Monday, July 11, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Be mindful of your desires. They may lead you down a dark path, one which will destroy the very things you hold most dear.


Things are a little tense in the dorm this morning. Last night's apology and spooning haven't really cleared the bad air between me and Twilight, so we're awkward around each other. Twilight decides to spend the day with Cadance over in the apartment, catching up on her reading. Whether that means she's actually catching up on her reading or just wants some space from me and the others, I don't know.

I honestly don't care either. I need some space from her, too. We apologized, but I'm still mad at her for accusing me of whatever she was accusing me of.

Pinkie must sense Twilight and I are still upset with each other, because she's unusually quiet today. She decides to take a shift at Sugar Cube Corner, which she hasn't done in a while. I guess we all need a little space today...

I spend most of the morning texting people from Music Club and the tennis team. Some are replying right away, others aren't. The longest delay in a reply comes when I text Trixie; I texted her at around nine, and got her reply almost two hours later.

New Message From: Trixie Lulamoon

Hey, good to hear from you! I'd love to catch up, but I could also really use your help with something. Are you free today?

I text her back; she asks me to head over to her house. I borrow Coach's car keys and head out.


Trixie's house is two blocks from Sugar Cube Corner. I stop by to pick up some drinks and muffins on the way there. Pinkie seems a little happier; surprisingly, Sunset Shimmer is hanging out by the counter.

"So, what're you up to today?" Sunset asks as I wait for Pinkie to finish off the drinks.

I shrug. "Just meeting up with a friend who needs help with something."

"Which friend?" Pinkie asks.


Sunset snickers. "What, did she make her head disappear and can't find it?"

I frown at her. "Not cool."

"Sorry." Sunset tilts her head at me. "So you're really spending the day alone with a girl again when Twilight's still mad over the whole pool party thing?"

Pinkie smacks her head against the counter. "Why did you go there?" she moans.

"You know..." I sigh. "No. I'm not doing this." I round up the drinks and muffins and leave.

When I arrive at Trixie's house, she answers the door wrapped in a spangled purple satin robe. "Thank you for coming," she says.

As she lets me past and closes the door behind me, I hold up the coffees and muffins I brought. "Got us a little snack."

"Oh, thank you!" Trixie says. "But it'll have to wait for later, I'm afraid." She grimaces. "I'd rather not strain the seams of my performing costume by eating anything sugary just now. I also don't want to mess up my makeup."

"Performing costume?" I ask.

Trixie sheds her robe. She's wearing a deep purple vinyl corset teddy with matching high heels, a white dress collar and cuffs with a purple bowtie, and a puffy cotton bunny tail. She picks up a headband with a pair of floppy satin rabbit ears and puts it on her head. The corset is pushing her breasts up and forward, emphasizing her cleavage and visibly cutting into the tops of her breasts; it's very high on the hip, highlighting her shapely figure.

I raise an eyebrow. " you're working at a hostess club now or something?"

Trixie slaps me upside the head. "No," she says with a smirk. "I'm actually working on a new trick. That's what I need your help for."

"Okay, what kind of trick do you need to dress like this for?" I pause, frowning. "Wait, actually...haven't I seen you in this getup before?"

"Not this exact one, no," Trixie says. "I did wear the stage magician version of this when I performed at your friend Pinkie's birthday party back in October. This one is brand new." She blushes. "I, umm...I had to get a new one because my bust has grown slightly larger since October. The old one...squeezes."

"Honestly, it looks like the new one squeezes a little too."

Trixie shrugs. "It's supposed to be tight," she says. "Which is why I'd prefer not to wear it any longer than I have to. I'm actually glad you stopped on the way here, because I only just finished getting ready. It was...a bit harder to get into this than I remember."

"I can imagine," I say, looking her up and down.

She raises an eyebrow. "Must you eyeball Trixie's body?" she asks. "Trixie knows she is sexy, but don't you have a girlfriend?"


Trixie laughs. "I'm only teasing." She blushes again. " do I look?"


