Saturday, July 2, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): There is nothing more terrifying than a pregnant woman on the warpath.

Early Morning

As soon as we're all awake, we hurry through our last round of morning chores for a while, Granny Smith treats us to one last big country breakfast.

"AJ, Ah really wish you weren't goin' back t' th' city so soon," Granny says. "If'n you'd stick around for th' rest of th' summer—"

Applejack shakes her head and smiles. "This is mah last summer of high school," she says. She looks around at everyone. "Th' last summer Ah'll git t' spend with all mah friends. Y'all can git by without me fer a little while."

Granny smiles. "Well now, that there's true enough. Besides, Ah reckon you need time t' enjoy jes' bein' a kid." She shakes her head. "It's jes' mightly lonesome 'round here with jes' me an' Big Mac."

"Eeyup," Big Mac says. "But we'll git by. 'Sides, ain't like we're cut off from you."

"Ah'll call every day," Applejack promises.

"Me too," Apple Bloom says.

After breakfast, we break down and pack up our camp as quickly as we can. Once we're done, everybody grabs a cold soda for the road. We say our goodbyes to Granny and Big Mac, take one last long look at the farm we've spent the last week and change on, then set off for home.


As soon as we arrive at the dorm, Cadance comes rushing out to greet us. She's wearing sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt that says:

As soon as Twilight sees the shirt, she facepalms. "Seriously?"

Pinkie busts out laughing. Rainbow snickers. "Awesome shirt, Cadance!"

Cadance giggles. "It was a gag gift from a friend," she says. "I thought it was cute."

As soon as he finishes parking and unlocking the back of the van, Shining Armor walks up. He pauses as he comes into Cadance's line of sight. We all step back, looking between them awkwardly. Shining Armor swallows, licking his lips. He walks slowly up to his wife. "Umm...h-hi," he says.

Cadance doesn't say anything for a minute. The air between them is tense. After what feels like an eternity, Cadance takes two steps forward, hauls back her hand, and slaps him so hard it echoes like a gunshot. She then throws her arms around him and sobs uncontrollably into his shoulder.

"Never again," she says. "Never again."

"Never again," he says roughly, stroking her back and nuzzling her hair.

The rest of us aren't quite sure what to do, so we move over to the van and start unloading things. As we're working, Sunset approaches Cadance and Shining Armor, shuffling her feet awkwardly. "Umm..." she starts, coughing nervously.

Cadance turns a glare on her so fierce that I swear the temperature drops thirty degrees. We all stop to watch.

Sunset doesn't quite meet Cadance's eyes. "I...I'll move out of the dorm today," she says. "I—"

"Oh no you don't," Cadance says. "You're staying. I want you where I can keep an eye on you. I want you where I can beat the shit out of you if you need the shit beat out of you. Your ass is mine, bitch. Get used to it."

Sunset winces, sighs, and trudges up to the dorm.

Cadance gives us all a "what the fuck are you staring at?" look. We hurry back to our unloading. It takes us most of the day to finish unloading and unpacking, after which we spend the rest of the day relaxing.


It's good to be back home. My own bed, air conditioning, a bathroom down the hall...

Tomorrow, most of us are going shopping for Shining Armor's birthday, which is Monday.