Friday, May 27, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Nothing trumps a cold beer after a late show.

Early Morning

Everyone's up a little earlier than usual today. At six-thirty, Mr. and Mrs. Cake drop by the dorm with a big "safe trip and good luck" breakfast assortment and words of encouragement for Pinkie. We all enjoy tasty muffins, donuts, eclairs, and a bevvy of beverages.

"It's a shame we can't be there to cheer you on," Rarity says.

"Yeah, but they'll be showin' the whole thing on cable," Rainbow says. "We can watch."

"I just hope they don't go for any pervy low camera angles," Pinkie says. "I'm really picky about who gets to see the Pinkie pie."

Twilight groans and rubs the bridge of her nose. "Pinkie..."

Cadance shakes her head. "Hurry and finish eating and get your stuff together, the bus to the airport leaves from the school in...yikes. Half an hour."

"Eep!" Pinkie crams two whole donuts in her mouth, then gulps down a latte. "Study hard, guys!" She runs upstairs.

The rest of us enjoy the Cakes' generous gift at a more leisurely pace before getting ready for school.

After School

Everyone's tired and stressed out from a long day of reviewing for the upcoming exams. We have a three day weekend ahead...

After school, instead of going to the library, we all decide to head over to Onchi Karaoke and pick up where we left off on Apple Bloom's birthday.

It's after ten when we finally head back to the dorm, exhausted but happy and refreshed.