"Thank you."

I cough. "So, uhh...why the bunny girl outfit, and what's it got to do with why you called me over?"

"Right," Trixie says. "Follow me to the studio." She turns and walks away, her heels clicking sharply on the wooden floor. I follow, trying hard not to stare at her swaying ass. Staring at her half-bare back isn't much of an improvement.

I really need some less sexy friends...

I follow Trixie downstairs to the basement, where we enter a spacious, well-lit practice room with wood-paneled walls. Various musical instruments are pushed up against one wall, while another wall is cluttered with magic props. In the center of the room, there's a greenscreen stage with a 3D video camera positioned nearby. Trixie walks over to a small table in the corner and picks up a hand mirror and a tube of lipstick. She touches up her lipstick, then uses a brush to dab some sparkly powder on her chest and shoulders.

"Okay, what exactly are we doing down here?" I ask.

Trixie puts her mirror down and walks over to the greenscreen, checking something over her head. Whatever she's looking for, she finds it and motions me over. "Help me attach the wires," she says.

"What wires?" I ask. I walk over, and Trixie presses something into my hand. I realize it's a wire which has been painted the same shade of green as the backdrop.

"We have to be very careful attaching these," Trixie says. "They need to be secure enough to lift me, but not damage the outfit or risk any injury." She sighs. "Honestly, I'm beginning to doubt whether or not this trick is even worth all this."

"What kind of trick is it?" I ask curiously.

Trixie attaches a wire to herself, then shows me how to attach the one on the other side. "You know the old rabbit-out-of-a-hat trick?" I nod. "Well, I decided I wanted to try a more hi-tech, modern version." Sheepishly, she adds, "With...a little more sex appeal. Nobody cares about that old trick anymore, but if a sexy girl magician is pulling a sexy bunny girl out of a hat..."

I raise an eyebrow. "Go on..."

Trixie snickers. "Well, it seems I was right about this trick hitting the right note with the audience," she says, flicking my nose playfully. "Anyway, I'm going to record a hologram of myself being 'pulled out of the hat'," she says, making air quotes, "and then—"

"You'll have one of those AR pads inside the hat projecting the hologram when you're on stage," I say. "So if you time it all right—"

"It'll look like I'm pulling myself out of the hat," Trixie says, eyes shining with excitement. "Well? What do you think?"

"I like it. Points for creativity if nothing else." I glance up at the pullies with the 'invisible' wires. "So what's with—?"

"Well, if I'm being pulled out of the hat, I can't visibly be standing on anything," Trixie says. "That's why I need help with this. You're going to operate the pulley and lift me up off the ground while we're filming."


"Don't worry, it's easy, and I don't need to be lifted very far, just...maybe a foot and a half?" She smirks. "Trixie is not that heavy."

"It's not that, I'm just worried about you getting hurt if I mess up."

Trixie waves a hand dismissively. "If something goes wrong, I fall on the pads..." She taps her foot on the padded surface under her for emphasis. "...and we try again." She points off to the right, then at the camera. "As soon as I give the word, all you have to do is go over there, raise me up about a foot and a half, then start filming."

It takes a few tries to get the pulley working right; Trixie takes two rather embarrassing pratfalls and has to readjust her costume and makeup each time. Finally, we get her off the ground and hanging in the air. I hurry over to the camera, check the angle, and start filming, giving Trixie the signal. She squirms around, pretending to struggle against the grip of an invisible hand.

Watching her wriggle and shimmy in midair, wearing that tight, low-cut bunny girl costume, is giving me one hell of a boner.

Finally, Trixie calls a halt; I stop recording, then let her down. She removes all the wires. "Thanks for your help," she says. "I really appreciate it." She stretches, which thrusts her chest forward alluringly. "So, umm...let me go get out of this uncomfortable costume, then we can have the little snack you brought, and maybe you can help me work on this new song? I need help getting it just right."

I look Trixie over from head to toe, and I can't deny what I'm thinking.

