. But don't worry. The Hunter Shadows aren't the threat. Sunset Shimmer is. If...if a Hunter does show up, then...we'll protect her. All of us. Together."

"Damn right we will," I agree. I try to smile reassuringly.

After that, I head upstairs to do homework. Twilight comes in, a worried look on her face. "Do you really think she'll—"

"I wouldn't put it past her." I sigh. "We're not really any closer to ending this, are we?"

Twilight stays for a while, sitting with me on the bed and saying nothing.