Sunday, May 22, 2016


My birthday party is starting in a few hours.

Honestly, it's not going to be that much of a party, and I kinda wish I'd gone to Apple Bloom's. After all, she and Sweetie Belle are my friends now.

My only friends...well, other than Flash Sentry, but he's in high school...

My "party" is really just going to be Mom, Dad, two uncles, an aunt, and a few of my cousins who I only see once or twice a year.

I wonder what kind of fun things Apple Bloom is doing with all her friends.

With time to kill before I need to get ready, I decide to go for a swim. After changing into my favorite sporty blue one-piece and putting away my glasses, I grab my phone, step out to the pool in the back yard, and climb in.

Swimming is so relaxing...


What...what's going on?

It was a bright sunny day a second ago, and now the sky is...

The sky is...

The water in the pool is red, feels wrong...

I quickly climb out of the pool and run to the house. "Mom? Dad?"

I grab the door and try to open it.

It's not opening!

"MOM! DAD!" I pound on the door. They're not answering. Why aren't they answering?

I run over to where I left my phone and pick it up. There's a strange app running...

Zodiac? I never downloaded this!

I look up, and I see text messages crawling across the sky. They're all really nasty. A lot of them sound like things Diamond Tiara says about people she hates.

...actually, it sounds exactly like her texts. But they're about me...

What's going on here?

I try to call Dad, but my phone doesn't seem to be working...

What do I do?

And then suddenly, my phone rings. I look down at the screen in confusion...

It's Flash Sentry!

"H-hello? F-Flash?"

"Sil, are you alright?"


"More importantly, are you safe inside? You didn't leave the house or anything, did you?"

"I...I'm in the pool. Or I was. The water got all cold and icky and turned blood..." I'm so scared... "Flash? I can't find my mom and dad, and there's...there's..."

"Text messages floating around in the sky and none of them are saying nice things, I know," he says. "Listen. If you can get inside, you need to—"

"I can't! The doors won't open!"

And then I hear something. I look up.

"Oh my GOD..."

"Sil? Are...are you alright?"

There's...there's some kind of monster coming around the corner of the house. It looks like something out of a nightmare, or a really really scary movie.

I scream.

"RUN!" Flash's voice yells from my phone. "Just...just stay as far away from it as you can! I'm on my way!"

The monster starts coming toward me, and I run as fast as I can.

At Onchi Karaoke...