I want her.

I want her so fucking much.

"Sure," I say. "But before that, I want to show you a little trick."

"Oh?" Trixie asks.

"What's that behind your ear?" I ask, reaching out toward Trixie's left ear.

She rolls her eyes. "Really? You're trying to impress a real magician with that old—"

Instead of the quarter she was expecting, I produce a wrapped condom.

Trixie blinks.

"And now, watch me make it disappear," I say before tucking it into her cleavage.

Trixie's face lights up crimson. "Flash? Wh-what..."

I lean forward and brush my lips against her ear. "Let me help you out of that costume," I whisper.

Trixie stares at me, eyes wide. "Umm...don't you...have a girlfriend?"

"I don't care about that right now," I say. "All I care about is how incredibly fucking hot you are."

"Oh," Trixie says quietly, ducking her head. She squirms a little in place. "W-well..." She looks up at me for a moment before ducking her head. "It's not that I haven't...maybe...thought about it, once or twice," she says. Then, with some of her usual arrogance and cockiness, she adds, "And, well, Trixie can certainly see how you would be tempted by her sultry charms."

I slip an arm around her waist and start steering her toward the stairs, making a point of squeezing her ass. She jumps and yelps, but makes no move to disengage my hand from her ass. "What has gotten into you today?" she asks as we walk upstairs.

"You mean other than an irresistible urge to give a bunny a carrot?"

Trixie groans. "Ugh! Bad, Flash. Bad."

I chuckle. Trixie opens the door, then leads the way up to the second floor of the house. "No, seriously," she says. "What's up? I mean, you've never really...I've never seen you like this."

I give her ass a squeeze. "Nothing's up," I say. "I'm just really turned on right now, and I want you like you can't believe."

Trixie turns around and looks at me, her eyes wide, curious, and slightly cautious. "I can...I can understand that," she says, "since I'm wearing this fanservice getup and I know for a fact I have a terrific body. It's seem..." She pauses. "Worked up."

I pull her close to me. The scent of her shampoo tickles my nose; it's like blueberries and bubble gum. "Is it so wrong to want to have a quick summer fling with a friend who's smoking hot?" I ask. "I need you, Trixie. I need you right now."

Trixie squirms a little. "Are you...are you having a fight with Twilight?"

I lean in and steal a quick kiss, cupping her chin in my hand. "Forget Twilight," I say. "Just...for right now..." I slide my hands down her sides, seizing her bare, sexy hips. "The only thing I care about right now is making you scream."

Trixie's face burns a bright purple-red. "Oh," she says softly. She reaches behind her and flails around for a bit, finding the knob to the door just behind her and flinging it open. She reaches down and takes hold of my hands, then backs through the door, never taking her eyes off my face as she leads me into a room decorated in tasteful silver and blue. "S-so, umm..."

I close the door behind me, then slide a finger into Trixie's cleavage, stroking the flesh of her breasts. She gasps, shifting in place. "Now, let's find that little present I left here..."

Trixie raises her right hand with a flourish, displaying the condom. "Ta-da," she says self-consciously.

I blink. "When did you—"

She rolls her eyes. "Please. I keep my wallet down there at school. Nobody's seen me pull it out yet."


"No," she says, sticking out her tongue. I laugh, then slide as much of my hand into her cleavage as I can. It's a tight fit, and she grimaces a bit, but I manage to shoehorn my hand in enough to slip under her left breast, which I work free from the corset. I gently knead her nipple, which looks like a juicy little blueberry. "Now I'm glad I didn't waste a set of pasties today," Trixie says. "At least, I think I am."

Trixie's breasts are a nice, luscious C cup, and amazingly soft. I free her other breast from the corset and spend a few minutes just fondling them before helping Trixie work the constricting garment off of her body entirely. When I brush a hand over her bare, clean-shaven sex, she gasps sharply.

I take a step back and study Trixie's nude body. She puts her hands behind her back, ducking her head self-consciously. "W-well?" she asks.

