Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Take the first job that you have in the business that you want to get into. It doesn’t matter what that job is, you get your foot in the door.
Most everyone is a little sleepy and slow-moving this morning. After breakfast, once Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are out of earshot, we discuss going to Zodiac today.
"Can we wait until like, this afternoon?" Rainbow asks. "I'm not really up for it just yet."
"Same here," Pinkie says. "I'm still..." She yawns hugely. "Still pretty worn out from yesterday."
"Personally, I'd prefer to put it off until after school tomorrow," Rarity says. "If that's alright with the rest of you." She coughs. "Besides, I absolutely must go shopping today and begin preparing for the Spring Fling."
"Ooh, I almost forgot," Pinkie says.
Applejack frowns. " long as we git in some trainin' soonish, Ah reckon it don't matter if we do it today or tomorrow."
We all agree to hold off on training until tomorrow...
I need a new tennis racket, so I head into town to do some shopping. While I'm out, I decide to stop by Sterling Silver's shop to pick up something nice for Twilight and Pinkie for the Spring Fling. Silver Spoon is working today.
"Hi!" Silver Spoon says brightly. "How's it going?"
I shrug. "It's going alright. How about you?"
"It's going great," Sil says. "Diamond Tiara hasn't bothered me or my friends in a while. Well...not much, anyway." She giggles. "I think she's scared."
"I wouldn't be surprised."
Sil sighs. "I feel so bad for Apple Bloom, though. She's...she's been..."
"Yeah." I sigh. "You're coming to her birthday party next week, right?"
Silver Spoon fidgets. "Well, actually..."
"You don't want to come to your new friend's birthday party?"
"I want to," Sil says. "It's birthday's on the same day..."
Sil laughs. "Yeah. What are the odds, huh?" She shakes her head and sighs. "I don't know what to do..."
"Hmm..." That's a tough one... "Well...if you both have different birthday parties on the same day...maybe you should just hang out together all day Saturday? You could give each other birthday presents, have kind of a pre-party party just for the two of you."
"That's a great idea!" Sil says happily. "I'll call Apple Bloom right now!" She smiles. " know, you're pretty smart."
I shrug. "I have my moments."
The Rich Kid Social Link of the Aeon Arcana has reached rank 7!
Your power to create Personas of the Aeon Arcana has grown!
I finish picking out my gifts for Twilight and Pinkie while Silver Spoon is on the phone with Apple Bloom, then head back to the dorm.
Everyone's doing their own thing for dinner...
I make myself a sandwich and grab some potato chips and a cola to go with it. After I eat, I call home. I spend almost an hour talking to Mom and Dad about various things, such as tennis, the Spring Fling, and other things. After that, I watch TV for a little while until time for bed.