Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Libra): To err is human. To forgive is divine.


New Message From: Flash Sentry

Hey, Twi? Look, I'm sorry. I really am. I just wanna talk, see if we can work past this, you know? I'm miserable without you. I'm miserable without all my friends. I want to make things right, come back to the dorm, get things back the way they were. I know it's a lot to ask, but...

I love you and I'm sorry.

The low battery warning on my phone pops up for the third time since I've been staring at Flash's message. My eyes are dry; they itch and burn.

The screen dims. My phone turns itself off. I let it fall from my numb fingers.

There's a knock on my door. After a moment, it opens. Cadance walks in. She stands in front of me, studying me with a worried frown. She shakes her head, takes my phone, grabs my charger off the desk, and plugs it in. "How long ago did it die?" she asks.

Dimly, I recall that Cadance has been looking in on me off and on since yesterday...

"Just now," I say roughly.

Cadance sighs, sits down, and starts working on my face with tissues and bottled water from my refrigerator. It's cold...

The cold braces me and snaps me out of it a little bit. "Cadance, I—"

Cadance shushes me. After a moment, she sits back, studying me. "Well, you're not winning any beauty pageants for a while," she says. She purses her lips. "Look, Twilight...I've been talking to the others. I..." She grimaces. "I heard about what happened, what really happened."

"You mean that Flash slept with Trixie to hurt me? Because we all heard that."

Cadance frowns. "I mean that you jumped down his throat for going to that party without telling you," she says. "Twilight...that's not healthy." Her brow furrows. "Of course, neither is that whole 'permissive sex' thing you had going on, that...pretty much caused all this."

I can't help it. I laugh in her face. "You. Lecturing me about what's healthy in a relationship."

Cadance winces. "I deserved that," she says. "But yes, I am. Because I've made those mistakes. Hell, Shining Armor has made those mistakes. And now Flash has made those mistakes. And yes, it's bad. It hurts. It was wrong. But..." She puts a hand on my shoulder and looks straight into my eyes. "It was also wrong for you to be so mad at him for going to a friend's house. And yes, I understand. I get it. But Twilight...Flash loves you. And I spoke to Rarity at length. Nothing happened at that party." She frowns. "Well, I mean, she said he did ogle Octavia a bit, but he's a teenage boy and she was in a swimsuit, that's a given. Especially for Flash, we all know he's..." She coughs.

This isn't really helping...

"Anyway," Cadance presses on, "the point is, you accused him of doing something he didn't do. You kinda started this whole thing. I'm not saying Flash didn't do anything wrong, he definitely did, but..." She takes my hands. "So did you. And I think, deep down, you know that it's time to stop this and sit down with him, talk it out...fix this. Fix you and him. Fix this dorm."

I sigh. "I..." I shake my head. "Can I trust him? Can I really trust him, ever again?"

"Do you trust me?" Cadance asks pointedly. "Because if you can't forgive Flash for this, then I'll know you've never really forgiven me for anything."

She stands up and leaves.

That was dirty. That wasn't fair.

I look over at my phone. I think about turning on my laptop and sending Flash a message over Canterbook. I frown.

Maybe...maybe later...