"So fucking hot," I whisper.

"Th-thank you," she says. She starts to unbutton her cuffs, but I stop her.

"Leave the rest," I say. "Even the shoes."

"Alright," she says, nodding. "What, do you have a bunny fetish or something?"

"No, I just think this is really hot."

"Oh. Okay."

I strip off my clothes, then sit down on her bed. She looks me up and down, her gaze lingering on my stiff manhood. I hold out my hand, gesturing for the condom; she hands it to me, and I unwrap it and roll it onto my cock.

"So, do we—" Trixie begins. I respond by placing my hands on her waist and pulling her towards me. I guide her onto my lap; she catches on quickly, and straddles me as I grasp her ass firmly and guide her into place.

"Ah...!" Trixie cries out as I thrust into her. Without waiting, I pound into her over and over again, pulling her down onto me. She grinds and bucks against me, biting the knuckles of her right hand as her breasts bounce and sway. "Oh god..."

I come far too quickly. As I finish my last gasp of a thrust, Trixie settles against me. She pouts. "That's it?"

I shake my head. "I'm not done with you yet," I say. "Sometimes I just...finish too fast. It depends on—"

"How angry you are?" Trixie asks with a grimace. "Because it, umm...kinda felt like you were angry."

I sigh as I toss my spent condom into her wastepaper basket. "Sorry about that. I guess I kinda am. Not at you, I mean, I—"

Trixie runs a hand over my chest. "You are fighting with Twilight, aren't you?"

I grunt and lift her off me, then bend her over the bed, shoving a finger into her pussy while I seize her breast and knead it. She cries out. I rub my thumb over her clit, then curl my finger into a hook, pulling against the inner walls of her sex. She cries out and squirms. I push her all the way up onto the bed so that she's kneeling on the bedspread and raise her ass into the air. I grab two handfuls of round, ripe blue ass and squeeze, then pull at the tender rim of her asshole with my thumbs. She lets out a squeak of surprise and wriggles. "You're're not going to...there?"

"I want to, but no," I say. I frown. "Where do you keep your vibrator?"

Trixie cranes her head around to peer at me. "How dare you insinuate Trixie indulges in such—"

I tweak her clit. "Where?"

She squeals, then pants out, "Middle drawer of my bedside table."

I open Trixie's bedside table and find a small pink vibrator with a corded remote. "Perfect." There's also a bottle of raspberry-scented lube; I grab that and the vibrator. Trixie hasn't moved, but is watching me curiously.

"What are you going to do?" she asks with trepidation.

In response, I squeeze some of the lube into my hand and smear it around her anus, then slip a lube-covered finger into her ass. "Yiiii!" Trixie squeals, squirming. "That's cold!" She gasps as I penetrate her ass almost to the second knuckle of my finger. "Why are you—"

I rub the vibrator around the rim of her asshole, turning it on to its lowest setting. "Ah—!" Trixie cries, going rigid.

"Have you ever had this in your ass?" I ask.

"N-no," Trixie says.

I press the tip end of the little round vibrator against her pucker, running it in little circles. Trixie gasps and squeaks, wriggling and squirming.


I continue to tease Trixie's ass with the vibrator, keeping the speed low. With my other hand, I alternate between fingering her slit and grabbing her breast. She bucks against me as I finger and tease her, letting out strangled little moans. I feel myself rise back to full mast. I need to be inside her again...

I push her forward a little bit, then turn up the vibrator's speed a little. Trixie cries out, then screams as I push the throbbing little pink toy into her ass. Her tight, sweet asshole sucks the wriggling vibrator almost all the way in; very little of it is sticking out except for the cord. "Gaaaaah!" Trixie yells. "What did yo—aaah!"

I grab her hips firmly and pound my dick into her swollen, slick pussy. Trixie cries out, her hair curtaining her face as she claws at the bedspread with her fingernails. Over and over again, I pound into her, spurred into a frenzy by the vibrations rippling through her body from the toy in her ass. When I feel like I'm about to come, I pull back, stopping my urgent pounding, and adjust the speed on her vibrator. I listen to her ragged breathing for almost a full minute before I thrust back into her, urgently and insistently fucking her tight, wet pussy.

