Saturday, July 16, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


After breakfast, I text Pinkie, asking her if we can meet up and talk. It's a while before she replies, but she eventually agrees to drop by around lunchtime.

At a quarter of noon, Pinkie knocks on the door. When I answer, she gives me an overly-bright smile. "Hey there, Piddles McDonkeynuts!"

"Uhh...hi," I say. "Come in."

"Okie-dokie, chicken-chokie!" Pinkie strolls in, flopping down in one of the chairs. "Nice suite ya got here. So, gonna order us room service?"

"Sure." After I place a lunch order, I sit down across from Pinkie. "So, uhh..."

Pinkie blinks brightly at me. "Hmm? Something on your mind, Dick McIneverypussy?"

I stare flatly at her. "Okay, seriously, cut that out."

Pinkie stares equally flatly at me. "After what you did to Twilight, you shouldn't be talking about cutting things," she says.

The mood grows tense.

"She hasn't stopped crying since you left, you know," Pinkie says softly. "She doesn't eat, barely sleeps."

An icy pit forms in the bottom of my stomach. "I..."

"We're all trying the best we can," Pinkie continues. "You hurt her, Flash. You hurt her bad."

"I know."

"And you did it on purpose, didn't you?"

I sigh. "Yeah."

Pinkie shakes her head. "Why?"

I bury my head in my hands. "I don't know," I admit. "I don't know why I got so mad at her. I don't know why I did..." I shake my head. "How did I let things get this fucked up?"

"Do you still love her?" Pinkie asks.

I look up at her. "Of course I do," I say. "Do you think I'd have been tearing myself up all week if—"

"Well, it's hard to tell," Pinkie interrupts. "I mean, you went and hurt her on purpose, so—"

"Yeah, well SHE HURT ME TOO, you know?" I shout, standing up. "What the fuck was that crap with her yelling at me and not trusting me? When I wasn't..."

Pinkie looks away. "Yeah," she says softly. "You both kinda messed up. I mean, the way I see it, what you did was way worse, but Twilight..." She frowns. "I'm gonna hafta have a talk with her. I mean, I don't want this to just be, y'know, the end. You know? I want you two back together. I want you to be happy. I want us all to be happy." She laughs softly, mirthlessly. "We've been through too much together, you know? All of us. Not just you and her, not just the three of us. All of us. But..." She looks at me solemnly. "Remember what I said about how I hoped you, me, and Twilight could all have a future together?"

I nod.

"Well...I still want that," Pinkie says. "I still want us to be happy together forever. I wanna see you and her get married and have a family. I wanna be there to be the crazy aunt. I wanna be there when your kids ask awkward questions about why Auntie Pinkie keeps going into your bedroom and what those noises are." She gives me a half-smile. "So you'd better fix this, okay Jerky McFucksanythingthatmoves?"

I sigh. "I want to," I say. "I really want to." I slump forward against the table. "How long do you think...?"

"Oh, I wouldn't go anywhere near her right now," Pinkie says. "Give her some time to cool down." She grimaces. "Hell, she won't even talk to Cadance right now. Dashie tried to force her to come to dinner yesterday and ended up with a black eye."

I wince. "Ouch."

"Anyway, I need to be out of the dorm today but I don't wanna go in to work, so I'm just gonna hang here or, y'know, help you and your parents with whatever." She smiles sadly at me. "Besides, I miss you. Even though I'm still kinda ticked off at you."

Link repaired! Star rank MAX

The Pinkie Pie Social Link of the Star Arcana has been repaired.

Room service arrives; we enjoy lunch in companionable silence, then spend the rest of the day just hanging out quietly. Mom and Dad are resting up from their busy week...

"Oh yeah, we've got tennis practice tomorrow, don't we?" Pinkie says suddenly in the middle of a movie on TV.

I grimace. "Crap, I forgot all about that..."

Pinkie pats my arm. "Your tennis stuff's still at the dorm?" At my nod, she smiles. "I'll bring it with me to the court tomorrow."

It's almost dark when Pinkie goes back to the dorm...