"Ah...! Not so hard! Flash!" Trixie whimpers. I pull out and roll her over onto her back, then mount her, driving into her again and again as I stare into her wide, frantic eyes. She arches her back and cries out. The pressure is overwhelming...

I pull out just before I come, spraying Trixie's thighs, stomach, and chest. I fall back, looking down at her as I kneel over her panting, shuddering body.

Trixie looks up at me, her eyes smoky. "That...was incredible," she breathes. She rolls onto her side and slowly pulls the vibrator out, wincing as it pops noisily out of her ass. She frowns at it, then drops it over the side of the bed, not even bothering to turn it off. She looks back up at me, her face flushed and sweaty. "I didn't expect you to just...that," she says. She swallows. "You scared the hell out of me, Flash. That...most of what you did after you put that thing in my hurt."

"I'm sorry, Trixie. I didn't—"

She holds up a hand to stop me. "It hurt, but...I liked it. It was so raw," She shakes her head. "I don't know." She looks at me, her gaze searching. "Every time I mentioned Twilight, you got angry. You got forceful. Be honest with me, Flash. What's going on?"

I sigh, bowing my head. "The other day, I went to a pool party at Octavia's house. Twilight got mad that I didn't tell her I was hanging out with a bunch of girls. I got mad at her for getting mad at me when I didn't do anything wrong." I shrug. "We had this big fight, I...I said something I knew would hurt her, and I wanted to hurt her, I think. And...and I've just guilty, but so angry..." I shake my head. "We made up, sort of, but..."

"But you're still mad at her for not trusting you," Trixie says, moving into a half-sitting position. "So that's why you wanted to have sex with me. To get back at her for not trusting you."

I stare at her. Guilt gnaws away at my insides.

I have no idea what to say...

Trixie frowns at the copious amount of cum covering her body. "I think we can work on that song together some other time," she says. "I...thank you for your help with my trick, and...and I did enjoy what we did here, but right now, I think you need to shower and leave, alright?" She smiles sadly at me. "I'll call you tomorrow to see how you're feeling."

I nod, swallowing heavily. "A-alright." I push myself off the bed. "I, umm...I'm sorry."

Trixie smiles more broadly. "Don't be," she says. "That was far more memorable than my first time." She giggles. "What, did you think the Great and Powerful Trixie was a virgin?"

"No, I—" I shake my head. "I'm sorry I...I'm sorry I used you like that."

Trixie shrugs. "I'll get over it. If you really want to make it up to me, fix your problems with Twilight before...before you hurt somebody on purpose."

I nod shakily and gather up my clothes, then search for the bathroom.

By the time I leave Trixie's house, it's late in the afternoon. Dark, ugly thunderclouds have gathered overhead, and soft rumbles of thunder roll over Canterlot. As I head for the car, I see a motorcycle speeding away.

A familiar motorcycle...

I just barely make it into the car before it starts to rain.


When I return to the dorm, I find Luna and Rainbow in the lounge, playing some fighting game. Luna's in her usual gamer attire. As soon as they hear me come in, Luna leans way back, her hair fanning behind her, and smirks at me. "You can look, but you can't touch," she says in a teasing tone.

"Can I touch?" Rainbow asks.

"You might be about to be my niece," Luna points out.

I shake my head. "Get a room," I mutter as I head upstairs. Their cackling follows me.

I flop face-forward onto my bed, listening to the rain patter against the window.

I hear my door open; I must have forgotten to lock it. I look up.

Sunset's standing there, arms folded, a frown on her face.

"What you did today? Not cool," she says quietly.

She walks out, closing the door behind her.

Outside, blinding white lightning flashes in a long, eye-searing strobe. The entire dorm shakes with the concussive force of heavy thunder.